< 1 Kings 1 >

1 King David had grown old and couldn't keep warm in bed however many blankets they used to cover him.
Ie amy zao fa bey naho nigain-kantetse t’i Davide mpanjaka; aa ndra t’ie nisafo-damba tsy nahazo hafanàñe.
2 So his officials suggested, “Let a search be made on behalf of Your Majesty for a young virgin to serve you and look after you. She can lie next to you and keep you warm.”
Aa le hoe o mpitoro’eo ama’e: Ho paiañe somondrara ki’e i talèko mpanjakay, ie hijohañe añatrefa’ i mpanjakay, hiatrak’ aze, naho hàndre añ’araña’e, hahazoa’ i talèko mpanjakay hafanàñe.
3 So they searched the whole country of Israel for a beautiful young woman and found Abishag from the town of Shunem and took her to the king.
Aa le nanitsike i tane Israeley iereo nitsoeke ty ampela soa; le nitendreke t’i Abisage nte-Sonamý vaho na­sese amy mpanjakay.
4 She was very beautiful, and she looked after the king, attending to his needs, but he did not have sex with her.
Toe nimontramontra i somondraray; naho niatrake i mpanjakay vaho nitoroñ’ aze fe tsy niolora’ i mpanjakay.
5 Adonijah, son of Haggith, was busy promoting himself, saying “I'm going to be king!” He arranged chariots and horsemen for himself, and fifty men to run ahead of him.
Nisenge-vatañe amy zao t’i Adonià ana’ i Kagite, ami’ty hoe: Izaho ty ho mpanjaka. Aa le nihentseñe’e sarete naho mpiningi-tsoavala vaho ondaty limampolo ho mpilay aolo’e.
6 (Never in his life had his father corrected him. He'd never asked him, “Why did you do that?” He was also very good-looking, and had been born after Absalom.)
Mbe lia’e tsy nibosehan-drae’e ami’ ty hoe: Manao akore o anoe’oo? toe ni-ondaty maràm-bintan-dre, nanonjohy i Absalome te nasamake.
7 Adonijah discussed his plan with Joab, son of Zeruiah, and with Abiathar the priest, who agreed to support him.
Nivesoveso am’ Ioabe ana’ i Tseroia naho amy Abiatare mpisoron-dre; le norihe’ iereo t’i Adonià nañolotse aze.
8 But Zadok the priest, Benaiah, son of Jehoiada, Nathan the prophet, Shimei, Rei, and David's bodyguard were not on Adonijah's side.
Fe tsy nimpiami’ Adonià t’i Tsadoke mpisoroñe naho i Benaià ana’ Iehoiada naho i Natane mpitoky naho i Simeý naho i Reý vaho o fanalolahi’ i Davideio.
9 Adonijah invited all his brothers, the king's sons, and the king's officials of Judah, to come to the stone of Zoheleth, which is near En-rogel, where he sacrificed sheep, cattle and fattened calves.
Nandenta añondry naho añombe naho kobatròke marine ty lamilami’ i Tsokelete añ’ila’ i En-drogele eo t’i Adonià; le kinoi’e iaby o longo’eo, o ana’ i mpanjakaio vaho o nte-Iehoda mpitoro’ i mpanjakaio;
10 But he didn't invite Nathan the prophet, Benaiah, David's bodyguard, or his brother Solomon.
fe tsy kinanji’e t’i Natane mpitoky naho i Benaià, naho o fanalolahio vaho i Selomò rahalahi’e,
11 Nathan went to Bathsheba, Solomon's mother, and asked her, “Haven't you heard that Adonijah, son of Haggith, has become king, and His Majesty King David doesn't even know?
Aa le nisaontsy amy Betesebà rene’ i Selomò t’i Natane ami’ty hoe, Tsy jinanji’o hao te fa mifehe t’i Adonià ana’ i Hagite, vaho tsy fohi’ i Davide talèntika?
12 Let me give you some advice so you can save your life, and that of your son Solomon.
Antao arè, angao hitolorako hevetse, handrombaha’o ty fiai’o naho ty fiai’ i ana’o Selo­mòy.
13 Go immediately to King David and ask him, ‘Didn't Your Majesty swear to me, your servant, saying, Your son Solomon will definitely be king after me and will sit on my throne? So why is Adonijah saying he's king?’
Akia mb’amy Davide mpanjaka mb’eo, le ano ty hoe: Tsy nifantà’o amo mpitoro’o ampelao hao, ry talèko mpanjaka, ty hoe: Toe hanonjohy ahy t’i Selomò ana’o hifehe, hiambesatse am-pitobohako eo? aa vaho akore t’i Adonià, ie mifeheo?
