< 1 Samuel 13 >

1 Saul was thirty when he became king, and he reigned over Israel for forty-two years.
Saul [ottuz] yashta padishah bolup Israilning üstide ikki yil seltenet qilghandin kéyin
2 Saul had chosen three thousand men of Israel. Two thousand of them were with Saul in Michmash and the hill country of Bethel, and another thousand were with Jonathan in Gibeah of Benjamin. He sent the rest of the army home.
Özige Israildin üch ming ademni ilghap aldi. Ikki mingi Mikmashta we Beyt-El taghlirida Saulning qéshida, bir mingi Binyamin zéminidiki Gibéahda Yonatanning qéshida idi. Emma u qalghan xelqning herbirini öz öylirige ketküziwetti.
3 Jonathan attacked the Philistine garrison at Geba. The Philistines soon heard about it, so Saul had the trumpet call to arms sounded throughout the land, saying, “Hebrews, pay attention!”
Yonatan bolsa Filistiylerning Gébadiki leshkergahigha hujum qildi, Filistiyler buningdin xewer tapti. Saul bolsa: — Pütkül zémindiki ibraniylar anglap oyghansun dep, kanay chaldurdi.
4 All of Israel heard the news, “Saul has attacked the Philistine garrison, and now Israel is like a bad smell to the Philistines!” So the whole army was called up to join Saul at Gilgal.
Pütkül Israil Saulning Filistiylerning leshkergahigha hujum qilghanliqidin hemde Israilning Filistiylerge nepretlinidighanlikidin xewer tapti. Xelq Saulning keynidin Gilgalgha bérip yighildi.
5 The Philistines gathered to fight against Israel. They had three thousand chariots, six thousand horsemen, and soldiers as numerous as sand on the seashore. They advanced and camped at Michmash, east of Beth-aven.
Filistiylerdin Israil bilen jeng qilghili üch ming jeng harwisi, alte ming atliq leshker we déngiz sahilidiki qumdek köp piyade leshker yighildi. Ular kélip Beyt-Awenning sherq teripidiki Mikmashta bargah tikti.
6 When the Israelite men realized the tough situation they were in, and that the army was taking a beating, they hid themselves in caves, holes, rocks, pits, and cisterns.
Israilning ademliri özlirining qattiq xiyim-xeterde qalghanliqini körüp gharlargha, chatqalliqlargha, qiya tashliqlargha, yuqiri jaylargha we azgallargha yoshuruniwélishti;
7 Some of the Hebrews even crossed the Jordan into the territory of Gad and Gilead, but Saul stayed at Gilgal, and all the men with him were trembling with fear.
[bezi] Ibraniylar Iordan deryasidin ötüp, Gad we Giléadning zéminigha qéchip bardi. Lékin Saul Gilgalda qaldi, ademlirining hemmisi uninggha titrigen halda egeshti.
8 Saul waited there seven days for the time that Samuel had said, but Samuel did not arrive at Gilgal, and the army started to desert him.
Emdi Saul Samuil uninggha békitken waqitqiche yette kün kütüp turdi; lékin Samuil Gilgalgha kelmidi, xelq uningdin tarilip ketkili turdi.
9 So Saul ordered, “Bring the burnt offering and the friendship offerings to me,” and he presented the burnt offering.
Saul: — Köydürme qurbanliq bilen inaqliq qurbanliqlirini bu yerge — yénimgha élip kélinglar, dédi. Andin u özi köydürme qurbanliq ötküzdi.
10 Just as he finished presenting the burnt offering, he saw Samuel arrive. Saul went over to meet him and say hello.
We shundaq boldiki, u köydürme qurbanliqni tügitishi bilenla, mana Samuil keldi. Saul uninggha salam qilghili aldigha chiqti.
11 “What have you done?” Samuel asked. Saul replied, “Well I saw my men were deserting me, and you hadn't arrived when you said you would, and the Philistines were gathering at Michmash to attack.
