< 1 Samuel 8 >
1 When Samuel grew old, he made his sons leaders over Israel.
Factum est autem cum senuisset Samuel, posuit filios suos iudices Israel.
2 His first son was named Joel, and his second son was named Abijah. They were rulers in Beersheba.
Fuitque nomen filii eius primogeniti Ioel: et nomen secundi Abia, iudicum in Bersabee.
3 However, his sons did not follow his ways. They were corrupt, making money by accepting bribes and perverting justice.
Et non ambulaverunt filii illius in viis eius: sed declinaverunt post avaritiam, acceperuntque munera, et perverterunt iudicium.
4 So the elders of Israel all joined together and came to meet Samuel at Ramah.
Congregati ergo universi maiores natu Israel, venerunt ad Samuelem in Ramatha.
5 “Look here,” they told him, “you are old, and your sons do not follow your ways. Choose a king to rule over us like all the other nations.”
Dixeruntque ei: Ecce tu senuisti, et filii tui non ambulant in viis tuis: constitue nobis regem, ut iudicet nos, sicut et universæ habent nationes.
6 Samuel thought this was a bad idea when they said, “Give us a king to rule over us,” so he prayed to the Lord about it.
Displicuit sermo in oculis Samuelis, eo quod dixissent: Da nobis regem, ut iudicet nos. Et oravit Samuel ad Dominum.
7 “Do what the people tell you,” the Lord said to Samuel, “because it's not you they're rejecting, but me as their king.
Dixit autem Dominus ad Samuelem: Audi vocem populi in omnibus quæ loquuntur tibi. Non enim te abiecerunt, sed me, ne regnem super eos.
8 They're doing just as they have always done since I led them out of Egypt right up to now. They have abandoned me and worshiped other gods, and they're doing just the same to you.
Iuxta omnia opera sua, quæ fecerunt a die qua eduxi eos de Ægypto usque ad diem hanc: sicut dereliquerunt me, et servierunt diis alienis, sic faciunt etiam tibi.
9 So do what they want, but give them a solemn warning—explain to them what a king will do when he rules over them.”
Nunc ergo vocem eorum audi: verumtamen contestare eos, et prædic eis ius regis, qui regnaturus est super eos.
10 Samuel repeated all that the Lord had said to the people asking him to give them a king.
Dixit itaque Samuel omnia verba Domini ad populum, qui petierat a se regem,
11 “This is what a king will do when he rules over you,” he told them. “He will take your sons and make them serve as charioteers and horsemen, and to run as a guard in front of his chariot.
et ait: Hoc erit ius regis, qui imperaturus est vobis: filios vestros tollet, et ponet in curribus suis, facietque sibi equites et præcursores quadrigarum suarum,
12 Some of them he will make commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties, and some will have to plow his fields and reap his harvest. Some will be assigned to making weapons of war and chariot equipment.
et constituet sibi tribunos, et centuriones, et aratores agrorum suorum, et messores segetum, et fabros armorum et curruum suorum.
13 He will take your daughters and have them work as perfume-makers, cooks, and bakers.
Filias quoque vestras faciet sibi unguentarias, et focarias, et panificas.
14 He will take your best fields, vineyards, and olive groves and give them to his officials.
Agros quoque vestros, et vineas, et oliveta optima tollet, et dabit servis suis.
15 He will take a tenth of your grain harvest and the produce of your vineyards and allocate it to his chief officers and officials.
Sed et segetes vestras, et vinearum reditus addecimabit, ut det eunuchis et famulis suis.
16 He will take your male servants and your female servants, and your best young men and your donkeys, and make them work for him.
Servos etiam vestros, et ancillas, et iuvenes optimos, et asinos, auferet, et ponet in opere suo.
17 He will take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves will be his slaves.
Greges quoque vestros addecimabit, vosque eritis ei servi.
18 On that day you will plead to be rescued from the king you have chosen, but the Lord won't answer you then.”
Et clamabitis in die illa a facie regis vestri, quem elegistis vobis: et non exaudiet vos Dominus in die illa, quia petistis vobis regem.
19 But the people refused to listen to what Samuel said. “No!” they insisted. “We want our own king!
Noluit autem populus audire vocem Samuelis, sed dixerunt: Nequaquam: rex enim erit super nos,
20 That way we can be like all the other nations. Our king will rule us, and will lead us when we go out to fight our battles.”
et erimus nos quoque sicut omnes Gentes: et iudicabit nos rex noster, et egredietur ante nos, et pugnabit bella nostra pro nobis.
21 Samuel listened to everything the people said and repeated it to the Lord.
Et audivit Samuel omnia verba populi, et locutus est ea in auribus Domini.
22 The Lord told Samuel, “Do what they say and give them a king.” Then Samuel told the Israelites, “Go back to your homes.”
Dixit autem Dominus ad Samuelem: Audi vocem eorum, et constitue super eos regem. Et ait Samuel ad viros Israel: Vadat unusquisque in civitatem suam.