< 1 Samuel 18 >

1 After David finished speaking with Saul, Jonathan became great friends with David. He loved David as he loved himself.
Saul taengah a thui te a khah van neh Jonathan kah a hinglu neh David kah a hinglu he hlaengtang uh rhoi. Te dongah Jonathan te a lungnah tih anih khaw Jonathan loh amah kah hinglu bangla a lungnah.
2 From that time on Jonathan had David work for him and would not let him go back home.
Tekah khohnin lamkah longah David te Saul loh a loh tih, a napa im la bal sak voel pawh.
3 Jonathan made a solemn agreement with David because he loved him as he loved himself.
David te Jonathan loh amah hinglu bangla a lungnah dongah moi a boh pah.
4 Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, together with his tunic, his sword, his bow, and his belt.
Te dongah Jonathan loh a hnikul te a pit tih a himbai khaw, a cunghang khaw, a lii neh a hni khaw David a paek.
5 David was successful in doing everything Saul asked him to do, so Saul made him an officer in the army. This pleased everyone, including Saul's other officers.
A cungkuem dongah Saul loh anih a tueih vanbangla David khaw cet tih a cangbam. Te dongah anih te Saul caemtloek hlang rhoek kah soah a khueh tih pilnam boeih kah mikhmuh ah khaw Saul kah a sal rhoek kah mikhmuh ah khaw mikhmai then a dang.
6 When the soldiers returned home after David had killed the Philistine, the women of all the towns of Israel came out singing and dancing to meet King Saul, happily celebrating with tambourines and musical instruments.
Philisti aka tloek lamloh David ha bal phoeiah amih te khaw bal uh. Te vaengah manghai Saul doe hamla Israel khopuei tom lamkah huta rhoek loh kamrhing neh, toembael neh, kohoenah neh a lam neh a hlai uh tih ha pawk uh.
7 As they danced the women sang, “Saul has killed his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.”
Te vaengah huta rhoek loh a nueih doela a doo uh tih, “Saul loh thawngkhat, thawngkhat, David loh thawngrha a ngawn,” a ti nah.
8 What they were singing made Saul very angry as he didn't think it was right. He said to himself, “They've given David credit for killing tens of thousands, but only thousands to me. All that's left is to give him the kingdom!”
Te vaengah Saul te ta-oe lungoe. Tekah olka te a mikhmuh ah thae ni a huet pah. Te dongah Saul loh, “David tah thawngrha a paek uh tih kai tloe tah thawngkhat m'paek uh. Ram aka om duen khaw anih ham khoep thil koinih,” a ti.
9 From that time on Saul viewed David with suspicion.
Te khohnin lamkah long tah Saul loh David te thaesainah neh a mikmuelh coeng.
10 The following day an evil spirit from God came on Saul with power, and he was ranting inside the house while David played the harp as he regularly did. Saul happened to be holding a spear,
A vuen ah tah Pathen kah mueihla thae te Saul soah thaihtak tih a im khui ah a tonghma pah. Khohnin khohnin ah David loh a kut neh rhotoeng a tum pah dae Saul kut dongah caai ni a om.
11 and he threw it at David, saying to himself, “I'll pin David to the wall.” But David managed to escape him twice.
Te vaengah Saul loh David te, “Ka ngawn eh?,” a ti coeng dae pangbueng te caai neh a khoh. Te vaengah David te Saul mikhmuh lamloh hnavoei a paelhael tak.
12 Saul was afraid of David, because the Lord was with David, but he had given up on Saul.
David he BOEIPA loh a om puei dongah Saul loh a rhih. Tedae David amah te Saul taeng lamloh vik nong.
13 So Saul sent David away and made him a commander of a thousand soldiers, leading them out and back as part of the army.
Te dongah Saul loh David te amah taeng lamloh a tueih tih amah yueng la thawngkhat kah mangpa la a khueh. Te dongah David khaw pilnam kah mikhmuh la mop van tih pongpa van.
14 David was very successful in everything he did, because the Lord was with him.
A longpuei ah David te BOEIPA loh boeih a cangbam tih anih te a om puei.
15 When Saul saw how successful David was, he was even more afraid of him.
Anih loh bahoeng a cangbam te Saul loh a hmuh vaengah a mikhmuh ah bakuep coeng.
16 But everyone in Israel and Judah loved David, because of his leadership in the army.
David he Israel neh Judah pum loh a lungnah dongah amah amih mikhmuh ah mop van tih pongpa van.
17 One day Saul told David, “Here's my oldest daughter Merab. I will give her to you in marriage, but only if you prove to me you're a brave warrior and fight the battles of the Lord.” For Saul was thinking, “I don't need to be the one to kill him—let the Philistines do it!”
