< 1 Samuel 30 >

1 Three days later David and his men arrived back in Ziklag. Some Amalekites had raided the Negev and Ziklag. They had attacked Ziklag and burned it down.
A, no ka tae a Rawiri ratou ko ana tangata ki Tikiraka i te toru o nga ra, na kua huaki nga Amareki ki te tonga, ki Tikiraka ano, patua ana a Tikiraka e ratou, tahuna ake ki te ahi;
2 They had captured the women and everyone else there, young and old. They hadn't killed anyone, but they took everyone with them as they left.
Whakaraua ana hoki e ratou nga wahine me nga mea o reira, te iti, te rahi; kihai i whakamatea tetahi, engari i kahakina atu, a haere ana i to ratou ara.
3 When David and his men arrived back in town, they found it burned to the ground, and their wives and children captured.
Heoi, i te taenga o Rawiri ratou ko ana tangata ki te pa, kua oti te tahu ki te ahi, a kau whakaraua atu a ratou wahine, a ratou tama, a ratou tamahine.
4 David and his men cried loudly until they couldn't cry any more.
Katahi ka puaki te reo o Rawiri ratou ko ana tangata, tangi ana ratou, a kahore noa o ratou kaha ki te tangi.
5 David's two wives had also been taken as prisoners—Ahinoam from Jezreel and Abigail, Nabal's widow, from Carmel.
I riro whakarau ano nga wahine tokorua a Rawiri, a Ahinoama o Ietereere, raua ko Apikaira wahine a Napara o Karamere.
6 David was in a great deal of trouble, because the men were so upset over losing their children that they began to talk of stoning him. But trusting in the Lord his God,
Na mamae rawa a Rawiri, no te mea i kupukupu te nuinga kia akina ia ki te kohatu; i mamae hoki te ngakau o te iwi katoa, o tera, o tera, ki a ratou tama, ki a ratou tamahine: ko Rawiri ia i whakapakari i a ia i roto i a Ihowa, i tona Atua.
7 David went to Abiathar the priest, the son of Ahimelech, and said, “Bring me the ephod.” Abiathar brought it to him.
Na ka mea a Rawiri ki a Apiatara tohunga, tama a Ahimereke, Tena, maua mai te epora ki ahau. Na maua ana te epora e Apiatara ki a Rawiri.
8 David asked the Lord, “Should I chase after these raiders? Will I catch up with them?” “Yes, chase after them,” the Lord replied, “for you will definitely catch up with them and rescue the prisoners.”
Na ka ui a Rawiri ki a Ihowa, ka mea, Ki te whai ahau i tenei taua e mau ranei ratou i ahau? Na ka mea ia, Whaia; ka mau pu hoki ratou i a koe, a ka riro katoa mai au i a koe.
9 David and six hundred of his men set off for the Besor Valley.
Heoi haere ana a Rawiri ratou ko ana tangata e ono rau, kua tae ki te awa, ki Pehoro, ki te wahi i noho ai te hunga i mahue iho.
10 Two hundred of them remained behind there because they were too tired to cross the valley while David continued on with four hundred men.
Otiia whai tonu ana a Rawiri ratou ko nga tangata e wha rau: e rua hoki nga rau i noho; i ruha rawa hoki, te whiti ai i te awa, i Pehoro.
11 They came across an Egyptian in the countryside and they took him to David. They gave him some food to eat and water to drink.
Na ka tupono atu ratou ki tetahi tangata o Ihipa i te parae, a kawea ana ia ki a Rawiri. Na ka hoatu he taro mana, a kai ana ia; i whakainu ano ratou i a ia ki te wai.
12 They also gave him a piece of a fig cake and two raisins cakes. He ate them and recovered, because he hadn't had any food or water for three days and nights.
I hoatu ano e ratou tetahi wahi o te keke piki me etahi tautau karepe e rua, na ka kai ia, a ka hoki tona wairua ki a ia; e toru hoki nga ra, e toru nga po ona kihai nei ia i kai i te kai, kihai i inu i te wai.
13 “Whose slave are you, and where do you come from?” David asked him. “I'm an Egyptian,” he replied, “the slave of an Amalekite. My master left me behind three days ago when I got sick.
Na ka mea a Rawiri ki a ia, Na wai koe? no hea hoki koe? Ano ra ko ia, He tamaiti ahau no Ihipa, he pononga na tetahi Amareki; i whakarerea hoki ahau e toku ariki, he panga noku e te mate ka toru enei ra.
14 We raided the Kerethites in the Negev, as well as the part that belongs to Judah, and the Negev of Caleb. We burned Ziklag too.”
I huakina e matou te tonga o nga Kereti, me te wahi i a Hura, me te tonga o Karepe; i tahuna ano e matou a Tikiraka ki te ahi.
15 “Can you lead me to these raiders?” David asked. “If you swear to me by God that you won't kill me or hand me over to my master, then I'll take you to them,” the man replied.
Na ka mea a Rawiri ki a ia, E taea ranei ahau te kawe e koe ki raro, ki te ope ra? Ano ra ko ia, Oati mai ki ahau ki te Atua hoki, e kore ahau e whakamatea e koe, e kore e tukua ki nga ringa o toku rangatira, a ka kawea koe e ahau ki raro ki tau a ope.