Lékin Samuil: — Néme ishlarni qilding?! — dep soridi. Saul: — Xelq mendin tarilip ketkenlikini, silining békitken waqitta kelmigenliklirini, Filistiylerning Mikmashta yighilghinini kördum,
12 I said to myself, ‘The Philistines are about to attack me at Gilgal, and I haven't asked the Lord for his help.’ So I felt I had to present the burnt offering myself.”
men ichimde: Emdi Filistiyler Gilgalgha chüshüp manga hujum qilmaqchi, men bolsam téxi Perwerdigargha iltija qilmidim, dédim. Shunga köydürme qurbanliq qilishqa özümni mejburlidim, dédi.
13 “You've been really stupid,” Samuel told him. “You haven't kept the commands of the Lord your God. If you had, the Lord would have made your kingdom over Israel secure forever.
Samuil Saulgha: — Sen exmeqliq qilding; sen Xudaying Perwerdigar sanga buyrughan emrni tutmiding; shundaq qilghan bolsang Perwerdigar Israilning üstidiki seltenitingni menggü mustehkem qilatti, dédi.
14 But now your kingdom won't last. The Lord has found for himself a man who thinks like him, and has chosen him as ruler over his people, because you haven't kept the commands of the Lord.”
Lékin emdi selteniting mustehkem turmaydu. Perwerdigar Öz könglidikidek muwapiq bir ademni izdep tapti. Perwerdigar uni Öz xelqining bashlamchisi qildi, chünki sen Perwerdigar sanga buyrughanni tutmiding, dédi.
15 Then Samuel left Gilgal. The rest of the soldiers followed Saul to meet the army, going from Gilgal to Geba in Benjamin. Saul counted the number of soldiers who were with him and there were about six hundred.
Andin Samuil ornidin turup Gilgaldin kétip Binyamin zéminidiki Gibéahgha bardi. Saul bolsa öz yénidiki ademlerni sanidi; ular alte yüzche chiqti.
16 Saul, his son Jonathan, and the soldiers with them were staying in Geba of Benjamin, while the Philistines were camped at Michmash.
Saul bilen oghli Yonatan we ularning qéshida qalghan xelq Binyamin zéminidiki Gébada qélip qaldi, Filistiyler bolsa Mikmashta bargah tikkenidi.
17 Three groups of raiders left the Philistine camp to go and attack. One group went towards Ophrah in the land of Shual,
Qaraqchilar daim Filistiylerning bargahidin chiqip üch bölekke bölünetti. Bir bölek Shual zéminidiki Ofrahgha baridighan yolgha atlinatti,
18 one towards Beth-horon, and one towards the border that looks down on the Valley of Zeboim by the wilderness.
bir bölek Beyt-Horon’gha baridighan yol bilen mangatti, yene bir bölek chölning chétidiki Zeboim jilghisigha qaraydighan zémindiki yolgha mangatti.
19 There wasn't a blacksmith to be found anywhere in Israel, because the Philistines had said, “So that the Hebrews don't make swords and spears.”
Emma pütkül Israil zéminida héchbir tömürchi tépilmaytti; chünki Filistiyler: — Ibraniylar özlirige qilich yaki neyze yasiyalmisun, dep oylaytti.
20 All the Israelites had to go to the Philistines to sharpen their iron plowshares, pickaxes, axes, and sickles.
Bu sewebtin Israillar hemmisi sapan chishliri, ketmenlirini, paltilirini we orghaqlirini bislash üchün Filistiylerning qéshigha baratti.
21 The fee was two-thirds of a shekel for plowshares and pickaxes, and a third of a shekel for sharpening the axes and cattle prods.
Ular sapan chishliri we ketmenler üchün üchtin ikki shekel, jotu, palta we zixlarni bislash üchün üchtin bir shekelni töleytti.
22 So when it came to the day of battle none of the soldiers with Saul and Jonathan had swords or spears—only Saul and his son Jonathan had such weapons.
Shunga urush bolghanda Saul we Yonatanning qéshidiki xelqning héchbiride qilich ya neyze yoq idi; peqet Saul bilen oghli Yonatandila bar idi.
23 A Philistine garrison had taken control of the pass at Michmash.
U waqitta Filistiylerning bir qarawullar etriti Mikmashtiki dawan’gha chiqqanidi.

< 1 Samuel 13 >