< 1 Corinthians 1 >

1 This letter comes from Paul, called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ according to the will of God, and from Sosthenes, our brother.
Pauro, akadanwa nokuda kwaMwari, kuti ave mupostori waKristu Jesu, naSositeni hama yedu,
2 It is sent to the church of God in Corinth, those who are being made right in Christ Jesus, called to live holy lives—and to everyone who worships the Lord Jesus Christ everywhere, the Lord both of them and of us.
kukereke yaMwari iri muKorinde, kuna vaya vakaitwa vatsvene muna Kristu Jesu uye vakadanwa kuti vave vatsvene pamwe chete navose vari kwose kwose vanodana kuzita raIshe wedu Jesu Kristu, Ishe wavo nowedu:
3 May you have grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Nyasha norugare ngazvive nemi zvinobva kuna Mwari Baba vedu naShe Jesu Kristu.
4 I'm always thanking God for you because of the grace of God given to you in Christ Jesus.
Ndinogara ndichivonga Mwari nguva dzose nokuda kwenyasha dzake pamusoro penyu muna Kristu Jesu.
5 Through him you have been made rich in everything, in all that you say and every aspect of what you know.
Nokuti maari makapfumiswa pazvinhu zvose, mukutaura kwenyu kwose uye nomuruzivo rwenyu rwose,
6 In fact the testimony of Christ was proved valid in your experience,
nokuti uchapupu hwedu pamusoro paKristu hwakasimbiswa mamuri.
7 so that you're not missing any spiritual gift as you wait for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Naizvozvo hapana kana chipo chomweya chamunoshayiwa pamunomirira nomwoyo wose kuratidzwa kwaIshe wedu Jesu Kristu.
8 He will also keep you strong to the very end, so you will be kept right until the day of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Achakusimbisai kusvikira kumagumo, kuti murege kuva nechamungapomerwa pazuva raIshe wedu Jesu Kristu.
9 God is trustworthy who called you to share together in fellowship with his son Jesus Christ our Lord.
Mwari, iye akakudanai kuti muwadzane noMwanakomana wake Jesu Kristu Ishe wedu, akatendeka.
10 Brothers and sisters, I plead with you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that you all agree and that you're not divided. Instead develop a united attitude and purpose.
Ndinokukumbirai zvikuru, hama, muzita raIshe wedu Jesu Kristu, kuti imi mose mutaure chinhu chimwe, kuti pakati penyu parege kuva nokupesana uye kuti mubatanidzwe zvakanaka pamurangariro mumwe nomukufunga.
11 For I have been told things about you, my brothers and sisters, by some of Chloe's people—that you are quarreling among yourselves.
Hama dzangu, vamwe venyu vokwaKirowe vakandiudza kuti pane gakava pakati penyu.
12 Let me explain what I mean. You're all making different claims: “I follow Paul,” or “I follow Apollos,” or “I follow Peter,” or “I follow Christ.”
Zvandinoreva ndezvokuti: Mumwe wenyu anoti, “Ini ndiri waPauro,” mumwe oti, “Ini ndiri waAporosi,” mumwewo oti, “Ini ndiri waKefasi,” mumwe zvakare oti, “Ini ndiri waKristu.”
13 Is Christ divided? Did Paul die on a cross for you? Was it in the name of Paul that you were baptized?
Kristu akaparadzaniswa here? Pauro akarovererwa pamuchinjikwa nokuda kwenyu here? Makabhabhatidzwa muzita raPauro here?
14 I'm grateful to God that I didn't baptize any of you, except Crispus and Gaius,
Ndinovonga Mwari kuti handina kubhabhatidza kana mumwe wenyu, kunze kwaKrispo naGayo,
15 so nobody can claim they were baptized in my name.
kuti kurege kuva nomumwe wenyu anoti akabhabhatidzwa muzita rangu.
16 (Oh, and I also baptized the Stephanas family—I can't think of anyone else.)
Hongu, ndakabhabhatidzawo veimba yaStefanasi; kunze kwaivavo, handirangariri kana ndakabhabhatidzazve mumwe munhu.