14 Then I'll come in while you're still there talking with the king and I'll confirm what you're saying.”
Aa ihe mbe mitaroñe amy mpanjakay, le horihako ao hañonjoñe o saontsi’oo;
15 So Bathsheba went to see the king in his bedroom. He was very old and Abishag was looking after him.
Aa le niheo mb’ amy mpanjakay añ’efe’e ao t’i Betesebà: toe niloho bey i mpanjakay ie natrafe’ i Abi­sage nte Sonamý i mpanjakay.
16 Bathsheba bowed low in respect. He asked her, “What is it that you want?”
Nidrodrètse t’i Betesebà naho niambane amy mpanjakay. Le hoe i mpanjakay: Ino o paia’oo?
17 She replied, “Your Majesty, you swore to me, your servant, by the Lord your God, ‘Your son Solomon will definitely be king after me and will sit on my throne.’
Le hoe re tama’e, O ry talèko: Nifanta’o añamy Iehovà Andria­naña­hare’o amy anak’ ampata’o, ty hoe: Toe hanonjohy ahy am-pifeheañe t’i Selo­mò ana’o, vaho ie ty hitobok’ amy fiambesam-pifeheakoy.
18 But now Adonijah has become king and Your Majesty doesn't even know.
Fe inao te mifehe t’i Adonià henanekeo vaho tsy fohi’o ry talèko mpanjaka;
19 He has sacrificed plenty of cattle, fattened calves, and sheep, and he has invited all the king's sons, Abiathar the priest, and Joab the army commander. But he didn't invite your servant Solomon.
mbore fa nandenta añombe naho kobatroke vaho añondry tsifotofoto re le kinoi’e iaby o anam-panjakao, naho i Abiatare mpisoroñe, vaho Ioabe mpifelek’ i valobohòkey; fe tsy kinanji’e t’i Selomò mpitoro’o.
20 Now, Your Majesty, everyone in Israel is watching to see who you're going to say will be the next king.
Ie amy zao hene ama’o, ry talèko mpanjaka ty fihaino’ Israele, ty hitaroña’o te ia ty hiambesatse amy fiambesan-talèko mpanjakay hanonjohy aze.
21 If you don't do anything, as soon as Your Majesty dies, I and my son Solomon will be considered traitors…”
Naho tsy izay, hifetsake te, ie mirotse an-droae’e ao ty talèko mpanjaka, le hatao mpandilatse iraho naho i Selomò anako.
22 Right then, while she was still speaking with the king, Nathan the prophet arrived.
Ie mbe nisaon­tsy amy mpanjakay, le nimoak’ ao t’i Natane mpitoky
23 The king was told, “Nathan the prophet is here.” Nathan went in to see the king. He bowed down with his face to the ground.
vaho nitohine’e ami’ty hoe i mpanjakay, Ingo t’i Natane mpitoky. Aa ie tafa-zilik’ amy mpanjakay, le nibokobokok’ aolo’ i mpanjakay, nihohok’ an-tane ty lahara’e.
24 Nathan asked the king, “Your Majesty, you must have announced, ‘Adonijah will be king after me and will sit on my throne.’
Le hoe t’i Natane, Ry talèko mpanjaka, Nitaroñe ty hoe hao irehe te i Adonià ty hifehe manonjohy azo, le ie ty hiambesatse amy fiambesa’oy?
25 For today he has gone and sacrificed many cattle, fattened calves, and sheep, and he has invited all the king's sons, the army commanders, and Abiathar the priest. Right now they are eating and drinking with him, shouting, ‘Long live King Adonijah!’
Amy t’ie nizotso mb’eo anindroany nandenta añombe naho kobatroke naho añondry maro vaho nambarà’e iaby o anam-panjakao naho o mpifelek’ i valobohòkeio naho i Abiatare mpisoroñe; ie mikama naho mitohok’ añ’atrefa’e eo, manao ty hoe, Lava havelo ry Adonià mpanjaka.
26 But he didn't invite me, your servant, or Zadok the priest, or Benaiah, son of Jehoiada, or your son Solomon.
Fe izaho, izaho mpitoro’o, naho i Tsadoke mpisoroñe, naho i Benaià ana’ Iehoiadà, vaho i Se­lomò mpitoro’o—tsy nambara’e.
27 If Your Majesty did this, you certainly didn't inform your officials as to who is meant to sit on your throne as the next king.”
Nanoen-talèko mpanjaka hao izao, ie tsy natoro’o amo mpitoro’oo ty hanonjohy azo hiambesatse am-piambesan-talèko mpanjaka?
