< 1 Kings 9 >

1 After Solomon had finished the Lord's Temple and the royal palace, having accomplished everything he'd wanted to do,
Hagi Ra Anumzamofo mono none, agra'a nonema Solomoni'ma ki vaganereno, maka zama hugahuema hu'nea zamo'ma vagamaretegeno'a,
2 the Lord appeared to him a second time, as he had appeared to him at Gibeon.
Gibioni kumate'ma mani'negeno Ra Anumzamo'ma agrite'ma efore hu'neaza huno efore hu'ne.
3 The Lord told him, “I have heard your prayer and your request to me. I have dedicated this Temple you have built by placing my name on it forever; I will always watch over it and take care of it.
Hagi Ra Anumzamo'a anage huno asami'ne, Mono nonku'ma nunamuma hanana Nagra antahi'noankino Nagri'ma mono'ma hunantesaza no me'nena maka knafina veamo'za Nagrira monora eme hunenantesage'na, maka knafina ama ana nonte navua kete'na mani'nena nagesa antahigahue.
4 As for you, if you follow my ways as your father David did, doing everything I've told you to do, and if you keep my laws and regulations,
Hagi kagra negafa Deviti'ma hu'neaza hunka fatgo kavukva hunka kagu'a anteraminka, maka kema kasamua kea nevaririnka kasegeni'ane, trake'ni'ane amage'ma antesanke'na,
5 then I will make your throne secure forever. I made this agreement with your father David, telling him, ‘You will always have a descendant to rule over Israel.’
maka zupa kagri nagapintike Israeli vahe kinia azeri fore hutere hugahue. Na'ankure negafa Devitina amanage hu'na huvempa hunte'noe. Kagri nagapintike Israeli vahe'mofo kinia manino vugahie hu'na hunte'noe.
6 But if you or your descendants turn away and do not keep the laws and the commandments I have given you, and if you go and serve and worship other gods,
Hianagi kagrane kagripinti'ma forehu anante anante'ma hu'zama vanaza vahe'mo'za amama avaririo hu'nama nehua kasegene, tra kenema ovaririza atre'za ru anumzamofo ome nevariri'za mono'ma huntesazana,
7 then I will cut Israel off from the land I have given them. I will banish from my presence this Temple I have dedicated to my honor, and I will make it an object lesson of ridicule among the nations.
Israeli vahera amama zami'noa mopafintira zamazeri vati atregahue. Ana nehu'na mono hunanteho hu'nama eri ruotge'ma hua mono nona atre'na namefi humigahue. Hagi Israeli vahera kiza zokago hu'zanknaza zamazeri tro ha'nena, kokankoka vahe'mo'za kizazokago ke huzmante'za zamagiza regahaze.
8 This Temple will become a pile of rubble. All who pass by it will be appalled and will hiss, saying, ‘Why has the Lord acted in such a way to this land and this Temple?’
Hagi ama avasase'ane mono nomo'a havizantfa hinkeno, kante'ma evanaza vahe'mo'za nege'za antri nehu'za, zamagena neru'za amanage hugahaze, nahigeno Ra Anumzamo'a ama mopane, ama mono nonena amanara hie hu'za hugahaze.
9 The answer will come, ‘Because they abandoned the Lord their God, who brought their forefathers out of Egypt, and have embraced other gods, worshiping them and serving them. That's why the Lord has brought all this trouble upon them.’”
Hagi amanage hu'za kenona hugahaze, na'ankure Isipiti'ma zamagehe'mofoma zamavareno'ma e'nea Ra Anumzana zamagra atre'za, ru anumzantami nevaririza monora ome hunte'naze. E'ina hu'nazagu Ra Anumzamo'a amanahu hazenkea zami'ne hu'za hugahaze.
10 It took twenty years for Solomon to construct the two buildings—the Temple of the Lord and his own palace. After this,
Hagi Solomoni'a 20'a kafufi mono none agra'a nonena kivagare'ne. Hagi ana nontrema ki vagamare'neana,
11 King Solomon gave twenty towns in Galilee to Hiram king of Tyre, because Hiram had provided him with all the cedar and juniper and gold he wanted.
Tairi kini ne' Hiramu'a maka sida zafane saipresi zafane, golinena Solomoni'ma kema hiama'a amigeno ki'ne. Hagi ana'ma hirera kini ne' Solomoni'a 20'a rankumatmi Hiramuna Galili mopafina ami'ne.
12 But when Hiram went from Tyre to see the cities that Solomon had given him, he was not happy with them.
Hianagi Hiramu'ma Tairi kumateti'ma eno Solomoni'ma ami'nea kumatmima eme negeno'a, musena osu'ne.
13 “What are these towns you have given me, my brother?” asked Hiram. He called them the land of Cabul, the name they are known by to this day.
Ana nehuno amanage huno antahige'ne? Nenfuga nanknahu kumatmi namine? huno nehuno ana kuma'ma me'nea mopagura Kabulie (eri'zama'a omne'ne) huno agia antegeno, ana knareti'ma eno menima ehanati'neana ana mopagura Kabulie hu'za agi'a nehaze.
14 Even so, Hiram sent the king 120 talents of gold in payment.
Hagi kna'amo'a 4'a tani agatere'nea goli Hiramu'a Solomonina atrentege'za eri'za e'naze.
