< 1 Samuel 15 >

1 Samuel told Saul, “The Lord sent me to anoint you king of his people Israel. So now pay attention to what the Lord has to say.
Jednom Samuel reče Šaulu: “Mene je Jahve poslao da te pomažem za kralja nad njegovim narodom Izraelom. Poslušaj, dakle, riječi Jahvine.
2 This is what the Lord Almighty says: I observed what the Amalekites did to Israel when they ambushed them on their way from Egypt.
Ovako govori Jahve nad vojskama: 'Odlučio sam osvetiti ono što je Amalek učinio Izraelu zatvarajući mu put kad je izlazio iz Egipta.
3 Go and attack the Amalekites and exterminate all of them. Don't spare anyone, but kill every man, woman, child, and baby; every ox, sheep, camel, and donkey.”
Sada idi i udari na Amaleka, izvrši “herem”, kleto uništenje, na njemu i na svemu što posjeduje; ne štedi ga, pobij muškarce i žene, djecu i dojenčad, goveda i ovce, deve i magarce!'”
4 Saul called up his army at Telem. There were 200,000 Israelite infantry and 10,000 men from Judah.
Šaul sazva narod te ih izbroji u Telamu: bijaše ih dvije stotine tisuća pješaka (i deset tisuća Judejaca).
5 Saul advanced on the town of Amalek and set up an ambush in the valley.
Šaul dođe do amalečkoga grada i postavi zasjedu u dolini potoka.
6 Saul sent a message to warn the Kenites, “Move out of the area and leave the Amalekites so that I don't destroy you with them, because you showed kindness to all the people of Israel on their way from Egypt.” So the Kenites moved away and left the Amalekites.
Potom Šaul poruči Kenijcima: “Otiđite i odvojite se od Amalečana da vas ne bih istrijebio zajedno s njima, jer ste bili skloni svim Izraelcima kad su izlazili iz Egipta.” I Kenijci se odvojiše od Amalečana.
7 Saul defeated the Amalekites from Havilah as far as Shur, to the east of Egypt.
Šaul potuče Amalečane od Havile pa sve do Šura, koji leži pred Egiptom.
8 He captured Agag, king of Amalek, alive, but exterminated all the people by the sword.
I živa uhvati Agaga, amalečkog kralja, a sav narod zatre oštricom mača, izvršujući “herem”, kleto uništenje.
9 Saul and his army spared Agag, together with the best sheep and cattle, the fat calves and lambs, and everything else that was any good. They didn't want to destroy those, but they completely destroyed all that was unwanted and worthless.
Ali Šaul i narod poštedješe Agaga i najbolje ovce i najbolja goveda, ugojenu stoku i jaganjce i sve što je bilo dobro. Na svemu tome ne htjedoše izvršiti “herem”; nego što je god od stoke bilo bez cijene i vrijednosti, na tom izvršiše “herem”.
10 The Lord sent a message to Samuel, saying,
Zato dođe riječ Jahvina Samuelu ovako:
11 “I'm sorry I made Saul king, for he has given up following me and hasn't done as I ordered.” Samuel was upset, and he cried out to the Lord all through the night.
“Kajem se što sam Šaula postavio za kralja: okrenuo se od mene i nije izvršio mojih zapovijedi.” Samuel se ražalosti i svu je noć vapio Jahvi.
12 Samuel got up early in the morning and went to meet Saul, but he was told, “Saul's gone to Carmel. There he's even erected a monument to honor himself, and now he's left and gone down to Gilgal.”
U rano jutro krenu Samuel da potraži Šaula. I javiše Samuelu ovako: “Šaul je otišao u Karmel, i gle, podigao je ondje sebi spomenik; zatim je otišao dalje i sišao u Gilgal.”
13 When Samuel caught up with him, Saul said, “The Lord bless you! I have done what the Lord ordered.”
Kad je Samuel došao k Šaulu, reče mu Šaul: “Blagoslovljen da si od Jahve! Izvršio sam Jahvinu zapovijed.”
14 “So what's this bleating of sheep my ears are picking up? What's this lowing of cattle that I'm hearing?” Samuel asked.
Ali Samuel upita: “Kakvo je to ovčje blejanje što dopire do mojih ušiju i mukanje goveda koje čujem?”
15 “The army brought them from the Amalekites,” Saul replied. “They spared the best sheep and cattle to sacrifice to the Lord your God, but we completely destroyed the rest.”
A Šaul odgovori: “Dognali su ih od Amalečana, jer je narod poštedio najbolje ovce i najbolja goveda da ih žrtvuje Jahvi, tvome Bogu. Na svemu drugome izvršili smo 'herem'.”
16 “Oh, be quiet!” Samuel told Saul. “Let me tell you what the Lord told me last night.” “Tell me what he said,” Saul replied.
A Samuel reče Šaulu: “Stani da ti kažem što mi je noćas objavio Jahve.” A on reče: “Govori!”
17 “Once you didn't use to think much of yourself, but haven't you become the leader of the tribes of Israel?” Samuel asked. “The Lord anointed you king of Israel.
Tada će Samuel: “Koliko god si malen sam u svojim očima, ipak si postao glavar Izraelovih plemena. Jahve te pomazao za kralja nad Izraelom.
18 Then he sent you out to do something, telling you, ‘Go and exterminate those sinners, the Amalekites. Attack them until they're all destroyed.’
