< 1 Samuel 18 >

1 After David finished speaking with Saul, Jonathan became great friends with David. He loved David as he loved himself.
Solo amola Da: ibidi ela da sia: sa: i dagoi. Amalalu fa: no, Solo egefe Yonada: ne da Da: ibidima bagade oso dogone asigimusa: hanaiba: le, e da hina: da: i hodo amoma asigi amo defele Da: ibidima dogolegei.
2 From that time on Jonathan had David work for him and would not let him go back home.
Amogala, Solo da Da: ibidi hi diasua mae masa: ne gagulaligi.
3 Jonathan made a solemn agreement with David because he loved him as he loved himself.
Yonada: ne da Da: ibidima dogolegebeba: le, e da eso huluane mae yolesili, Da: ibidi ea dogolegei sama esaloma: ne, sia: ga ilegei dagoi.
4 Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, together with his tunic, his sword, his bow, and his belt.
E da abula hi ga: i amo gisa: le amola hina: da: igene ga: ne, gegesu gobihei sedade, oulali, amola bulu huluane gigisa: le, Da: ibidima i.
5 David was successful in doing everything Saul asked him to do, so Saul made him an officer in the army. This pleased everyone, including Saul's other officers.
Solo da Da: ibidima hawa: hamosu i. Da: ibidi da amo hawa: hamosu noga: le hamobeba: le, Solo da Da: ibidi ea dadi gagui ouligisu dunu hamoma: ne ilegei. Amo ba: beba: le, Solo ea dadi gagui dunu amola ilia ouligisu dunu huluane da bagade nodoi.
6 When the soldiers returned home after David had killed the Philistine, the women of all the towns of Israel came out singing and dancing to meet King Saul, happily celebrating with tambourines and musical instruments.
Da: ibidi da Goulaia: de fane legelalu, e amola dadi gagui dunu da ilia sogega buhagilaloba, Isala: ili moilaia fi uda huluane da Solo gousa: musa: misi. Ilia da nodosu gesami hea: su amola sisiogola amola ilibu amola sani baidama dududu sa: i.
7 As they danced the women sang, “Saul has killed his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.”
Uda ilia da nodone amane gesami hea: i, “Solo da ha lai dunu 1,000 baligili gale fane legei dagoi. Be Da: ibidi da ha lai dunu 10,000 baligili gale fane legei.”
8 What they were singing made Saul very angry as he didn't think it was right. He said to himself, “They've given David credit for killing tens of thousands, but only thousands to me. All that's left is to give him the kingdom!”
Solo da amane hea: be nabimu hihi galu. E da bagadewane ougi galu. E amane sia: i, “Ilia da Da: ibidi da 10,000 baligili gale fane legei be na da 1,000 baligili gale fawane fane legei sia: sa. Agoane hamosea, ilia na fadegale, Da: ibidi hina bagade hamoma: bela: ?”
9 From that time on Saul viewed David with suspicion.
Amaiba: le, Solo da amo esoha amogainini Da: ibidima mudasu, amola Da: ibidi ea hou hamobe higale dawa: i.
10 The following day an evil spirit from God came on Saul with power, and he was ranting inside the house while David played the harp as he regularly did. Saul happened to be holding a spear,
Golale hahabe, wadela: i a: silibu Gode Ea asunasi, amo da hedolowane Solo ea da: iga aligila sa: i. Amalu, e da elabusu dunu agoane hi diasua esala gagaba: gilalu. Da: ibidi da hi eso hulu amasu amane sani baidama dusa: esalu. Solo da goge agei gagui dialu.
11 and he threw it at David, saying to himself, “I'll pin David to the wall.” But David managed to escape him twice.
Solo da hisu amane sia: i, “Na da Da: ibidi dobeala bobodole gala: le danoma: nesimu.” Amalu, e da aduna agoane gala: i. Be Da: ibidi da ele galu giadofai dagoi.
12 Saul was afraid of David, because the Lord was with David, but he had given up on Saul.
Solo da Da: ibidiba: le beda: i. Bai Hina Gode da e yolesiagale, Da: ibidima galu.
13 So Saul sent David away and made him a commander of a thousand soldiers, leading them out and back as part of the army.
Amaiba: le, Solo da Da: ibidi dadi gagui dunu 1,000 ouligila masa: ne ga asunasiagai. Da: ibidi da ea dadi gagui dunu oule, gegena asi.
14 David was very successful in everything he did, because the Lord was with him.
E da hi musa: hamoi amanewane ha lai dunuma hasalasi. Bai Hina Gode da ela galuba: le.
15 When Saul saw how successful David was, he was even more afraid of him.
Solo da Da: ibidi ea didili hasalasu hamobe hou dawa: digili, bu bagadewane beda: i.
16 But everyone in Israel and Judah loved David, because of his leadership in the army.
Be Isala: ili amola Yuda dunu huluane da Da: ibidima bagadewane dogolegesu. Bai ea ouligisu hou e da noga: le didili hamoi.
17 One day Saul told David, “Here's my oldest daughter Merab. I will give her to you in marriage, but only if you prove to me you're a brave warrior and fight the battles of the Lord.” For Saul was thinking, “I don't need to be the one to kill him—let the Philistines do it!”
