< 1 Corinthians 12 >

1 Now about “spiritual gifts.” My brothers and sisters, I want to explain this to you.
Ka püie, Ngmüimkhya bänaka mawng nami yuk lawki. Akcanga ahine nami jah ksing vai hlüei veng.
2 You know that when you were pagans, you were deceived, being led astray by worshiping idols who couldn't even speak.
Am nami jumei ham üng juktuh akthie sawhkhah khaia lam ning jah hmesak ve u.
3 Let me make it clear to you: no one who speaks in the Spirit of God says, “Curse Jesus!” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord!” except by the Holy Spirit.
Acunakyase, Pamhnama Ngmüimkhya naw am a cehpüia khyang naw, “Jesuh ksekha na khai” acunüng, Ngmüimkhya ngcima lam sümnak am taki naw, “Jesuh cun Bawipa ni” tia am pyen thei ti cun ning jah ksingsak veng.
4 Now there are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but they come from the same Spirit.
Ngmüimkhya bänak akce kce veki, cunsepi, Ngmüimkhya mat däka kyaki.
5 There are different kinds of ministries, but they come from the same Lord.
Khutbi akce kce veki, cunsepi, Bawipa cun mata kyaki.
6 There are different ways of working, but they come from the same God, who is at work in all of them.
Bilawhnak thei akce kce veki, cunsepi, bilawhnak thei jah peki Pamhnam mat däka kyaki.
7 The Spirit is given to each of us and is revealed for the good of all.
Ngmüimkhya khyang mat cia k'uma a ve cun avan mi dawnak vaia phäha kyaki ni.
8 One person is given by the Spirit the ability to speak words of wisdom. Another is given a message of knowledge by the same Spirit.
Ngmüimkhya naw Khyang akcea veia themnaka ngthu pe lü, acuna Ngmüimkhya kung naw khyang akcea veia ngthu ksingkhyapnak peki.
9 Another receives the gift of strongly trusting in God by the same Spirit. Another receives gifts of healing from that one Spirit.
Acuna Ngmüimkhya bä naw khyang akcea veia jumeinak pe lü, khyang akcea veia yainak be theia johit peki.
10 Another is given the ability to perform miracles. Another receives the gift of prophecy. Another is given the gift of spiritual discernment. Another receives the ability to speak different languages while another is given the gift of interpreting languages.
Ngmüimkhya naw khyang akcea veia müncankse bilawhnaka johit pe lü khyang akcea veia Pamhnama ngthu pyensaknak thei peki. Mata veia Ngmüimkhya üngka naw lawkia bänak ja akce üngka naw lawkia bänaka hngalangnak ksingnak peki. Khyang akcea veia ngthu akce kce pyen theinak pe lü akcea veia acuna ngthua suilam pyenak be thei peki.
11 But all of these gifts are the work of the one and the same Spirit, sharing with each person as he alone chooses.
Acunsepi khyang avana khana acune jah pawhki cun Ngmüimkhya mäta kyaki; amäta hlüa kba khyang mat cia veia bänak akce kce jah peki.
12 Just like the human body is one unit but has many parts—all the parts of the body even though there are many of them, make up one body—so is Christ.
Khritaw cun ngban khawhah lawkia pumsa mata kba kyaki; Ngban khawhah am pyana kyase pi pumsa mata kyaki.
13 For it was through one Spirit that we were all baptized into one body. It doesn't matter whether we are Jews or Greeks, slave or free—we all were given the one Spirit to drink.
Acun kba ni avan hin Judaha pi kyase, Krika pi kyase, mpyaa pi kyase, mpya am ni tia pi kyase, pumsa mat üng mi ve khaia Ngmüimkhya mat üng baptican mi khanki. Ngmüimkhya mat däk awk vaia jah peki.
14 The body is not made of one part, but many parts.
Pumsa cun ngban mat dänga pyana am kya, ngban khawhah üng pyana kyaki.
15 If the foot were to say, “Because I'm not a hand, I'm not part of the body,” would that make it not part of the body?
Khaw naw “Kuta am ka kyakia kyase pumsa üng am ngpüi veng” a ti üng acuna phäha pumsa üng am ngpüikia am kya.
