< 1 Timothy 3 >

1 This is a trustworthy statement: “If someone aspires to be an elder, this is a good work to want to do.”
Herino shoko rechokwadi: kana munhu achitsvaka basa romutariri, anoda basa rinokudzika.
2 An elder must be above reproach, married to one wife, self-controlled, well-balanced, sensible, hospitable, and able to teach.
Zvino mutariri anofanira kuva munhu asina chaangapomerwa, murume womukadzi mumwe chete, anozvidzora, anokudzwa, anoitira vaeni rudo, anoziva kudzidzisa,
3 He should be someone who doesn't get drunk or become violent, but is gentle, and is not argumentative or greedy for money.
asingadhakwi, asingarwi uye ano unyoro, asina gakava, asingakariri mari.
4 He must handle his own family well. His children must respect what he tells them to do.
Anofanira kubata imba yake zvakanaka nokuona kuti vana vake vanomuteerera uye vachimukudza zvakanaka.
5 (For if a man doesn't know how to manage his own family, how can he manage God's church?)
(Kana munhu asingazivi kubata imba yake zvakanaka, angachengeta seiko kereke yaMwari?)
6 He should not be a new believer, in case he gets so full of himself he falls under the same condemnation as the devil.
Asava mutendi mutsva, nokuti angazozvikudza akazotongwa zvimwe chetezvo sadhiabhori.
7 People outside the church should also speak well of him so that he won't disgrace himself and fall into the devil's trap.
Anofanirawo kupupurirwa zvakanaka navari kunze, kuitira kuti arege kuzvidzwa, uye agowira mumusungo wadhiabhori.
8 Similarly deacons should be respected, and not hypocritical. They should not be addicted to drink, and should not be trying to dishonestly enrich themselves.
Saizvozvowo, madhikoni ngavave vanhu vanokudzwa, vanorevesa, vasinganwi waini zhinji, uye vasingatsvaki pfuma yakaipa.
9 They must stick to the revealed truth about God, trusting in him with a pure conscience.
Vanofanira kuchengetedza zvakadzikadzika zvokutenda nehana yakanaka.
10 They should be tried out first, and if they can't be faulted then let them serve as deacons.
Vanofanira kutanga vaedzwa, uye kana pasina chavangapomerwa, ngavashumire samadhikoni.
11 Their wives should be respected too. They should not slander people with gossip, and they should be self-controlled and trustworthy in all they do.
Nenzira imwe cheteyo, vakadzi vavo ngavave vanokudzwa, vasingacheri vamwe asi vanozvidzora, vakatendeka pazvinhu zvose.
12 Deacons should be married to one wife, managing their children and their homes well.
Mudhikoni anofanira kuva murume ano mukadzi mumwe chete uye anofanira kugona kubata vana vake nemba yake zvakanaka.
13 Those who serve well as deacons gain a good reputation and much confidence in their trust in Christ Jesus.
Vaya vakashumira zvakanaka vanozviwanira zita rakanaka uye nokusimbiswa kukuru pakutenda kwavo muna Kristu Jesu.
14 Even though I hope to see you soon, I'm writing about all this to you so that
Kunyange zvazvo ndine tariro yokuuya kwauri nokukurumidza, ndinokunyorera dzidziso idzi kuitira kuti,
15 if I'm delayed you'll know how people should behave themselves in God's house. This is the church of the living God, the support pillar and foundation of the truth.
kana ndikanonoka, uchaziva kuti vanhu vanofanira kuzvibata sei mumba maMwari, inova kereke yaMwari mupenyu, mbiru nenheyo yechokwadi.
16 There's no question about it: the revealed truth about God is amazing! He was made known to us in human form, he was vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, declared to the nations, trusted in by the world, and taken up in glory!
Pasina kana mubvunzo, chakavanzika choumwari chikuru kwazvo: Iye akaratidzwa panyama, akaruramiswa noMweya, akaonekwa navatumwa, akaparidzwa pakati pendudzi panyika vakatenda kwaari, akakwidzwa mukubwinya.

< 1 Timothy 3 >