Amalu, Solo da Da: ibidima amane sia: i, “Na magobo uda mano Mila: be da goea. Dia da na hawa: hamosu noga: le hamosea amola di da dadi gagui noga: idafa agoane Hina Gode Ea gegesu hamosea, na da e digili lama: mu. (Solo da amane dawa: lu, amane hamosea, e da Da: ibidima ea mae fane legele, Filisidini dunu da Da: ibidi fane legema: bela: le dawa: i.)
18 “But who am I, and what status does my family have in Israel, for me to become the son-in-law of the king?” David replied.
Da: ibidi da dabe adole i, “Na da nowala: , amoga na da hina bagade ea esoa: hamoma: bela: ?”
19 However, when the time came to give Merab, Saul's daughter, to David, she was given in marriage to Adriel of Meholah instead.
Be Mila: be da Da: ibidima asulimu eso da doaga: loba, ilia da Da: ibidima mae asunawene bu dunu eno ea dio A: idalia: le (Mihoula moilai dunu) amogili i.
20 Meanwhile Saul's daughter Michal had fallen in love with David, and when Saul was told, he was happy about it.
Be Solo ea uda mano eno Maiga: le da Da: ibidima mageseiba: le ema fimusa: hanai galu. Solo da amo nababeba: le, nodoi.
21 “I'll give her to David,” Saul thought. “She can be the bait so the Philistines can trap him.” So Saul said to David, “This is the second time you can become my son-in-law.”
Solo da hisu amane sia: i, “Na da Da: ibidi saniga sa: ima: ne, Maiga: le amo ema imunu. Amasea, Da: ibidi da Filisidini dunu ilia fane legei dagoi ba: mu.” Amalalu, Solo da bu Da: ibidima amane sia: i, “Ani da nasoa: hamomu.”
22 Saul gave these instructions to his servants, “Talk with David in private and tell him, ‘Look, the king is very happy with you, and all of us love you. Why not become the king's son-in-law?’”
Solo da ea ouligisu dunu ilima ilia wamowane Da: ibidima amane sia: ma: ne sia: i, “Hina amola ea ouligisu dunu huluane da dima hahawane gala. Di da waha ea idiwi lamu da defea.”
23 Saul's servants spoke privately to David, but he replied, “Do you think it's nothing to become the king's son-in-law? I'm a poor man, and I'm not important.”
Amaiba: le, ilia amo sia: Da: ibidima sia: i. E bu adole i, “Na da hina bagadema esoa: hamomu da defele hame galebe. Bai na da hame gagui dunu amola hamedei dunu agoai galebe.”
24 When Saul's servants explained to him what David had said,
Ouligisu dunu da Da: ibidi ea sia: i amo Soloma alofele i.
25 Saul told them, “Tell David, ‘The only dowry the king wants for the bride is one hundred foreskins of dead Philistine as a way of taking revenge on his enemies.’” Saul's plan was to have David be killed by the Philistines.
Amalalu, Solo da ilima bu eno ema amane sia: ma: ne olelei, “Hina bagade da ea uda mano dabe ima: ne amo fawane lamu. Ea ha lai ilima dabe ima: ne, Filisidini dunu 100 ilia ewa gadofo damuni fasili, ema ima.” (Solo da amanewane Filisidini dunu da Da: ibidi medole legema: ne ilegei).
26 When the servants reported what the king had said back to David, he was happy to become the king's son-in-law. While there was still time,
Solo ea ouligisu dunu da Da: ibidi ea sia: i Soloma alofele i. Da: ibidi da Solo esoa: hamomu dawa: beba: le, hahawane bagade galu. Uda lamu eso ilegei amo hidadea,
27 David set off with his men and killed two hundred Philistines, and brought back their foreskins. They counted them all out before the king so that David could become the king's son-in-law. So Saul gave him his daughter Michal in marriage.
Da: ibidi amola ea dunu da asili, Filisidini dunu 200 amo fane legei. E da ilia ewa gadofo damuni fasili, hina bagadema gaguli asili, hina bagade ea esoa: hamoma: ne ema idili i. Amaiba: le, Solo da ea uda mano Maiga: le lama: ne Da: ibidigili i.
28 Saul realized that the Lord was with David and that his daughter Michal was in love with David,
Solo da molole dawa: digili amola Hina Gode da Da: ibidi ela esala. Amola ea mano Maiga: le da Da: ibidima magesei ba: i.
29 and so he became even more afraid of David, and was David's enemy for the rest of his life.
Amaiba: le, Solo da Da: ibidiba: le bu baligili beda: i. E da amo esoha amogainini, Da: ibidima ha laiwane esalu.
30 Whenever the Philistine commanders attacked, David was more successful in battle than all of Saul's officers, so that his reputation grew rapidly.
Filisidini dunu da misini, Isala: ili dunuma gegesu. Be gegesu huluane amo ganodini, Da: ibidi ea hasalasisu hou da Solo ea dadi gagui ouligisu dunu eno ilia hou baligisu. Amabeba: le, dunu huluane da Da: ibidima nodone dawa: digi.

< 1 Samuel 18 >