< 1 John 4 >

1 Dear friends, don't trust every spirit, but put the spirits to the test to find out whether they're from God, for there are many false prophets out there in the world.
Armsad, ärge usaldage iga vaimu, vaid katsuge vaimud läbi, kas nad ikka on Jumalast, sest palju valeprohveteid on läinud laiali maailma.
2 How can you recognize God's Spirit? Every spirit that accepts Jesus Christ came with a human body is from God;
Jumala Vaimu te tunnete ära nõnda: iga vaim, kes tunnistab, et Jeesus Kristus on tulnud lihas, on Jumalast;
3 while every spirit that doesn't accept Jesus, that spirit isn't from God. In fact it is the spirit of the antichrist which you heard was coming, and which is already in the world.
ükski vaim, kes Jeesust ei tunnista, ei ole Jumalast, vaid see on antikristuse vaim. Te olete kuulnud, et antikristus on tulemas, aga nüüd ta juba ongi maailmas.
4 But you belong to God, my friends, and you have defeated them, for the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.
Teie, lapsed, olete Jumalast ja olete nad ära võitnud, sest see, kes on teis, on suurem kui see, kes on maailmas.
5 They belong to the world, so they speak like people of the world, and the world listens to them.
Nemad on maailmast. Seepärast nad räägivad nagu maailm räägib, ja maailm kuulab neid.
6 We belong to God and whoever knows God listens to us, while whoever doesn't belong to God doesn't listen to us. This is how we can distinguish the spirit of truth from the spirit of deception.
Meie oleme Jumalast. Kes tunneb Jumalat, võtab meid kuulda; kes ei ole Jumalast, ei kuula meid. Nii tunneme ära tõe Vaimu ja eksituse vaimu.
7 Dear friends, let's go on loving one another, for love comes from God. All those who love are born of God and know God.
Armsad, armastagem üksteist, sest armastus on Jumalast. Igaüks, kes armastab, on sündinud Jumalast ja tunneb Jumalat.
8 Those who don't love don't know God, for God is love.
Kes ei armasta, see ei tunne Jumalat, sest Jumal on armastus.
9 How was God's love shown to us? God sent his one and only Son into the world so that we could live through him.
Sellega on Jumal meile avaldanud armastust: ta on saatnud oma ainusündinud Poja maailma, et me tema läbi elaksime.
10 This is love! It's not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and he sent his Son to be the reconciliation for our sins.
Selles seisnebki armastus: mitte et meie oleme armastanud Jumalat, vaid et tema on meid armastanud ja on läkitanud oma Poja lepitusohvriks meie pattude eest.
11 Friends, if this is the way God loves us, we ought to love one another like this too.
Armsad, kui Jumal meid nõnda on armastanud, siis peame meiegi üksteist armastama.
12 No one has ever seen God. However, if we love one another then God lives in us, and his love is fulfilled in us.
Jumalat ei ole iial keegi näinud; aga kui me üksteist armastame, siis elab Jumal meis ja tema armastus on meie sees täielik.
13 How can we know that we live in him, and that he lives in us? He's given us the ability to love by his Spirit.
Ja sellest me tunneme ära, et me püsime temas ja tema meis, et ta on andnud meile osa oma Vaimust.
14 For we are witnesses to what we have seen and testify that the Father sent the Son as the Savior of the world.
Ja meie oleme näinud ja tunnistame, et Isa on läkitanud Poja maailma Päästjaks.
15 God lives in everyone who declares that Jesus is the Son of God, and they live in God.
Kes tunnistab, et Jeesus on Jumala Poeg, temasse jääb Jumal ja tema jääb Jumalasse.
16 We have experienced and trusted in the love that God has for us. God is love, and those who live in love, live in God, and God lives in them.
Me oleme tundma õppinud ja uskunud armastust, mis Jumalal on meie vastu. Jumal on armastus, ja kes jääb armastusse, see jääb Jumalasse ning Jumal jääb temasse.
17 This is how love is made complete in us so that we can be confident on judgment day: by the fact that we live just like him in this world.
Nõnda on armastus saanud täielikuks meie sees, et meil oleks julgust kohtupäeval; sest nii nagu Kristus, oleme ka meie siin maailmas.
18 Where there is love there can be no fear. God loves us completely, and this love drives all our fears away. If we do fear, it's because we fear being punished, and this shows that we have not been fully re-made by the completeness of God's love.
Armastuses ei ole hirmu, kuid täiuslik armastus ajab hirmu välja. Aga kes karistuse kartuses hirmu tunneb, ei ole saanud täiuslikuks armastuses.
19 We love because he loved us first.
Meie armastame, sest Jumal on meid esimesena armastanud.
20 Anyone who says, “I love God,” but hates a Christian brother or sister, is a liar. Anyone who doesn't love a brother whom they can see, can't love God whom they can't see.
Kui keegi ütleb, et ta armastab Jumalat, aga vihkab siiski oma venda või õde, siis ta on valelik. Sest kes ei armasta oma venda või õde, keda ta näeb, ei suuda armastada ka Jumalat, keda ta ei ole näinud.
21 This is the command he gave to us: those who love God love their brothers and sisters too.
Temalt oleme saanud selle käsu: igaüks, kes armastab Jumalat, armastagu ka oma venda ja õde!

< 1 John 4 >