< 1 Samuel 11 >

1 Nahash the Ammonite came with his army and besieged Jabesh-gilead. All the people of Jabesh said to him, “Make a peace treaty with us, and we will be your subjects.”
Awo olwatuuka Nakkasi Omwamoni n’ayambuka n’azingiza Yabesugireyaadi. Abasajja bonna ab’e Yabesi ne bamugamba nti, “Kola naffe endagaano, tunaakuweerezanga.”
2 But Nahash the Ammonite responded, “I'll make a peace treaty with you on one condition: that I gouge out everyone's right eye to bring shame on all Israelites.”
Naye Nakkasi Omwamoni n’abaddamu nti, “Sijja kukola nammwe ndagaano okuggyako nga munzikirizza okuggya mu buli muntu, eriiso lye erya ddyo, olwo nswaze Isirayiri yenna.”
3 “Let us have seven days so we can send messengers all over Israel,” replied the town elders of Jabesh. “If no one comes to help us, we will surrender to you.”
Abakulu ba Yabesi ne bamugamba nti, “Tuweeyo ebbanga lya nnaku musanvu, tusindike ababaka mu nsi yonna eya Isirayiri. Bwe wataabeewo n’omu anajja okutubeera, kale tuneewaayo gy’oli.”
4 When the messengers arrived in Gibeah of Saul and gave the message as the people listened, they all wept out loud.
Ababaka bwe baatuuka e Gibea ewa Sawulo, ne bategeeza abantu ebigambo ebyo; bwe baabiwulira bonna ne bakuba ebiwoobe.
5 Right then Saul was coming back from ploughing a field with his oxen. “Why is everyone so upset?” he asked. They told him what the men from Jabesh had said.
Mu kiseera ekyo Sawulo yali ava mu nnimiro ng’agoberera ente ze ezirima, n’abuuza nti, “Abantu babadde ki? Kiki ekibakaabya?” Ne bamutegeeza obubaka abasajja ab’e Yabesi bwe baali baleese.
6 The Spirit of God came on Saul in power when he heard about this, and he grew very angry.
Awo Sawulo bwe yawulira ebigambo ebyo, Omwoyo wa Katonda n’amukkako mu maanyi, obusungu bwe ne bubuubuuka nnyo.
7 He took a pair of oxen and cut them into pieces. Then he sent them by messenger to every part of Israel with the message, “This is what will happen to the oxen of anyone who does not follow Saul and Samuel.” The Lord made the people anxious to do so, and they came out as one.
N’addira ente bbiri, n’azitemaatema, n’aziwa ababaka ne bazitwala okubuna ensi yonna eya Isirayiri ng’agamba nti, “Buli ataagoberere Sawulo ne Samwiri, ente ze ezirima bwe zityo bwe zinaakolebwa.” Entiisa ya Mukama n’egwa ku bantu, ne bakuŋŋaana wamu n’omutima gumu.
8 When Saul counted them at Bezek, there were 300,000 men from Israel and 30,000 men from Judah.
Sawulo n’ababalira e Bezeki, abasajja abaava mu Isirayiri nga bawera emitwalo amakumi asatu, n’abaava mu Yuda ne bawera emitwalo esatu.
9 They said to the messengers who came, “Tell the men of Jabesh Gilead, ‘Tomorrow you'll be rescued, by the time the sun is hot.’” The people of Jabesh were so happy when the messengers arrived and told them this.
Ne bagamba ababaka abaali bazze nti, “Mutegeeze abasajja ab’e Yabesugireyaadi nti, ‘Obudde we bunaatuukira mu ssaawa ez’omu ttuntu, munaaba mulokolebbwa.’” Ababaka bwe bazzaayo obubaka obwo e Yabesi, abatuuze baayo ne bassa ekikkowe.
10 They told the Ammonites, “We will surrender to you tomorrow, and then you can do to us whatever you want.”
Abatuuze ab’e Yabesi ne bagamba Abamoni nti, “Enkya tujja kwewaayo gye muli, mutukole kye mwagala.”
11 The next day Saul organized the army into three divisions. They attacked the Ammonite camp before dawn and went on killing them until the day grew hot. The survivors were so scattered that not even two of them were left together.
Enkeera Sawulo yakeera mu matulutulu n’ayawulamu abasajja be ebibinja bisatu; ne balumba olusiisira lw’Abamoni ne babatta okutuusa mu ssaawa ez’omu ttuntu. Abaaluwona ne basaasaana, ne wataba n’omu asigala na munne.
12 Then the people asked Samuel, “Who was saying, ‘Why should we have Saul as our king?’ Hand these men over so we can execute them.”
Awo abantu ne bagamba Samwiri nti, “Ani eyali abuuza nti, ‘Sawulo alitufuga?’ Mubatuwe tubatte.”
13 But Saul replied, “No one's going to be executed today, for this is the day that the Lord saved Israel.”
Naye Sawulo n’addamu nti, “Nedda, tewali muntu anattibwa leero, kubanga olwa leero Mukama alokodde Isirayiri.”
14 Then Samuel said to the people, “Come with me—let's go to Gilgal and renew the kingdom.”
Awo Samwiri n’agamba abantu nti, “Mujje, tugende e Girugaali tukakase obwakabaka.”
15 Everyone went to Gilgal and confirmed Saul as king before the Lord. They sacrificed friendship offerings to the Lord, and Saul together with all the Israelites had a great celebration.
Awo abantu bonna ne bagenda e Girugaali mu maaso ga Mukama ne bakakasa Sawulo okuba kabaka. Era mu kifo ekyo ne baweerayo ssaddaaka ez’ebiweebwayo olw’emirembe mu maaso ga Mukama, Sawulo n’Abayisirayiri bonna ne basanyuka ne bajaguza nnyo ne bakola n’entujjo ey’amaanyi.

< 1 Samuel 11 >