16 If the ear were to say, “Because I'm not an eye, I'm not part of the body,” would that make it not part of the body?
Acunüng, nghnga naw, “Mika am ka kyakia kyase pumsa üng am ngpüi veng” a ti üng, acuna phäha pumsa üng am ngpüikia am kya.
17 If the whole body was an eye, how could you hear anything? If the whole body was an ear, how could you smell anything?
Pumsa avan cun mika akya päih vai sü ta ihawkba mi ngja khai ni? Avan ngjaknaka akya vai sü ta ihawkba ahawi mi ksing khai ni?
18 But God has arranged each part in the body, every last one of them, placing them just as he wanted.
Acukba Pamhnam naw am tängkia pumsa ngbane cun a ngjakhlüa a jah tak ni.
19 If they were all the same part, what would happen to the body?
Avan ngban mata mi kya päih üng, pumsa vai am ve.
20 However, since there are many parts, they make up the body.
Hin kba kyaki, ngban khawhah law se pi pumsa mat däka kyaki.
21 The eye can't tell the hand, “I don't need you,” or the head tell the feet, “I don't need you.”
Acunüng, mik naw kuta veia, “Am ning ngjahlü veng” am ti thei; lu naw pi khawa veia, “Ä, am ning ngjahlü veng” am ti thei.
22 Quite the opposite: some of those parts of the body that seem the most insignificant are the most essential.
Pumsa üng akjaw säiha mi ngaih am ngpüi xase i am mi pawh thei.
23 In fact those parts of the body we do not consider to be decent to reveal we “honor” more by covering them up—what is indecent we treat with greater modesty!
Acunakyase, pumsa üng am mawngkia mi jah ngaiha ngbane ni mi jah künak säih; pumsa üng am dawkia mi jah hmuhe ni mi jah cäinak säih.
24 What's presentable doesn't need such covering up. God has so arranged the body that more honor is given to the parts that are less presentable.
Dawkia ngbane cun jah dawsak vai am hlü ti u. Pamhnam amät naw am tängkia ngbane pumsa üng a jah tak hin mata hlü cun mat naw am mcei lü a leisawng vaia phäh ni.
25 This is so there wouldn't be any conflict within the body—the different parts should care equally for each other.
Pumsa üng ngpainak am ve, cunsepi am tängkia ngbane naw ami püi mceiei khaie.
26 So when one part is suffering, all the other parts of the body suffer with it, and when one part is treated well, then all the other parts of the body are happy too!
Acunakyase, ngban mata khuikha üng ngban naküt khuikha hngakie; ngban mat mküiei üng jekyainak cun avan naw yahkie.
27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one makes up a part of it.
Avan Khritawa pumsaa nami kyaki, mat ci cun a ngbana nami kyaki.
28 In the church, God has arranged first for some to be apostles, secondly for some to be prophets, thirdly teachers. Then there are those who perform miracles, those with healing gifts, those who can help others, those good at administration, and those who can speak different languages.
Pamhnama sangcim üng avan cun hnün a jah pet: akcüka ngsä he, anghnihnaka sahmae, akthumnaka jah mtheimthangkie; acun käna müncankse pawhkie; acun käna jah m’yai be theikie, acunüng khyang kpüikpakie, acunüng lam kdaw jah msüm theikie ja ngthu kce pyen theikia kyakie.
29 Not everyone is an apostle, or a prophet, or a teacher, or able to perform miracles.
Khyang avan cun ngsä he, sahmae ja jah mtheimthangkiea am kya u. Avan naw müncankse pawhnak am ta u;
30 Not all have healing gifts, or the ability to speak languages, or to interpret languages.
Avan naw hlikhaüa pawh m’yai be theikiea am kya. Avan naw ngthu akce kce pyen theikia am kya. Avan acuna ngthua suilam pyen be theikia am kya.
31 But you should really want to have the most significant gifts. So now I will show you a far better way.
Akdaw säih yah vai ja nami mlung üngta ua. Akdaw säih lam ka ning jah hmuh khai.

< 1 Corinthians 12 >