< 1 Samuel 25 >

1 Samuel died. Everyone in Israel gathered to mourn for him, and they buried him at his home in Ramah. David left and went to the Desert of Paran.
Samuel tah duek coeng. Te dongah Israel pum te tingtun uh tih anih te a rhaengsae uh. Te phoeiah Ramah kah amah im ah a up uh. Te vaengah David te thoo tih Paran khosoek la suntla.
2 A man from Maon was very wealthy. He had property in Carmel and owned one thousand goats and three thousand sheep. He was in Carmel shearing them.
Te vaengah Maon ah hlang pakhat om tih Karmel ah a bibi om. Tekah hlang tah bahoeng boei tih a taengah tu thawng thum neh maae thawngkhat a khueh. Te dongah Karmel kah a tu te a mul vok ham a om pah.
3 The man's name was Nabal, and his wife's name was Abigail. She was a wise and beautiful woman, but her husband was cruel and treated people badly. He was a descendant of Caleb.
Tekah hlang ming tah Nabal tih, a yuu ming tah Abigal ni. Lungmingnah then, neh sakthen suisak nu la om dae a va tah khoboe thae neh mangkhak la om. Anih te a lungbuei tah Kaleb la om.
4 David was in the wilderness, and he heard that Nabal was shearing sheep.
Nabal loh a tu a vok te David loh khosoek ah a yaak coeng.
5 So David sent ten of his young men and told them, “Go and see Nabal at Carmel. Greet him in my name, and say hello from me.
Te dongah David loh cadong hlangrha a tueih. Te vaengah cadong rhoek te David loh, “Karmel la cet uh lamtah Nabal te paan, te phoeiah anih te rhoepnah ham kai ming neh voek uh.
6 Tell him, ‘I wish you a long life! Peace to you and your family, and may everything you do prosper.
Te vaengah 'Namah te hingnah neh sading la, na imkhui khaw sading la, na taengkah boeih te khaw sading la.
7 Now I've heard that you are busy shearing. When your shepherds were with us, we didn't mistreat them, and nothing belonging to them was stolen all the time they were in Carmel.
Namah ham a dawn coeng tih namah ham a vok uh te ka yaak coeng. Kaimih taengah khaw om uh coeng. Amih loh hmaithae sak pawt tih amih te pakhat khaw a ha moenih. Amih te Karmel ah khohnin yungah om uh.
8 Check with your men and they'll confirm it. Please be kind to my men, especially since we've come on this day of celebration. Please give whatever food you can to us and to your good friend David.’”
Na ca rhoek te dawt lamtah namah taengah a thui uh bitni. Te dongah khohnin then dongah ha mop lamtah na mik dongkah na mikdaithen te camoe rhoek loh hmu van saeh. Na kut loh a loh te tah na sal rhoek taengah khaw, na capa taengah, David taengah khaw bet pae mai saw,'ti nah,” a ti nah.
9 David's young men arrived, gave Nabal this message from David, and waited for his reply.
Te dongah David kah camoe rhoek loh a pha uh neh te rhoek kah olka boeih te David ming neh Nabal taengah a thui uh tih a khueh uh.
10 “Who does this ‘David, son of Jesse’ think he is?” Nabal replied. “Nowadays there are many servants on the run from their masters!
Tedae Nabal loh David kah sal rhoek te a doo tih, “David te nim? Jesse capa te nim? Tihnin ah sal a pungtai pah hatah a boei rhoek kah mikhmuh ah hlang a vi.
11 Why should I take the bread and water I've supplied, and the meat I've slaughtered for my shearers, and hand it over to these strangers? I don't even know where they're from!”
Ka buh neh ka tui khaw, ka tu aka vo rhoek ham ka ngawn pah ka maeh te ka loh vetih ming pawt ming tung hlang rhoek te ka paek aya? Amih te me lamkah nim te?” a ti nah.
12 So David's men turned around and went back the way they came. When they got back they told David everything Nabal had said.