28 King David replied, “Call Bathsheba for me.” Bathsheba came in and stood before the king.
Aa hoe ty natoi’ i Davide mpanjaka, Kanjio homb’ amako mb’ etoa t’i Betesebà. Le niheo mb’ añatrefa’ i mpanjakay mb’eo re, nijohañe aolo’ i mpanjakay.
29 The king swore a vow, saying, “As the Lord lives, who has saved me from all kinds of trouble, just as I swore to you previously by the Lord the God of Israel,
Le nifanta ty hoe i mpanjakay: Kanao veloñe t’Iehovà nijebañe ty fiaiko amy ze haoreañe iaby,
30 telling you Solomon your son will be the next king and he will sit on my throne instead of me—I swear I will do this today.”
tsy kalafo te nifantàko ama’o añam’ Iehovà, Andrianañahare’ Israele, ty hoe: Hifehe handimbe ahy t’i Selomò ana’o, le ie ty handimbe ahy hiambesatse amy fitobohakoy. Toe hanoeko anito.
31 Bathsheba bowed with her face to the ground, honoring the king and said, “May Your Majesty King David live forever.”
Nidròdreke mb’an-tane ty lahara’ i Bete-sebà, niambane amy mpanjakay, nanao ty hoe: Lonik’ abey te ho veloñe nainai’e ty talèko Davide mpanjaka.
32 Then King David said, “Call for me Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, son of Jehoiada.” When they arrived,
Le hoe t’i Davide mpanjaka, Kanjio homb’ amako mb’etoa t’i Tsadoke mpisoroñe, naho i Natane mpitoky, vaho i Benaià ana’ Iehoiadà. Aa le nomb’ añatrefa’ i mpanjakay mb’eo iereo.
33 the king told them, “Take the king's officials with you, and have them put Solomon on my own mule and lead him down to the Gihon Spring.
Le hoe i mpanjakay am’ iereo: Endeso ama’ areo o mpitoro’ i talè’ areoio, le ampiningiro amy borikekoy t’i Selomò, le aseseo hizotso mb’e Gihone mb’eo;
34 There have Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anoint him king of Israel. Blow the trumpet and shout out, ‘Long live King Solomon!’
le hañory aze ho mpanjaka’ Israele t’i Tsa­doke mpisoroñe naho i Natane mpitoky; le popòho i antsivay, vaho ano ty hoe: Mahavelo t’i Selomò mpanjaka.
35 Then follow him back up, and have him come and sit on my throne. He is to be king instead of me. I am placing him in charge as ruler of Israel and Judah.”
Le mionjona mb’ etoa am-pañorihañ’ aze, le homb’eo re hiambesatse amy fitobohakoy, amy te ie ty handimbe ahy ho mpanjaka; ie ty jinoboko hifehe Israele naho Iehodà.
36 “Amen!” replied Benaiah, son of Jehoiada. “May the Lord, the God of my lord the king, confirm this!
Aa le hoe ty natoi’ i Benaià ana’ Iehoiada amy mpanjakay: Amena! Lonike t’ie ty hanoe’ Iehovà Andrianañaharen-talèko mpanjaka.
37 In the same way the Lord was with my lord the king may he be with Solomon, and may he make his reign even greater than the reign of my lord King David.”
Hambañ’ amy nindreza’ Iehovà amy talèko mpanjakaiy ty hindreza’e amy Selomò, naho honjone’e ambone’ ty fiambesa’ i talèko Davide mpanjakay i fiambesa’ey.
38 Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, son of Jehoiada, together with the Cherethites and Pelethites, went and placed Solomon on King David's mule, and led him down to the Gihon Spring.
Aa le nizotso mb’eo t’i Tsadoke mpisoroñe naho i Natane mpitoky naho i Benaià ana’ Iehoiada naho o nte-Kereteo naho o nte Peleteo le natongoa’ iereo amy borìke’ i Davide mpanjakay t’i Selomò vaho nasese’ iereo mb’e Gihone mb’eo.
39 Zadok the priest took the horn containing olive oil from the Tent and anointed Solomon. Then they blew the trumpet, and all the people shouted, “Long live King Solomon!”
Le nakare’ i Tsadoke i tsifa ama’menake boak’ amy Kivohoiy naho noriza’e t’i Selo­mò vaho nipopoeñe i antsivay; le hene nirihoñe ty hoe ondatio, Mahavelo ry Selomò mpanjaka.
40 Everyone followed him, playing flutes and celebrating so happily that the sound shook the earth.
Nionjomb’eo am-pañorihañe aze ondaty iabio; nitio-tsoly vaho nirebeke an-kafaleam-bey, kanao nahariatse i taney ty fikontsiaña’ ondatio.
41 Adonijah and all his guests heard the noise as they were finishing eating. When Joab heard the sound of the trumpet, he asked, “What's all this noise coming from the city?”