16 He led David to the Amalekites, where they were spread out all over the place, eating, drinking, and dancing because of the large haul of plunder they had taken from the lands of the Philistines and of Judah.
A, no tana kawenga i a ia ki raro, kua wawa noa atu ratou ki te mata o te whenua katoa, e kai ana, e inu ana, e kanikani ana, mo nga taonga nui katoa, taonga parakete, i riro i a ratou i te whenua o nga Pirihitini, i te whenua hoki o Hura.
17 David attacked them from dusk until the following evening. Nobody escaped, except for four hundred men who managed to get away, riding on camels.
Na patua iho ratou e Rawiri i te puaotanga a taea noatia te ahiahi o te aonga ake: kihai hoki tetahi o ratou i mawhiti, heoi ano ko etahi taitamariki e wha rau i eke ki nga kamera, a rere ana.
18 David got back everything the Amalekites had taken, including his two wives.
I riro ano hoki i a Rawiri nga mea katoa i tangohia e nga Amareki: i riro ano i a Rawiri ana wahine tokorua.
19 Everything was accounted for—all the adults and children, as well as all the plunder the Amalekites had taken. David brought everything back.
Kihai hoki i ngaro tetahi o a ratou mea; te iti, te rahi, nga tama, nga tamahine, nga taonga parakete, nga mea katoa i tangohia e ratou; i hoki katoa mai a Rawiri.
20 He also recovered all the flocks and herds. His men drove them ahead of the other livestock, shouting, “This is David's plunder!”
I mau ano i a Rawiri nga hipi katoa me nga kahui; a ka arahina e ratou i mua i era atu karerehe, i mea, Ko te taonga parakete tenei a Rawiri.
21 When David got back to the two hundred men who had been too tired to continue with him from the Besor Valley, they came to meet him and the men with him. As David approached the men to greet them,
A ka tae a Rawiri ki nga tangata e rua rau i ruha nei, kihai nei i aru i a Rawiri, i meinga ra kia noho ki te awa, ki Pehoro: ka puta ratou ki te whakatau i a Rawiri, ki te whakatau hoki i te iwi i a ia: a ka tata a Rawiri ki aua tangata, ka oha ia ki a ratou.
22 all the unpleasant, good-for-nothing men of those who had gone with David said, “They weren't with us, so we won't share the plunder that we took, except to give them back their wives and children. They can take them and leave.”
Katahi ka oho ake te hunga kino katoa, nga tangata o Periara i roto i te hunga i haere tahi ratou ko Rawiri, ka mea, Kihai ratou i haere tahi tatou, na, e kore e hoatu ki a ratou etahi o nga taonga i rio mai i a tatou, heoi ano ko te wahine me n ga tamariki a tenei, a tenei, na ma ratou e arahi atu, e haere.
23 But David intervened, saying, “No, my brothers, you shouldn't do this with what the Lord has given us. He has protected us and handed over to us the raiders that had attacked us.
Katahi a Rawiri ka mea, Kaua e pena, e oku teina, ki ta Ihowa i homai ai ki a tatou; nana nei hoki tatou i tiaki, a homai ana e ia ki a tatou ringa taua ope i haere ake ra ki a tatou.
24 Who's going to listen to you when you say such things? Whatever share those who went into battle receive will be the same as those who stayed to guard the supplies.”
Ko wai hoki hei whakarongo ki tenei mea a koutou? Ko te wahi hoki a te tangata i haere ki te whawhai kia rite ki te wahi a te tangata i noho ki nga mea: kia rite tonu te wahi ma ratou.
25 David made this the rule and regulation for Israel from that day until now.
Na waiho tonu iho e ia tena hei tikanga, hei ritenga mo Iharaira no taua rangi a tuku iho ki tenei ra.
26 When David got back to Ziklag, he sent some of the plunder to each of his friends among the elders of Judah, saying, “Here's a gift for you from the plunder of the Lord's enemies.”
A, i te taenga o Rawiri ki Tikiraka, ka tonoa e ia etahi o nga taonga ki nga kaumatua o Hura, ki ona hoa, a ka mea, Tena tetahi manaaki mo koutou no nga taonga a nga hoariri o Ihowa;
27 David sent it to those who lived in Bethuel, Ramoth Negev, Jattir,
Ki nga tangata hoki o Peteere, ki o Ramoto ki te tonga, ki era hoki i Iatiri;
28 Aroer, Siphmoth, Eshtemoa,
Ki a Aroere, ki o Hipimoto, ki o Ehetemoa.
29 Racal, and the towns of the Jerahmeelites and Kenites,
Ki o Rakara, ki o nga pa o nga Ierameeri, ki o nga pa o nga Keni;
30 Hormah, Bor-ashan, Athach,
Ki o Horema, ki o Korahana, ki o Ataka;
31 Hebron—all the places David and his men had gone to.
Ki o Heperona, ki o nga wahi katoa i haereere ai a Rawiri ratou ko ana tangata.

< 1 Samuel 30 >