Te dongah David kah camoe rhoek tah a longpuei la ki buung uh tih mael uh. A pha uh neh te rhoek kah olka boeih te David taengla puen uh.
13 “Everyone, put on your swords!” David ordered. They all put on their swords, and David did too. About four hundred followed David, while two hundred remained behind to guard their gear.
Te dongah David loh a hlang rhoek te, “Hlang khat rhip loh a cunghang te kaelh uh,” a ti nah. Te dongah hlang loh a cunghang te rhip a kaelh uh tih David khaw a cunghang te a kaelh van. Te phoeiah David hnukah hlang ya li tluk loh cet uh tih yakhat te hnopai neh om uh.
14 In the meantime one of Nabal's men told Abigail, Nabal's wife, “David sent some messengers from the wilderness to bring greetings to our master, but he only insulted them.
Te vaengah camoe rhoek lamkah camoe pakhat loh Nabal yuu Abigal taengah puen tih, “Mamih kah boeipa te yoethen sak ham khosoek lamkah David loh puencawn han tueih hatah amih te tarha a cuk thil.
15 David's men were always very good to us and they never mistreated us. All the time we were out in the fields with them nothing was stolen from us.
Tekah hlang rhoek tah kaimih taengah bahoeng then uh. Khohmuen kah kaimih taengah pongpa uh tih a om tue khuiah hmaithae a om kolla pakhat pataeng ka talae uh pawh.
16 They were like a protective wall to us, both day and night, during the whole time we were with them looking after the sheep.
Khoyin neh khothaih ah khaw kaimih taengah vongtung la om uh. Kaimih neh a om tue khuiah tah amih taengah boiva a luem sakuh.
17 You should know what happened and consider what you should do about it. Disaster is about to strike our master and his whole family, but he's so obnoxious no one can talk sense into him!”
Te dongah ming lamtah hmuh van lah. Mamih kah boeipa te boethae neh khah hamla balae na saii thai. Anih voek ham khaw amah ni a imkhui pum ah muen ca rhoe,” a ti nah.
18 Abigail quickly gathered together two hundred loaves of bread, two skins of wine, five sheep already slaughtered, five seahs of roasted grain, a hundred raisin cakes, and two hundred fig cakes, and then loaded everything on donkeys.
Te dongah Abigal tah koe hlah uh tih vaidam hluem yakhat, misur khap nit, tu a sah la a sah tangtae pum nga, vairhum sum nga, misur rhae yakhat, thaidae yakhat a loh tih laak dongah a tloeng pah.
19 She told her men, “Go on ahead. I'll follow you.” But she didn't say anything to her husband Nabal.
Te phoeiah a tueihyoeih rhoek te, “Kai hmai ah ana lamhma uh lamtah nangmih hnukah ka lo eh?,” a ti nah. Tedae a va Nabal taengah thui pah pawh.
20 As Abigail was riding her donkey through a mountain valley, she saw David and his men descending towards her, and she met them.
Amah te laak dongah ngol tih tlang hlaep la suntla. Anih doe ham te David neh a hlang rhoek asuntlak vaengah amih te ana doe.
21 David had just been complaining, “So much for my protecting everything that belonged to this man in the wilderness! Nothing at all was stolen from him, and yet what does he do? Pay me back evil for good!
Te vaengah David loh, “Khosoek khuikah aka om boeih he a hong lamni ka hung coeng. Anih hut boeih tah pakhat khaw talae van pawt dae ta. Te lalah kai taengah a then yueng la a thae neh n'thuung.
22 May God punish me very severely if I leave even a single one of his men alive by morning!”
David kah thunkha rhoek te Pathen loh saii saeh. Mincang duela ka sueng atah anih hut boeih te pangbueng yun thil saeh lamtah khoep van saeh,” a ti.
23 When Abigail saw David, she quickly got off the donkey, and bowed before him, her face to the ground.
Abigal loh David te a hmuh vaengah laak dong lamloh koe rhum. David hmai ah baluk tih a hmai longah diklai la bakop.