15 Here is the account of the forced labor that King Solomon imposed to build the Lord's Temple, his own palace, the terraces, and the wall of Jerusalem, as well as Hazor, Megiddo, and Gezer.
Hagi ama'i Solomoni'ma eri'za vahe'ma zamavarege'za Ra Anumzamofo none, agri none negi'za Jerusalemi kuma'ma tami'nea kaziga mopa kate'za ante avite'nente'za, Jerusalemi kuma'mofone Hazori kumamofone, Megido kuma'mofone Gezeri kuma keginama hu'naza zamofo naneke.
16 Pharaoh, king of Egypt, had attacked and captured Gezer. He had set it on fire, killed the Canaanites living in the town. He had then given it as a wedding dowry to his daughter, Solomon's wife.
Na'ankure Isipi kini ne' Fero'a Gaza kumate vahe ha' eme huzmanteno kina hunezmanteno, Kenani vahera rama'a nezamaheno, kumazmia teve taginte'ne. Hagi mofa'amo'ma Solomoninte nemaregeno'a, e'i ana kumara muse'za mofa'amofo ami'ne.
17 Solomon rebuilt Gezer and lower Beth-horon,
Ana higeno Solomoni'a Gezeri kumara eriso'e hu'ne. Hagi ana nehuno fenka kaziga Bet-horoni kuma'ene,
18 Baalath and Tamar in the wilderness, in the land of Judah,
Ba'alati kuma'ene tro nehuno, Juda ka'ma kokampina Tamari kumara tro hu'ne.
19 and all of Solomon's towns for storage, and the towns for his chariots and for his horsemen, plus whatever Solomon wanted to build in Jerusalem, in Lebanon, and throughout his entire kingdom.
Hagi Solomoni'a maka karisiramima antesia kuma'ane, hosi afutmima antesia kuma'ane, mago'a zantmi antesia kumatmina Jerusalemine, Lebanonine maka agrama kegavama hu'nea mopafi tro hu'ne.
20 The descendants of the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites (people who were not Israelites)
Hagi Israeli mopafina mago'a Amori vahe'ene Hiti vahe'ene Perizi vahe'ene Hivi vahe'ene Jebusi vahe'enena mani'naze.
21 who remained in the land—those whom the Israelites were unable to destroy completely—were conscripted by Solomon to work as forced laborers, as they continue to do to this day.
Hagi e'ina vahetamina Israeli vahe'mo'zama zamahe hanama osu'naza vahe'tmimofo zamagehemo'ze. Hagi Solomoni'a e'ina vahetmina zamavarege'za, agri kazokazo eri'za vahe manine'za eri'zana erime e'za menina ehanati'naze.
22 But Solomon did not enslave any of the Israelites. They were his soldiers, officials, commanders, captains, chariot commanders, and horsemen.
Hianagi Solomoni'a magore huno Israeli vahera zamavarege'za kazokazo eri'zana e'ori'naze. Hagi sondia vahetmima, kva vahe'tmima, sondia vahete vugota kva vahetmima, karisima eri'za ha'ma nehaza vahete kva vahetmima, hosi afutmima eri'za ha'ma hu vahe'tmina Israeli vahera zamazeri oti'ne.
23 They were also the chief officers in charge of Solomon's programs: 550 in command of the people who carried out the work.
Hagi 5 hantret 50'a vugota kva vahe'tmi Solomoni'a huzmantege'za eri'za vahetera vugota hu'za kva huzmante'ne'za, eri'zankea ana vahetamina huzmante'naze.
24 Once Pharaoh's daughter had moved from the City of David to the palace that Solomon had built for her, he built the city terraces.
Hianagi Fero mofa'ma Solomoni nenaro'a Deviti rankumara atreno, Solomoni'ma kintea nompi umani'ne. Hagi Solomoni'a Jerusalemi kuma'ma tami'nea kaziga eri'za vahe'agu hige'za, mopa kafi'za atre'za eri agupo tro hu'naze.
25 Three times each year Solomon sacrificed burnt offerings and friendship offerings on the altar he had built for the Lord, burning incense before the Lord with them, and so fulfilled what was required at the Temple.
Hagi Ra Anumzamofo kresramna vu itama tro'ma huntetera mago kafumofo agu'afina Solomoni'a 3'a zupa kre fananehu ofane, arimpa fru ofanena nehuno, anahukna huno mnanentake'zana Ra Anumzamofontega kremna vu'ne. Ana nehuno mono nona ki vagare'ne.
26 King Solomon built a fleet of ships at Ezion-geber, which is near Eloth on the shore of the Red Sea, in the land of Edom.
Hagi ana huteno kini ne' Solomoni'a Edomu mopafina Eloti kuma tava'onte, Koranke hageri ankena, Ezion-gebe kumatera rama'a venterami tro hunte'ne.
27 Hiram sent his sailors who knew the sea to serve in the fleet with Solomon's men.
Hagi kini ne' Hiramu'a ventema erino vanoma hu'ama antahini'ma hu'naza eri'za vahe'a huzmantege'za Solomoni eri'za vahe'tamine ventefi erizana ome eri'naze.
28 They sailed to Ophir and brought back 420 talents of gold from there and delivered it to Solomon.
Hagi ana vahe'mo'za vente eri'za Ofiri moparega hagerimpi vu'za kna'amo'a 16ni'a tani hu'nea goli omeri'za Solomonina eme ami'naze.

< 1 Kings 9 >