< 2 Chronicles 24 >

1 Joash was seven when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem for forty years. His mother's name was Zibiah of Beersheba.
Беше Јоасу седам година кад се зацари, и царова четрдесет година у Јерусалиму. Матери му беше име Сивија из Вирсавеје.
2 Joash did what was right in the Lord's sight during the lifetime of Jehoiada the priest.
И чињаше Јоас што је право пред Господом докле год беше жив Јодај свештеник.
3 Jehoiada arranged for him to marry two wives, and he had sons and daughters.
И Јодај га ожени двема женама, те роди синове и кћери.
4 Some time later, Joash decided to repair the Lord's Temple.
Потом Јоас науми да оправи дом Господњи.
5 He summoned the priests and Levites and told them, “Go to the towns of Judah and collect the yearly dues from everyone in Israel to repair the Temple of your God. Do it right away.” But the Levites did not go right away.
И сазва свештенике и Левите, па им рече: Пођите по градовима Јудиним и купите од свега Израиља новац да се оправља дом Бога вашег од године до године, и ви похитајте с тим. Али не хитеше Левити.
6 So the king called for Jehoiada the high priest and asked him, “Why haven't you ordered the Levites to collect from Judah and Jerusalem the tax that Moses, the Lord's servant, and the assembly of Israel imposed to maintain the Tent of the Law?”
Зато цар дозва Јодаја поглавара и рече му: Зашто не настојиш да Левити доносе из Јудеје и Јерусалима прилоге које је наредио Мојсије слуга Господњи збору Израиљевом на шатор од састанка?
7 (The supporters of that wicked woman Athaliah had broken into God's Temple and had stolen the holy objects of the Lord's Temple and used them to worship the Baals.)
Јер безбожна Готолија и синови њени опленише дом Господњи и све ствари посвећене дому Господњем обратише на Вале.
8 The king ordered a collection chest to be made and placed outside the entrance to the Lord's Temple.
И тако заповеди цар те начинише ковчег, и метнуше га на врата дома Господњег споља.
9 A decree was proclaimed throughout Judea and Jerusalem to bring to the Lord the tax that Moses, the Lord's servant, imposed on Israel in the wilderness.
И огласише по Јудеји и по Јерусалиму да доносе Господу прилог који је наредио Мојсије, слуга Божји, Израиљу у пустињи.
10 All the leaders and all the people were glad to do so and brought their taxes. They dropped them in the chest until it was full.
И обрадоваше се кнезови и сав народ, и доносећи метаху у ковчег докле се не сврши.
11 Every so often the Levites took the chest to the king's officials. When they saw that it contained a large amount of money, the king's secretary and the chief officer of the high priest would come and empty the chest. Then they would carry it back to its place. They did this every day and collected a great deal of money.
И кад доношаху Левити ковчег, по заповести царевој, видевши да има много новца, долажаше писар царев и посланик поглавара свештеничког, те изручиваху ковчег, потом га опет одношаху и остављаху на његово место; и тако чињаху сваки дан, и накупише много новца.
12 Then the king and Jehoiada would allocate the money of those supervising the work on the Lord's Temple to hire stonecutters and carpenters to restore the Lord's Temple and craftsmen in iron and bronze to repair the Lord's Temple.
И даваше га цар Јодај настојницима над послом око дома Господњег, а они наимаху каменаре и дрводеље да се обнови дом Господњи, и коваче који раде од гвожђа и од бронзе, да се оправи дом Господњи.
13 The men doing the repairs worked hard and made good progress. They restored God's Temple to its original condition and strengthened it.
И пословаху посленици, и оправљање напредоваше под њиховим рукама, те повратише дому Божјем обличје његово, и утврдише га.
14 When they finished, they returned the money that was left to the king and Jehoiada, and with it utensils were made for the Lord's Temple, both for the worship services and for the burnt offerings, also bowls for incense and vessels of gold and silver. Burnt offerings were regularly offered in the Lord's Temple regularly throughout Jehoiada's lifetime.