24 Falling at his feet in respect, she said, “Sir, I accept full responsibility for what's happened. Please listen to what I, your servant, have to say.
A kho taengah a yalh pah tih, “Ka boeipa, thaesainah khaw kai soah om tih na salnu loh na hna ah thui dae saeh, na salnu kah olka he hnatun dae.
25 Please don't concern yourself with this worthless man Nabal. His name means ‘fool,’ and he is really foolish! As for me, your servant, I didn't even see the men you sent.
A ming bangla hlang muen Nabal te ka boeipa loh a lungbuei ah dueh boel mai saeh. Anih te a ming khaw Nabal van tih a taengah boethae halang ni a om. Tedae ka boeipa kah camoe rhoek nan tueih te na salnu kai loh ka hmuh moenih.
26 Now, sir, as the Lord lives and as you live, the Lord has kept you from shedding blood and from taking your own revenge. Sir, may your enemies and those who want to do you harm be like Nabal.
BOEIPA kah hingnah dongah ka boeipa nang kah hingnah hinglu khaw om. Thii long khui lamkah te BOEIPA loh nang n'hloh tih namah ham ni na kut khaw a khang. Te dongah na thunkha rhoek neh ka boeipa taengah thae aka tlap rhoek tah Nabal bangla om uh pawn saeh.
27 Please accept this present that I, your servant, have brought to you, sir, and give it to your men.
Ka boeipa taengah na imom loh hang khuen yoethennah he ka boeipa kho kung ah aka bat camoe rhoek te pae mai saeh.
28 Please forgive any offense that I, your servant, have committed, for the Lord is sure to set up a dynasty for you that will last for a long time, because you, sir, fight the battles of the Lord. Wickedness should not be found in you as long as you live.
Na salnu kah boekoeknah te phuei mai. Ka boeipa ham te BOEIPA loh a saii a saii bitni. Ka boeipa kah a vathoh tah BOEIPA kah caemtloek dongah a imkhui khaw cak. Namah tue khuiah tah na pum dongah boethae hmu boel saeh.
29 If anyone pursues you and tries to kill you, then your life will remain bound up with those the Lord your God looks after, safe in his care. But he will throw away the lives of your enemies like stones from a sling.
Nang hloem ham neh na hinglu mae hamla hlang te thoo mai ni. Tedae ka boeipa kah hinglu tah BOEIPA na Pathen loh hingnah hnocun dongah ben la om bitni. Na thunkha rhoek kah a hinglu te tah kutpha khui kah payai bangla a dong ni.
30 So when the Lord has done for you, sir, everything good he promised, and has made you ruler over Israel,
Nang ham hnothen te boeih a thui tih Israel soah rhaengsang la nang ng'uen te BOEIPA loh a saii vaengah tah ka boeipa hamla thoeng bitni.
31 you won't have feelings of remorse or a guilty conscience over unnecessary bloodshed or of taking your own revenge. And when the Lord has done these good things for you, sir, please remember me, your maidservant.”
Ka boeipa lungbuei kah longkoek hmuitoel khaw, lunglilungla la thii a long sak tih, ka boeipa loh a rhun te khaw nang taengah om boel saeh. Tedae ka boeipa te BOEIPA loh khophoeng m'pha vaengah na salnu he thoelh van ne,” a ti nah.
32 Then David said to Abigail, “Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, who sent you to meet me today!
David loh Abigal te, “Ti hnin ah kai doe hamla nang aka tueih Israel Pathen BOEIPA tah a yoethen pai saeh.
33 May you be rewarded for your wise decisions, for preventing me from shedding blood today and taking my own revenge.
Kai lamkah loh thii long sak ham neh ka kut dongkah tawnloh ham khaw ti hnin ah kai nan hloh coeng dongah na omih khaw a yoethen tih namah na yoethen pai.