17 For Christ didn't send me out to baptize, but to spread the good news, and not with eloquent human wisdom, otherwise the cross of Christ would be made powerless.
Nokuti Kristu haana kundituma kuti ndinobhabhatidza asi kuti ndinoparidza vhangeri, kwete namashoko ouchenjeri hwavanhu, kuti muchinjikwa waKristu urege kupedzwa simba rawo.
18 For the message of the cross is nonsense to those who are lost, but it's the power of God to those of us who are saved.
Nokuti shoko romuchinjikwa upenzi kuna vari kuparara, asi kwatiri isu vanoponeswa isimba raMwari.
19 As Scripture says, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will wipe out the cleverness of the clever.”
Nokuti kwakanyorwa kuchinzi: “Ndichaparadza uchenjeri hwavakachenjera; ndichakonesa kuziva kwavanoziva.”
20 So how about the wise, the writers, and the philosophers of this age? Hasn't God turned the wisdom of this world into foolishness? (aiōn g165)
Akachenjera aripiko? Akadzidza aripiko? Muiti wenharo wenguva ino aripiko? Ko, Mwari haana kuita uchenjeri hwenyika ino upenzi here? (aiōn g165)
21 Since God in his wisdom allowed the world in its wisdom not to know God, it was God's gracious plan that by the foolishness of the good news those who trusted in him would be saved.
Nokuti muuchenjeri hwaMwari, nyika kubudikidza nouchenjeri hwayo, haina kumuziva, Mwari akafadzwa nazvo kuti vanotenda avaponese kubudikidza noupenzi hwezvakaparidzwa.
22 The Jews ask for miraculous signs, and Greeks look for wisdom,
VaJudha vanoda zviratidzo uye vaGiriki vanotsvaka uchenjeri,
23 but our message is of Christ killed on a cross—offensive to the Jews, and foolishness to the foreigners.
asi isu tinoparidza Kristu akarovererwa pamuchinjikwa, chigumbuso kuvaJudha noupenzi kune veDzimwe Ndudzi.
24 However, for those who are called by God, both Jews and foreigners, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God.
Asi kuna avo vakadanwa naMwari, zvose vaJudha navaGiriki, Kristu isimba raMwari nouchenjeri hwaMwari.
25 For the foolishness of God is wiser than we are; and the weakness of God is stronger than we are.
Nokuti upenzi hwaMwari hwakachenjera kupfuura uchenjeri hwomunhu, uye utera hwaMwari hwakasimba kupfuura simba romunhu.
26 Brothers and sisters, remember your calling—and that this did not include many who are wise, humanly speaking; not many who are powerful; not many who are important.
Hama dzangu, rangarirai zvamakanga muri pamakadanwa. Havazi vazhinji venyu vaiva namasimba; havasi vazhinji vaikudzwa pakuzvarwa kwavo.
27 Instead God chose the things the world considers foolish to humiliate those who think they are wise. He chose the things the world considers weak to humiliate those who think they are strong.
Asi Mwari akasarudza zvinhu zvoupenzi zvenyika ino kuti anyadzise vakachenjera; Mwari akasarudza zvisina simba zvenyika ino kuti anyadzise vane simba.
28 He chose the things that are unimportant and despised by the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing the things that are,
Akasarudza zvinhu zvepasi pasi zvenyika ino uye zvakazvidzwa, nezvinhu zvisipo, kuti ashayise simba zvinhu zviripo,
29 so that nobody should boast in God's presence.
kuti kurege kuva nomunhu angazvikudza pamberi pake.
30 It's because of him that you live in Christ Jesus, who God made to be wisdom for us. He sets us right, keeps us right, and frees us.
Nokuda kwake, imi muri muna Kristu Jesu, uyo akava kwatiri uchenjeri hunobva kuna Mwari, iko kururama, noutsvene uye norudzikinuro rwedu.
31 So as Scripture says, “Whoever wants to boast, let them boast in the Lord.”
Naizvozvo, sezvazvakanyorwa zvichinzi, “Anozvikudza ngaazvikudze muna She.”

< 1 Corinthians 1 >