Jinanji’ i Adonià naho o nambarà’eo, ie vaho nianjam-pikama. Le hoe t’Ioabe naho nahajanjiñe ty feo’ i antsivay: Ino o fipoñafan-drañoraño an-drovao?
42 While he was speaking, Jonathan, son of Abiathar the priest, suddenly arrived. “Come on in,” said Adonijah. “A good man like you must be bringing good news.”
Ie mbe nisaontsy, ingo, pok’eo t’Ionatane ana’ i Abiatare mpisoroñe: le hoe t’i Adonià: Miziliha, ry lahy manjofake, mpinday entan-tsoa.
43 “Absolutely not!” Jonathan replied. “Our lord King David has made Solomon king!
Le hoe ty natoi’ Ionatane amy Adonià, Toe i Selomò ty nanoe’ i Davide mpanjaka talèn-tika, mpanjaka;
44 He sent Solomon to be anointed with Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah, son of Jehoiada, and the Cherethites and the Pelethites. They had him ride on the king's mule.
naho nirahe’ i mpanjakay hindre ama’e t’i Tsadoke mpisoroñe naho i Natane mpitoky naho i Benaià ana’ Iehoiadà naho o nte-Kereteo naho o nte-Peleteo, le nampiningire’ iereo amy borì’ i mpanjakaiy;
45 Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet anointed him king at the Gihon Spring. Now they have returned, celebrating with shouts that echo round the city. That's the noise you're hearing.
vaho noriza’ i Tsadoke mpisoroñe naho i Natane mpitoky ho mpanjaka e Gihone ao re; mivoamboañe boak’ ao an-drebeke iereo kanao mañeno-tsatsake o rovao. Izay o korakoràke janji’ areoo.
46 On top of that, Solomon is sitting on the royal throne,
Eka! fa miambesatse amy fiambesam-pifeheañey t’i Selomò.
47 and the royal officials have also gone to voice their approval to our lord King David, saying, ‘May your God make Solomon's reputation even more famous than your own, and may he make his reign greater than your reign.’ The king on his bed bowed his head,
Nimb’eo ka o mpitoro’ i mpanjakaio hitata i Davide mpanjaka talèn-tika ami’ty hoe: Honjone’ i Andrianañahare’o ambone’ ty tahina’o ty tahina’ i Selomò vaho hampitoabore’e ambone’ i fiambesa’oy ty fiambesa’e; le niondrek’ am-pandrea’e eo i mpanjakay.
48 and said, ‘Praise the Lord, the God of Israel! Today he has provided a successor to sit on my throne, and I have been privileged to see it.’”
Tinovo’ i mpanjakay ty ti-hoe, Andriañeñe t’Iehovà, Andrianañahare’ Israele, nanolotse ty hiambesatse amy fitobohakoy anindroany, hahatreava’ o masokoo.
49 When all of the guests who were supporting Adonijah heard this they shook with fear. They got up and rushed out in different directions.
Fonga nangebahebak’ amy zao o nambarà’ i Adoniào, le niongake, songa ninankañe mb’ an-dala’e mb’eo.
50 Adonijah was terrified of Solomon, so he ran off. He went and grabbed hold of the horns of the altar.
Nirevendreveñe amy zao t’i Adonià ty amy Selomò, le niavotse mb’eo nivontititse amo tsifa’ i kitreliio.
51 Solomon was told, “Adonijah is terrified of Your Majesty. He has grabbed hold of the horns of the altar, saying, ‘Let King Solomon swear today that he won't kill me, his servant!’”
Aa le nisaontsieñe amy Selomò ty hoe: Inao! mañeveñe amy Selomò mpanjaka t’i Adonià, kanao tambozore’e o tsifan-kitrelio, le hoe ty asa’e, Ehe te hifanta amako anito t’i Selomò mpanjaka tsy hanjevoñe i mpitoro’ey am-pibara.
52 Solomon replied, “If he is an honorable man, not one hair of his will fall to the ground. But if he shows himself to be evil, he will die.”
Le hoe t’i Selomò, Naho miboake hondaty vañon-dre, leo raik’ amo maroi’eo tsy hipok’ an-tane; f’ie tendrehan-kaloloañe le hihomake.
53 King Solomon had Adonijah brought down from the altar, and he came and bowed down before King Solomon, who told him, “Go home.”
Aa le nañirake t’i Selo­mò mpanjaka, vaho nazotso’ iareo amy kitreliy. Nimb’eo re niambane amy Selo­mò mpanjaka; le hoe ty Se­lomò ama’e: Akia mb’ añ’akiba’o añe.

< 1 Kings 1 >