Te vaengah David te Saul loh, “Ka canu a ham Merab he na yuu la kam pae eh?, kamah taengah tatthai ca la dawk om lamtah BOEIPA kah caemtloek te vathoh thil,” a ti nah. Tedae Saul loh, “Ka kut loh David cuuk thil pawt cakhaw Philisti kut loh cuuk thil kolo saeh,” a ti.
18 “But who am I, and what status does my family have in Israel, for me to become the son-in-law of the king?” David replied.
Tedae David loh Saul taengah, “Manghai cava la om ham akhaw Israel khuiah kai he ulae? A pa kah a hui a ko khuiah kai kah hingnah he balae?,” a ti nah.
19 However, when the time came to give Merab, Saul's daughter, to David, she was given in marriage to Adriel of Meholah instead.
Tedae Saul canu Merab te David taengla paek ham a tue a pha vaengah tah anih te Mekoloti Adriel yuu la a paek.
20 Meanwhile Saul's daughter Michal had fallen in love with David, and when Saul was told, he was happy about it.
David loh Saul canu Mikhal a lungnah tih Saul taengla a puen pa uh hatah olka te a mikhmuh ah a thuem sak.
21 “I'll give her to David,” Saul thought. “She can be the bait so the Philistines can trap him.” So Saul said to David, “This is the second time you can become my son-in-law.”
Te vaengah Saul loh, “Anih ka paek daengah ni David taengah hlaeh la a om pa vetih Philisti kut loh a cuuk thil eh?,” a ti. Te dongah Saul loh David te, “Tihnin ah a pabae la kan cava nah eh,” a ti nah.
22 Saul gave these instructions to his servants, “Talk with David in private and tell him, ‘Look, the king is very happy with you, and all of us love you. Why not become the king's son-in-law?’”
Te phoeiah Saul loh a sal rhoek te, “David te a huep la voek uh lamtah, 'Manghai loh nang ng'ngaih tih a sal boeih long khaw nang n'lungnah coeng dongah manghai cava la om laeh,’ ti nah,” tila a uen.
23 Saul's servants spoke privately to David, but he replied, “Do you think it's nothing to become the king's son-in-law? I'm a poor man, and I'm not important.”
Tekah ol te Saul kah sal rhoek loh David hna ah a thui uh. Tedae David loh, “Na mikhmuh ah manghai loh n'cava nah te rhaemaih la, kai tah vawtthoek hlang neh rhaidaeng la,” a ti nah.
24 When Saul's servants explained to him what David had said,
Te dongah Saul taengla a sal rhoek te puen uh tih David kah a thui olka te a thui pah.
25 Saul told them, “Tell David, ‘The only dowry the king wants for the bride is one hundred foreskins of dead Philistine as a way of taking revenge on his enemies.’” Saul's plan was to have David be killed by the Philistines.
Saul loh, “David te thui pah, manghai hamla maan a kuek moenih, manghai kah thunkha rhoek taengah phuloh, ham Philisti kah yahhmui yakhat mah,” a ti nah. Te vaengah David te Philisti kut ah cungku sak ham Saul loh a moeh.
26 When the servants reported what the king had said back to David, he was happy to become the king's son-in-law. While there was still time,
Te olka te a sal rhoek loh David taengla a puen pa uh vaengah tah, manghai loh a cava nah ham te, David mikhmuh ah khaw olka tluek tluek khui tih khohnin khaw thok sak voel pawh.
27 David set off with his men and killed two hundred Philistines, and brought back their foreskins. They counted them all out before the king so that David could become the king's son-in-law. So Saul gave him his daughter Michal in marriage.
Te dongah David te thoo tih a hlang rhoek te a caeh puei. Te phoeiah Philisti hlang yahnih te a ngawn. Amih kah yahhmui te David loh a khuen tih manghai loh a cava nah ham a kuek te manghai taengah a cuum sak. Te daengah a yuu la a canu Mikhal te Saul loh David taengah a paek.
28 Saul realized that the Lord was with David and that his daughter Michal was in love with David,
Saul loh a sawt vaengah David taengah BOEIPA om tih Saul canu Mikhal loh David a lungnah te a ming.
29 and so he became even more afraid of David, and was David's enemy for the rest of his life.
David a rhih te Saul loh koep koep a koei dongah hnin takuem ah Saul he David kah thunkha la a om pah.
30 Whenever the Philistine commanders attacked, David was more successful in battle than all of Saul's officers, so that his reputation grew rapidly.
Philisti mangpa rhoek ha pawk tih amih taengah aka cet dingdoeng la a om vaengah khaw Saul kah a sal rhoek te David loh boeih a cangbam dongah a ming khaw then tangkik.

< 1 Samuel 18 >