< 1 Corinthians 9 >
1 Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Haven't I seen Jesus our Lord? Aren't you the results of my work in the Lord?
Ke nna moaposetoloi, morongwa wa Modimo, ga go na motho ope yo o nang le boikarabelo ka ga me. Ke nna yo ke bonyeng Jesu Morena wa rona ka matlho. Mme phetogo ya matshelo a lona ke maduo a tiro ya me e ke e dirileng ka bonatla.
2 Even if I'm not an apostle to others, at least I am one to you. The proof of my being an apostle of the Lord is you!
Fa e le gore mo mogopolong wa bangwe ga ke moaposetoloi, ka boammaaruri ke ene mo go lona, gonne lo gapetswe mo go Keresete ke nna.
3 Here is my reply to those who question me about this:
Se ke karabo ya me mo go ba ba botsang ditshwanelo tsa me.
4 Don't we have the right to be provided with food and drink?
Kgotsa a ga ke na ditshwanelo gotlhelele? A ga nkake ka batla tshwanelo e e tshwanang le e baaposetoloi ba bangwe ba nang nayo ya go nna moeng mo magaeng a lona?
5 Don't we have a right to be accompanied by a Christian wife, like the rest of the apostles, the Lord's brothers, and Peter?
Fa ke ne ke na le mosadi; mme e le modumedi, a ke ne ke se ka ke ka tsamaya nae mo maetong ame jaaka barutwa ba bangwe ba dira, le jaaka bakaulengwe ba Morena ba dira, le jaaka Petere a dira
6 Is it only Barnabas and myself who have to work to support ourselves?
A ke nna le Barenabase re le rosi ba re tshwanetseng go direla botshelo jwa rona, fa lona lo abela ba bangwe ba?
7 Which soldier ever had to pay his own salary? Who plants a vineyard and doesn't get to eat its fruits? Who feeds a flock and doesn't consume its milk?
Ke lesole lefe mo ntweng le le tshwanetseng go ituelela ditshenyegelo tsa lone. Mme a lo kile lwa utlwa kaga molemi yo o ithobelang thobo ya gagwe mme a sena tshwanelo ya go ja sengwe mo go yone? Ke modisa ofe yo o tlhokomelang letsomane la dinku le dipodi mme a sa letlelelwa go nwa mashi a tsone?
8 Am I just speaking from a human point of view? Doesn't the law say the same thing?
Mme ga ke kwale fela megopolo ya batho ka se se siameng. Ke lo bolelela se molao wa Modimo o se buang.
9 In the law of Moses it's written, “Don't muzzle the ox when it's threshing out the grain.” Was God just thinking about oxen?
Gonne molao o Modimo o o neetseng Moshe wa re ga lo a tshwanela go fapa pelesa molomo go e itsa go ja fa e gataka e photha mabele. A lo gopola gore Modimo o ne o akanya kaga dipelesa fela fa o ne o rialo?
10 Wasn't he directing this at us? Surely this was written for us—for anyone who plows should plow in hope and anyone who threshes should hope to share in the harvest.
A o ne o sa akanye le kaga rona? Ee, go ntse jalo. O ne o bua se go re supegetsa gore badiri ba Sekeresete ba tshwanetse go duelwa ke ba ba ba direlang. Ba ba lemang le ba ba phothang ba tshwanetse go solofela seabe sengwe mo thobong.
11 If we sowed what is spiritual with you, does it really matter if we reap some material benefit?
Re jetse peo e e molemo ya semowa mo dipelong tsa lona. A ga go tshwanele fa re lopa dijo le diaparo mo go lona?
12 If others exercise this right over you, don't we deserve it even more? Even so we did not exercise this right. On the contrary we would rather put up with anything than hold back the gospel of Christ.
Lo di naya ba ba lo rerelang, ebile lo tshwanetse. Mme a ga re a tshwanela go nna le e leng tshwanelo e kgolo mo go bone? Le fa go ntse jalo ga re ise re ke re dirise tshwanelo e, mme re ithusa ka bo rona kwa ntle ga thuso ya lona. Ga re ise re kope tuelo ya mofuta ope re boifa gore, fa re dira jalo, lo ka nna le kgatlhego e potlana mo molaetseng wa ga Keresete o o tlang ka rona.
13 Don't you know that those who work in temples receive their meals from temple offerings, and those that serve at the altar receive their portion of the sacrifice on the altar?
A galo lemoge gore Modimo o boleletse ba ba neng ba dira mo Tempeleng ya gagwe go itseela dingwe tsa dijo tse di neng di tlisitswefoo e le dimpho tsa one? Mme ba ba dirang mo Aletareng ya Modimo ba tsaya seabe sa dijo tse di neng di tlisitswe ke ba ba neng ba abela Morena.
14 In just the same way the Lord ordered that those who announce the good news should live from supporters of the good news.
Ka tsela e e ntseng jalo, Morena o ntshitse ditaolo gore ba ba rutang Mafoko a a Molemo ba tshwanetse go otlwa ke ba ba a amogelang.
15 But I have not made use of any of these provisions, and I'm not writing about this to suggest it should be done in my case. I'd rather die than to have anyone take away my pride in not having received any benefit.
