< 2 Chronicles 14 >

1 Abijah died and was buried in the City of David. His son Asa took over as king. For ten years of his reign the country was at peace.
А кад почину Авија код отаца својих и погребоше га у граду Давидовом, зацари се на његово место Аса, син његов. За његовог времена почину земља десет година.
2 Asa did what was good and right in the Lord's sight.
И чињаше Аса шта је добро и право пред Господом Богом његовим.
3 He took down the foreign altars and high places, smashed their sacred pillars, and cut down the Asherah poles.
Јер обори олтаре туђе и висине, и изломи ликове њихове и исече лугове њихове.
4 He ordered Judah to worship the Lord, the God of their forefathers, and to observe the law and the commandments.
И заповеди синовима Јудиним да траже Господа Бога отаца својих и да извршују закон и заповест Његову.
5 He also took down the high places and the incense altars from all the towns of Judah. Under his rule the kingdom was at peace.
Обори по свим градовима Јудиним висине и сунчане ликове, и почину царство за његовог времена.
6 Because the country was at peace he was able to rebuild the fortified towns of Judah. There were no wars during these years because the Lord had granted him peace.
И сазида тврде градове у земљи Јудиној, јер земља беше у миру, нити беше рата с њим оних година, јер му Господ даде мир.
7 Asa told the people of Judah, “Let us build up these towns and surround them with walls and towers and barred gates. The land is still ours, because we continue to worship the Lord our God. We worship him, and he has given us peace from all our enemies.” So they began the building projects, and completed them successfully.
И рече Јуди: Да сазидамо ове градове и да их опашемо зидом и кулама и вратима и преворницама, док је земља наша; јер тражимо Господа Бога свог, тражисмо Га и даде нам мир одсвуда. И тако зидаше, и бише срећни.
8 Asa had an army made up of three hundred thousand men from Judah who carried large shields and spears, and two hundred eighty thousand men from Benjamin who carried regular shields and bows. All of them were brave warriors.
И имаше Аса војске триста хиљада од Јуде са штитовима и копљима, и од Венијамина двеста и осамдесет хиљада са штитовима и луковима. Сви беху храбри војници.
9 Zerah the Ethiopian attacked them with an army of a thousand times a thousand men and three hundred chariots, advancing as far as Mareshah.
И изиђе из њих Зара Етиопљанин с хиљаду хиљада војске и с триста кола, и дође до Марисе.
10 Asa went out to confront him, lining up for battle in the Valley of Zephathah at Mareshah.
И Аса изиђе преда њ; и уврсташе се војске у долини Сефати код Марисе.
11 Asa called out for help to the Lord his God: “Lord, there is no one apart from you who can help the powerless against the powerful. Please help us, Lord our God, for we trust in you. We have come against this horde because we stand for you, Lord. You are our God. Do not let a mere human being beat you.”
И завапи Аса ка Господу Богу свом говорећи: Господе Теби је ништа помоћи множини или нејаком; помози нам, Господе Боже наш, јер се у Те уздамо, и у Твоје име дођосмо на ово мноштво. Господе, Ти си Бог наш, не дај да може шта на Те човек.
12 The Lord struck the Ethiopians in front of Asa and Judah, and the Ethiopians ran away.
И разби Господ Етиопљане пред Асом и пред Јудом, и побегоше Етиопљани.
13 Asa and his army chased them as far as Gerar. The Ethiopians were killed—there were none who survived, for they were caught between the Lord and his army. The men of Judah carried off a large amount of plunder.
И тера их Аса и народ који беше с њим дори до Герара. и попадаше Етиопљани да их ни један не оста жив, јер се сатрше пред Господом и пред војском Његовом; и они однесоше плен велик веома.
14 They also attacked all the towns around Gerar, because the inhabitants were terrified of the Lord. The men of Judah took a large amount of plunder from all the towns.
И побише све градове око Герара, јер дође на њих страх Господњи, и опленише све оне градове, јер беше у њима много плена.
15 Then they attacked the camps of the herdsmen and took many sheep and camels. Then they went back to Jerusalem.
Побише и по становима пастирским људе, и одведоше много оваца и камила; и вратише се у Јерусалим.

< 2 Chronicles 14 >