А кад свршише, донесоше пред цара и Јодаја новце што претекоше; и од тог новца начини судове за дом Господњи, судове за службу и за жртве, и кадионице, и друге судове златне и сребрне. И тако приношаху жртве паљенице у дому Господњем једнако свега века Јодајевог.
15 Jehoiada grew old and died at the age of 130, having lived a full life.
Потом остаревши Јодај сит живота умре; сто и тридесет година беше му кад умре.
16 He was buried with the kings in the City of David, for all the good he had done in Israel for God and his Temple.
И погребоше га у граду Давидовом код царева; јер чињаше добро Израиљу и Богу и дому његовом.
17 But after the death of Jehoiada, the leaders of Judah came to swear their loyalty to the king, and he listened to their advice.
А кад умре Јодај, дођоше кнезови Јудини и поклонише се цару; тада их послуша цар,
18 They abandoned the Temple of the Lord, the God of their forefathers, and worshiped Asherah poles and idols. Judah and Jerusalem were punished because of their sin.
Те оставише дом Господа Бога отаца својих, и стадоше служити луговима и идолима; и подиже се гнев Господњи на Јуду и на Јерусалим за тај грех њихов.
19 The Lord sent prophets to bring the people back to him and to warn them; but they refused to listen.
И слаше им пророке да их врате ка Господу, и они им сведочаху, али их не послушаше.
20 Then the Spirit of God came to Zechariah, son of Jehoiada the priest. He stood before the people and told them, “This is what God says: ‘Why do you break the Lord's commandments so that you cannot be successful? Since you have abandoned the Lord, he has abandoned you.’”
И дође дух Господњи на Захарију, сина Јодаја свештеника, те стаде више народа и рече им: Овако вели Бог: Зашто преступате заповести Господње? Нећете бити срећни; што остависте Господа, зато и Он вас остави.
21 Then the leaders hatched a plot to kill Zechariah, and on the orders of the king they stoned him to death in the courtyard of the Lord's Temple.
А они се побунише на њ, и засуше га камењем по заповести царевој у трему дома Господњег.
22 King Joash showed he had forgotten all about the loyalty and love shown to him by Jehoiada, Zechariah's father, by killing his son. As he died, Zechariah cried out, “May the Lord see what you've done and pay you back!”
И не опомену се Јоас милости коју му учини Јодај, отац његов, него уби сина његовог; а он умирући рече: Господ нека види и тражи.
23 At the end of the year, the Aramean army came to attack Joash. They invaded Judah and Jerusalem and killed all the people's leaders, and sent all their plunder back to the king of Damascus.
А кад прође година, подиже се на њ војска сирска и уђе у земљу јудејску и у Јерусалим, и побише по народу све кнезове народне, и сав плен од њих послаше цару у Дамаск.
24 Even though the Aramean army had come with only a few men, the Lord gave them the victory over a very large army, because Judah had abandoned the Lord, the God of their forefathers. In this way they punished Joash.
Ако и мала беше војска сирска која дође, ипак Господ даде у руке њихове врло велику војску, јер беху оставили Господа Бога отаца својих. И тако на Јоасу извршише суд.
25 When the Arameans departed, they left Joash badly wounded. But then his own officers plotted against him for murdering the son of Jehoiada the priest, and they killed him in his bed. He was buried in the City of David, but not in the cemetery of the kings.
А кад отидоше од њега оставивши га у тешкој болести, побунише се на њ слуге његове за крв синова Јодаја свештеника, и убише га на постељи његовој, те погибе; и погребоше га у граду Давидовом, али га не погребоше у гробовима царским.
26 Those who plotted against him were Zabad, son of Shimeath, an Ammonite woman, and Jehozabad, son of Shimrith, a Moabite woman.
А ово су што се побунише на њ: Завад, син Симеате Амонке и Јозавад, син Симрите Моавке.
27 The story of the sons of Joash, as well as the many prophecies about him and about the restoration of God's Temple, are recorded in the Commentary on the Book of the Kings. His son Amaziah took over as king.
А о синовима његовим и о великом порезу што би под њим, и о грађењу дома Божјег, ето записано је у књизи о царевима. А зацари се на његово место Амасија, син његов.

< 2 Chronicles 24 >