Le fa go ntse jalo ga ke ise ke ke ke lo kope le fa ele ledi le le lengwe. Mme ga ke kwale se go lo tlhagisa gore ke batla go simolola, legale, ke ka mpa ka swa ke bolawa ke tlala go na le go latlhegelwa ke boitumelo jo ke bo bonang mo go lo rereleng kwa ntle ga tuelo.
16 I have nothing to boast about in sharing the good news because it's something I feel compelled to do. In fact it's dreadful for me if I don't share the good news!
Gonne go rera Mafoko a a Molemo ga se tlotla epe mo go nna, ke ne ke ka se ke ka lesa go rera fa ke ne ke batla. Ke tlaa bo ke tlhomola pelo gotlhelele. A go latlhege nna fa ke sa rere.
17 If I'm doing this work because of my own choice, then I have a reward. But if it wasn't my choice, and an obligation was placed on me,
Fa ke ne ke dira ka go ithaopa ga go rata ga me, jalo Morena o ne a tlaa nnaya tuelo e e faphegileng; mme seo ga se one mabaka, gonne Modimo o ntshitse wa nnaya tsholofelo e, e e boitshepo mme ga go na se ke ka se dirang.
18 then what reward do I have? It's the opportunity to share the good news without charging for it, not demanding my rights as a worker for the good news.
Ka mabaka a, tuelo ya me ke eng? Ke boitumelo jo bo faphegileng jo ke bo bonang mo go rereng Mafoko a a Molemo kwa ntle ga tshenyegelo mo go ope, ke sa kope ditshwanelo tsa me.
19 Even though I am free and serve no one, I have placed myself in service to everyone so that I might gain more.
Mme mo go na le thuso tota: ga ke a tlamega go obamela ope fela ka ntlha ya go bo a ntuela; le fa go ntse jalo ke na le kgololesego le boitumelo go nna motlhanka wa botlhe gore ke kgone go ba gapela mo go Keresete.
20 To the Jews I behave like a Jew so that I might win Jews. To those who are under the law I behave as someone under the law (even though I am not obligated under the law), so that I might win those under the law.
Fa ke na le Bajuta ke lebega ke le mongwe wa bone gore ba tle ba reetse Mafoko a a Molemo le go ka ba gapela mo go Keresete. Fa ke na le Badichaba ba ba latelang mekgwa le mediro ya Sejuta ga ke ganetse, le mororo ke sa dumalane nabo, ka gore ke batla go ba thusa.
21 To those who don't operate according to the law, I behave like them, (though not disregarding God's law, but operating under the law of Christ), so that I might gain those who don't observe the law.
Fa ke na le baheitane ke dumalana le bone jaaka ke ka kgona, le fa go ntse jalo ke ntse ke itse gore ke tshwanetse ka metlha yotlhe go dira se se siameng jaaka Mokeresete. Mme jalo ka go dumalana nabo, ke ka gapa digakolodi tsa bone le go ba thusa le bone.
22 To those who are weak, I share in their weakness so that I may win the weak. I have ended up being “everyman” to everyone so that by using every possible means I might win some!
Fa ke na le ba digakolodi tsa bone di leng bokoa, ga ke dire jaaka e ka re ke itse gotlhe ga ke ba bitse dieleele; pheletso ke gore ba eletsa gore ke ba thuse. Ee, le fa motho a ntse jang, ke leka go bona seemo se se motlhofo ka ene go re a tle a ntetle go mmolelela kaga Keresete le go letla Keresete gore a mmoloke.
23 I do all this for the sake of the good news so that I too may share in its blessings!
Ke dira se go ba tlisetsa Mafoko a a Molemo le tshegofatso e nna ka bo nna ke e amogelang fa ke ba bona ba tla mo go Keresete.
24 Wouldn't you agree that there are many runners in a race, but only one gets the prize? So run your best, so you may win!
Mo lobelong, mongwe le mongwe o a siana mme motho a le mongwe fela a gape sekgele sa ntlha. Jalo sianang lobelo lwa lona go gapa sekgele.
25 Every competitor who participates in the games maintains a strict training discipline. Of course they do so to win a crown that doesn't last. But our crowns will last forever!
Go gapa sekgele mo kgaisanong lo tshwanetse go itatola bolona le dilo di le dintsi tse di ka lo kganelang go dira ka botlalo. Mosiami o tsena mo matshwenyegong a le mantsi fela go gapa talama e tala kgotsa senwelo sa gauta, mme rona re direla tuelo ya selegodimo e e sa ka keng ya nyelela.
26 That's why I run straight in the right direction. I fight accurately, not punching the air.
Jalo ke sianela fela kwa bofelong ka maikaelelo mo kgatong nngwe le nngwe, ke lwela go fenya. Ga ke lwele lefela kgotsa dinyana.
27 I also treat my body severely to bring it under my control, for I don't want somehow to be disqualified after sharing the good news with everybody else.
Jaaka mosiami ke otlhaya mmele wa me, ke o tsenya mo pitlaganong, gongwe ke kaiwe ke sa itekanela mme ke laolalwe go emela fa thoko.