Jahve te poslao na vojni pohod i zapovjedio ti: 'Idi, izvrši 'herem' na tim grešnicima, na Amalečanima, vojuj na njih do istrebljenja.'
19 Why didn't you do what the Lord ordered? Why did you swoop down on the plunder and do what was evil in the Lord's sight?”
Zašto nisi poslušao riječi Jahvine? Zašto si se bacio na plijen i učinio ono što je zlo u Jahvinim očima?”
20 “But I did do what the Lord ordered!” Saul replied. “I went and did what the Lord sent me to do. I brought back Agag, king of Amalek, and completely destroyed the Amalekites.
Šaul odgovori Samuelu: “Ja sam poslušao riječ Jahvinu: poduzeo sam pohod kamo me poslao, doveo sam Agaga, amalečkoga kralja, i izvršio 'herem' na Amalečanima.
21 The army took sheep and cattle from the plunder, the best of what was consecrated to God, to sacrifice them to the Lord your God in Gilgal.”
Ali je narod od plijena uzeo ovaca i goveda, i to najbolje na čemu se imao izvršiti 'herem', da žrtvuje Jahvi, tvome Bogu, u Gilgalu.”
22 “Does the Lord prefer burnt offerings and sacrifices, or obedience to what he says?” Samuel asked. “Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice. Paying attention is more important than offering the fat of rams.
A Samuel odvrati: “Jesu li Jahvi milije paljenice i klanice nego poslušnost njegovu glasu? Znaj, poslušnost je vrednija od najbolje žrtve, pokornost je bolja od ovnujske pretiline.
23 Rebellion is as bad as witchcraft, and arrogance is as bad as the sin of idolatry. Because you have rejected the Lord's commands, he has rejected you as king.”
Nepokornost je kao grijeh čaranja, samovolja je kao zločin s idolima. Ti si odbacio riječ Jahvinu, zato je Jahve odbacio tebe da ne budeš više kralj!”
24 “I have sinned,” Saul confessed to Samuel. “I disobeyed the Lord's orders and your instructions, because I was afraid of the people and followed what they said.
Tada Šaul odvrati Samuelu: “Zgriješio sam što sam prekršio Jahvinu zapovijed i tvoje naredbe. Bojao sam se naroda i popustio njegovu zahtjevu.
25 So please forgive my sin and come back with me, so I can worship the Lord.”
A sada mi oprosti moj grijeh i vrati se sa mnom da se poklonim Jahvi.”
26 But Samuel told him, “I'm not going back with you. You have rejected the Lord's orders, and the Lord has rejected you as king of Israel!”
Ali Samuel odgovori Šaulu: “Neću se vratiti s tobom: ti si odbacio Jahvinu riječ, zato je Jahve odbacio tebe da ne budeš više kralj nad Izraelom.”
27 As Samuel turned away to leave, Saul grabbed hold of the hem of his robe, and it ripped.
Kad se Samuel okrenuo da ode, Šaul čvrsto uhvati skut njegova plašta, ali se skut otkide.
28 Samuel said to him, “The Lord has ripped the kingdom of Israel away from you today and has given it to your neighbor—someone who is better than you!
Tada mu reče Samuel: “Danas ti je Jahve otkinuo kraljevstvo nad Izraelom i dao ga tvome susjedu, koji je bolji od tebe.” -
29 In addition, the Glory of Israel does not lie or change his mind, for he is not a human being who changes his mind!”
Ipak, Slava Izraelova ne laže i ne kaje se, jer nije čovjek da bi se kajao. -
30 “Yes, I have sinned,” Saul replied. “Please honor me now before the elders of my people and before Israel—come back with me, so that I may worship the Lord your God.”
Šaul reče: “Sagriješio sam; ali mi sada učini čast pred starješinama moga naroda i pred Izraelom i vrati se sa mnom da se poklonim Jahvi, tvome Bogu.”
31 So Samuel went back with Saul after all, and Saul worshiped the Lord.
I Samuel se vrati sa Šaulom i Šaul se pokloni Jahvi.
32 Then Samuel said, “Bring me Agag, king of the Amalekites.” Agag came to him confidently, for he thought, “The threat of death of being killed must have passed.”
Potom zapovjedi Samuel: “Dovedite k meni Agaga, amalečkoga kralja!” I Agag dođe k njemu opirući se i reče: “Zaista, smrt je gorka!”
33 But Samuel said, “In the same way that your sword has made women childless, so too your mother will be childless among women.” Samuel cut Agag to pieces before the Lord at Gilgal.
Samuel mu odvrati: “Kao što je tvoj mač mnogim ženama oteo djecu, tako će među ženama tvoja majka ostati bez djeteta!” I Samuel posiječe Agaga pred Jahvom u Gilgalu.
34 Samuel left for Ramah, and Saul went home to Gibeah of Saul.
Potom Samuel ode u Ramu, a Šaul se vrati svojoj kući u Šaulovu Gibeu.
35 Until the day of his death, Samuel never visited Saul again. Samuel mourned over Saul, and the Lord regretted he had made Saul the king of Israel.
I Samuel nije više vidio Šaula do svoga smrtnog dana. Samuel je tugovao zbog Šaula, ali se Jahve pokajao što je Šaula postavio za kralja nad Izraelom.

< 1 Samuel 15 >