< 1 Timothy 1 >

1 This letter comes from Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus appointed by the authority of God our Savior and Christ Jesus, who is our hope.
Paulus, Kristi Jesu Apostel efter Befaling af Gud, vor Frelser, og Kristus Jesus, vort Håb,
2 I'm sending it to you Timothy. You are my true son because of your trust in God. May you have grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.
til Timotheus, sit ægte Barn i Troen: Nåde, Barmhjertig Fred fra Gud Fader og Kristus Jesus vor Herre!
3 When I was on my way to Macedonia I asked you to stay behind in Ephesus, so that you could speak with those who teach false ideas and insist that they stop.
Det var derfor, jeg opfordrede dig til at blive i Efesus, da jeg drog til Makedonien, for at du skulde påbyde visse Folk ikke at føre fremmed Lære
4 They shouldn't concern themselves with legends and never-ending obsessions about ancestry. Such ideas only lead to pointless debates, instead of understanding God as we trust in him.
og ikke at agte på Fabler og Slægtregistre uden Ende, som mere fremme Stridigheden end Guds Husholdning i Tro.
5 The reason why I insist on this is so we may have love that comes from a pure heart, from a clear conscience and sincere trust in God.
Men Påbudets Endemål er Kærlighed af et rent Hjerte og af en god Samvittighed og af en uskrømtet Tro,
6 Some have deviated from these things, and have ended up talking nonsense.
hvorfra nogle ere afvegne og have vendt sig til intetsigende Snak,
7 They have ambitions to be teachers of the law, but they have no idea what they're talking about or what they're so boldly announcing!
idet de ville være Lovlærere uden at forstå, hverken hvad de sige, eller hvorom de udtale sig så sikkert.
8 Now we recognize that the law is good if people use it properly.
Men vi vide, at Loven er god, dersom man bruger den lovmæssigt,
9 We also know that law isn't laid down for those who do what is good and right, but for those who are rebellious and ignore the law. It applies to people who have no use for God, who are sinful, who treat nothing as holy and are completely irreligious. It's for those who kill fathers and mothers, for murderers,
idet man veed dette, at Loven ikke er sat for den retfærdige, men for lovløse og ulydige, ugudelige og Syndere, ryggesløse og vanhellige, for dem, som øve Vold imod deres Fader og Moder, for Manddrabere,
10 for those who are sexually immoral, homosexuals, kidnappers, liars, false witnesses—and anything else that's opposed to good teachings
utugtige, Syndere imod Naturen, Menneskerøvere, Løgnere, Menedere, og hvad andet der er imod den sunde Lære,
11 as determined by the wonderful good news of our blessed God which he entrusted to me.
efter den salige Guds Herligheds Evangelium, som er blevet mig betroet.
12 I'm just so grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord for the strength he's given me, and that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to work for him.
Jeg takker ham, som gjorde mig stærk, Kristus Jesus, vor Herre, fordi han agtede mig for tro, idet han satte mig til en Tjeneste,
13 Even though I used to insult God, and persecuted and abused God's people, God showed me mercy because of my ignorance and unbelief.
skønt jeg forhen var en Bespotter og en Forfølger og en Voldsmand; men der blev vist mig Barmhjertighed, thi jeg gjorde det vitterligt i Vantro,
14 Our Lord in his grace filled me to overflowing with trust and love that comes from Christ Jesus.
Ja, vor Herres Nåde viste sig overvættes rig med Tro og Kærlighed i Kristus Jesus.
15 You can trust this saying that everyone should accept: “Christ Jesus came to this world to save sinners,” and I'm the worst of them.
Den Tale er troværdig og al Modtagelse værd, at Kristus Jesus kom til Verden for at frelse Syndere, iblandt hvilke jeg er den største"
16 For this reason I was shown mercy—since I'm the worst sinner, Jesus Christ could demonstrate his infinite patience as an example to those who choose to trust in him and gain eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
Men derfor blev der vist mig Barmhjertighed, for at Jesus Kristus kunde på mig som den første vise hele sin Langmodighed, til et Forbillede på dem, som skulle tro på ham til evigt Liv. (aiōnios g166)
17 Honor and glory forever and ever to the eternal King, the immortal, invisible, and only God! Amen. (aiōn g165)
Men Evighedens Konge, den uforkrænkelige, usynlige, eneste Gud være Pris og Ære i Evighedernes Evigheder! Amen. (aiōn g165)
18 These are the instructions I want to give to you, Timothy, my son, following the prophecies that brought you this far, so you can fight the good fight!
Dette Påbud betror jeg dig, mit Barn Timotheus, ifølge de Profetier, som tilforn ere udtalte over dig, at du efter dem strider den gode Strid,
19 Keep on trusting God and make sure you have a clear conscience. Some have refused to do this and have shipwrecked their trust in God.
idet du har Tro og en god Samvittighed, hvilken nogle have stødt fra sig og lidt Skibbrud på Troen;
20 Hymenaeus and Alexander are such people, and I have “handed them over to Satan” to teach them not to misrepresent God.
iblandt dem ere Hymenæus og Aleksander, hvilke jeg har overgivet til Satan, for at de skulle tugtes til ikke at bespotte.

< 1 Timothy 1 >