< 1 Timothy 6 >

1 All who are bound under slavery should consider their masters worthy of respect, so that God's name and Christian beliefs won't be defamed.
Mpyae naw ami mahpae cun leisawng vaia ngkäihkia ami ngaih üngva Pamhnama ngming ja kami jah mtheinak cun akse u naw pi am pyen.
2 Slaves who have Christian masters should not disrespect them because they are brothers. Instead they should serve them even better, because those who are benefiting from their service are fellow-believers they should love. Teach these instructions, and encourage people to follow them.
Khritjan mahpanakie mpyae naw ami mahpae käh jah mdihmsui u se, isetiakyaküng ami mahpae cun pi jumeikie ni. Sa lü akdaw bawka jah bi pet khaie, isetiakyaküng ami khut üngkhyüh akdaw ami yaheinak cän ami jah kphyanak jumeikie ami mahpae ni. Nang naw ahine cun sang lü na jah mthei yah khai.
3 Those that teach different beliefs, and don't listen to good counsel, particularly the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the true teachings of God,
A u pi mi ngtheinak ja mi Bawipa Jesuh Khritawa ngthu kcang üng am täng lü ningsaw hngalangkia mtheinak pawki cun,
4 are arrogant and don't understand anything. They're obsessed with speculation and philosophical debates which only lead to jealousy, arguments, malicious gossip and evil suspicions—
awcahnak naw mjaw lü i pi am ksing. Ani naw a law cun am dawkia ngcuhnak ja ngvawknak hlü vai khyü nglung he ta lü ahin naw ng’eihnak, ngcuhngkaihnak, thangmsetnak, aksea ngaihnak,
5 the constant arguing of people whose minds are totally corrupt and who have lost the truth, thinking that they can profit financially from religion…
angläta ngcuh vai cun ngthungtak ami mlunga am vekia khyange ni. Ningsaw hin bawimangnak vaia amimi naw ngaikie ni.
6 But knowing and following God is so incredibly satisfying!
Daw ve, mi tak mi khäksak üng ningsaw naw jah bawimangsaki.
7 For we didn't bring anything into the world, and we can't take anything out with us either.
Khawmdeka i mi law püiki ni? I am mi law püi! Khawmdek üngkhyüh i ja mi cehpüi thei? I am mi cehpüi thei!
8 But if we have food and clothes then that's enough for us.
Acuna kyase, eiawk ja suiawi mi tak hin mimia phäh khäk ve.
9 Those who are determined to become rich fall into the trap of temptation, following many foolish and damaging impulses.
Lüpi, bawimang hlükie cun, hlawhlepnak khamei u lü angnak naw jah pinman lü akse hlükaweinak naw amimi cun pyaknak ja pyüpyehnak da jah kaihki ni.
10 For the desire to be rich leads to many kinds of evil results. Some of those who longed for this have turned away from the truth, and have hurt themselves, experiencing a lot of pain.
Ngui jawngnak hin aksekhyu naküta phungnu ni. Khyang avang cun ahin tak vai täng lü jumnak üngkhyüh akthuka cit u lü ami mlung puksetsakie ni.
11 But you as a man of God should run away from such things. You should seek to do what is right, practice true religion, and trust in God. Aim to love, to be patient, and gentle.
Acunsepi, nang Pamhnama khyang ahina ngkhawe jah hjawnga. Nang ta ngsungpyunnak, Pamhnam ksingnak, jumeinak, mhläkphyanak, khameinak ja hniphnawinak na tak vaia mtunei bä.
12 Fight the good fight as you trust in God. Hold on tightly to the eternal life to which you were called. This is what you promised to do in front of many witnesses. (aiōnios g166)
Jumeinak üng na khyaih khawha dawng lü angläta xünnak cän yaha, saksi khawhah maa na tak jumnak ja Pamhnam naw ahina sak aning khü üng angkhänga na ng’anei cän ni. (aiōnios g166)
13 My charge to you before God the Life-giver, and before Christ Jesus who testified to the good news before Pontius Pilate,
Anaküt üng xünnak pekia Pamhnam hmai ma ja Pontas Pilat maa jumnak angkhänga ng’aneiki Khritaw Jesuha maa ngthu ka ning pet ta,
14 is to follow faithfully what you've been told so you will be above criticism until our Lord Jesus Christ appears.
Mi Bawipa Jesuh Khritaw ponak law Mhnüp vei cäpa sitih lü na bi vai jah kcüngei lü jah läklam kawm pi.
15 At the right time Jesus will be revealed—he who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings, and Lord of lords.
Bawiea Bawipa, sangpuxangea Sangpuxang, a jodaw lü Suki mat däk Pamhnam kcün a kha üng a ponak vai cun ngdang law khai.
16 He is the only one who is immortal, and lives in unapproachable light. No one has seen him or can see him—honor and eternal power is his! Amen. (aiōnios g166)
Ani däk va am thi thei lü u naw pi am a k’et khawha akvai üng veki. U naw pi am hmu thei, u naw pi am hmu khawi. Angläta johit ja leisawngnak a veia ve se! Amen. (aiōnios g166)
17 Warn those who are rich in the present world not to become proud. Tell them not to place their trust in wealth that is so insecure but in God who so freely gives us everything for our enjoyment. (aiōn g165)
Hina kcünsak üng bawimangkie cän, ami kcünsak üng käh awhcah lü am ngkhängkia bawimangnak üng äpeinak käh ta lü anaküt mi jekyainak vaia jah peki Pamhnama vei äpeinak ami tak vaia jah mtheha. (aiōn g165)
18 Tell them to do good, and to become rich in doing good things, ready to share what they have, and to be generous.
Ami tak cun käh kpamei lü akce üngpi jah yet lü akdaw lama bawimang u lü akdaw ami bilawh vaia jah mtheha.
19 In this way they store up treasure that will provide a solid basis for the future, so that they can take hold of true life.
Ahina tuilam üng ni malama ngkhängkia bawimangnak cun mkhämei khaie ni. Acun üngva amimi naw xünnak akcang cun yahei khaie.
20 Timothy, take care of what's been given to you. Don't pay any attention to pointless chatter and arguments based on so-called “knowledge.”
Timoti aw, na mcei vaia ning ap cän akdawa säma. Amdang pyensake ja khyang avange naw “Ksingkhyapnak” ami tia am käh ngtähkia ngcuhngkaihnake cän jah hjawng bä.
21 Some who promote these ideas have wandered away from their trust in God. May grace be with you.
Avang he naw acun kami taki ti u lü acuna phäh jumnak lam mkhyühki he. Pamhnama bäkhäknak nami vana khana ve se.

< 1 Timothy 6 >