34 On the contrary, as the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, who has kept me from harming you, if you hadn't rushed to meet me, then definitely not a single one of Nabal's men would have been left alive by dawn.”
Israel Pathen BOEIPA kah hingnah dongah amah long ni nang kah thaehuet khui lamloh kai n'hloh. Kai doe ham te a loe loe la na pawk pawt koinih, mincang khosae duela pangbueng aka yun thil Nabal te sueng mahpawh,” a ti nah.
35 David accepted from Abigail what she had brought him, and told her, “You may go home in peace, because I agree with your advice and grant your request.”
Te dongah a taengla a kut dongah a khuen pah te David loh a loh tih, “Na im ah ngaimong la cet laeh. Na ol te ka yaak tih na mikhmuh ah kam paek te solah,” a ti nah.
36 When Abigail got back home to Nabal, he was in the house, partying like a king. He was feeling very merry, and he was very drunk. So she didn't tell him anything until the morning.
Nabal taengla Abigal a pha vaengah a im kah buhkoknah tah manghai kah buhkoknah bangla tarha ana om pah. Te vaengah Nabal kah lungbuei tah a khuiah umya coeng tih amah khaw muep rhui coeng. Te dongah a yit a len akhaw mincang khosae duela anih taengah ol thui pah pawh.
37 When Nabal had sobered up the next morning, his wife told him what had happened. When he heard what she had to say he had a heart attack and was paralyzed.
Mincang a pha vaengah Nabal kah misurtui khaw boeih. Te vaengah a yuu loh a taengah olka te a puen pah hatah a lungbuei te a khui ah a duek pah sut tih amah te lungto bangla sut ngol.
38 About ten days later the Lord struck Nabal down and he died.
Te dongah hnin rha tluk a om phoeiah Nabal te BOEIPA loh a boh tih duek.
39 When David heard that Nabal was dead, he said, “Praise the Lord who has supported me against Nabal's insult and has kept me from doing evil. For the Lord made Nabal's wickedness fall back on himself.” Then David sent a message to Abigail, asking for her to marry him.
Nabal a duek te David loh a yaak van vaengah, “Nabal kut lamkah kokhahnah ka tuituknah aka rhoe BOEIPA tah a yoethen pai saeh. A sal te yoethae lamloh a hoep a tlang. Nabal kah boethae te khaw, BOEIPA loh Nabla mah kah lu soah a thuung coeng,” a ti. Te phoeiah David loh ol a tah tih Abigal te amah yuu la loh ham a dawt.
40 When David's men arrived at Carmel, they said to Abigail, “David has sent us to you to bring you back to become his wife.”
Te dongah David kah sal rhoek loh Karmel kah Abigal te a paan uh tih amah taengah a thui uh vaengah, “David loh nang te amah yuu la loh ham nang taengla kaimih n'tueih coeng,” a ti nauh.
41 She stood up, then bowed down low, and said, “I am David's maidservant. I am prepared to serve and to wash the feet of my master's servants.”
Te vaengah thoo tih a hmai longah diklai la bakop thuk. Te phoeiah, “Na salnu tah imkhut neh ka boeipa sal rhoek kah a kho aka sil ham pawn ni he,” a ti.
42 Abigail quickly got on a donkey and, with her five female servants, went back with David's men and became his wife.
Abigal tah koe thoo tih laak dongah ngol. Te phoeiah a kho taengah aka pongpa hula panga neh David kah puencawn rhoek hnukah cet tih David yuu la pahoi om.
43 David had also married Ahinoam of Jezreel. So they both were his wives.
Jezreel kah Ahinoam te khaw David loh a loh tih, amih rhoi te a yuu la bok om rhoi.
44 However, Saul had given his daughter Michal, David's wife, to Paltiel, son of Laish. He was from Gallim.
Tedae Saul loh a canu Mikhal, David yuu te Gallim lamkah Laish capa Palti taengla vik a paek pah.

< 1 Samuel 25 >