< 1 Chronicles 12 >

1 The following is a list of the men who joined David when he was at Ziklag, still hiding from Saul, son of Kish. They were some of the leading warriors who fought on David's side.
Ary izao no nankany amin’ i Davida tany Ziklaga, fony izy mbola niery an’ i Saoly, zanak’ i Kisy; ary isan’ ny lehilahy mahery mpanampy amin’ ny ady ireo
2 They were all skilled archers, and could shoot arrows or slingshots with their right or their left hands. They were relatives of Saul from the tribe of Benjamin.
sady mpitondra tsipìka ka nahay nanavia sy nanavanana raha nitora-bato na nandefa tsipìka. Isan’ ny Benjamita, rahalahin’ i Saoly, ireo.
3 Ahiezer was their leader, then Joash; the sons of Shemaah the Gibeathite; Jeziel and Pelet the sons of Azmaveth; Beracah; Jehu the Anathothite;
Ny lohany dia Ahiezera sy Joasy, zanak’ i Sema Gibeatita, sy Jeziela sy Peleta zanak’ i Azmaveta, ary Beraka sy Jeho Anatotita
4 Ishmaiah the Gibeonite, (a strong warrior among the Thirty, and leader over the Thirty); Jeremiah; Jahaziel; Johanan; Jozabad the Gederathite;
ary Jismaia Gibeonita, lehilahy mahery isan’ ny telo-polo lahy sady mpifehy ny telo-polo lahy, ary Jeremia sy Jahaziela sy Johanana sy Jozababa Gaderatita
5 Eluzai; Jerimoth; Bealiah; Shemariah; Shephatiah the Haruphite;
sy Elozay sy Jerimota ary Bealia sy Semaria sy Sefatia Harofita
6 Elkanah, Isshiah, Azarel, Joezer, and Jashobeam (they were Korahites);
sy Elkana sy Jisia sy Azarela sy Joezera ary Jasobeama Koraïta
7 and Joelah and Zebadiah, the sons of Jeroham from Gedor.
ary Joela sy Zebadia, zanak’ i Jerohama avy any Gedora.
8 Some warriors from the tribe of Gad went over to David's side when he was at the stronghold in the desert. They were strong and experienced warriors, battle-hardened, experts in the use of shields and spears. Their faces looked as fierce as lions, and they ran as fast as gazelles in the mountains.
Ary tamin’ ny Gadita nisy lehilahy mahery niendaka hanatona an’ i Davida ho amin’ ny fiarovana tany an-efitra, dia ny miaramila nahay niady ka nahatana ampinga lehibe sy lefona; ny tarehiny dia tahaka ny tarehin’ ny liona, ary faingam-pandeha tahaka ny gazela eny an-tendrombohitra izy.
9 Ezer the was the leader, Obadiah (second), Eliab (third),
Ezera no voalohany, Obadia no faharoa, Eliaba no fahatelo,
10 Mishmannah (fourth), Jeremiah (fifth),
Mismana no fahefatra, Jeremia no fahadimy,
11 Attai (sixth), Eliel (seventh),
Atahy no fahenina, Eliala no fahafito,
12 Johanan (eighth), Elzabad (ninth),
Johanana no fahavalo, Elizabada no fahasivy,
13 Jeremiah (tenth), Machbannai (eleventh).
Jeremia no fahafolo, Makbanay no fahiraika ambin’ ny folo.
14 These warriors from Gad were army officers. The least able of them was in charge of 100 men; the best was in charge of 1,000.
Ireo no isan’ ny taranak’ i Gada sady samy mpifehy miaramila; ny kely indrindra naharesy olona zato, ary ny lehibe indrindra naharesy arivo.
15 These were ones who crossed the Jordan River in the first month of the year when it overflows its banks. They chased out all the people living in the valley, both to the east and to the west.
Ireo no nita an’ i Jordana tamin’ ny volana voalohany, fony iny nihoatra ny morony rehetra; ary nampandositra izay rehetra teny amin’ ny lohasaha na atsinanana na andrefana ireo.
16 Some others from the tribes of Benjamin and Judah also came to join David at the stronghold.
Ary nisy tamin’ ny taranak’ i Benjamina sy Joda nankany amin’ i Davida tany amin’ ny fiarovana.
17 David went out to meet them and told them, “If you've come in peace to help me, we can be friends. But if you've come to betray me to my enemies, even though I've done no wrong, then may the God of our fathers see what you're doing and condemn you.”
Ary Davida nivoaka hitsena azy ka niteny taminy hoe: Raha fihavanana no ihavianareo atỳ amiko hanampy ahy, dia hikambana isika; fa raha avy hamadika ahy kosa ianareo ho azon’ ny fahavaloko, nefa tsy mba nanao an-keriny ny tanako, dia Andriamanitry ny razantsika no hijery sy hamaly izany.
18 Then the Spirit came upon Amasai, the leader of the Thirty. “We are yours, David, and we are with you, son of Jesse! May peace, prosperity, and success be yours and those who help you, for God is the one who is helping you.” So David allowed them to join him, and put them in charge of his bands of raiders.
Ary Amasay, lehiben’ ny mpanafika malaza, dia nampitenenin’ ny Fanahy hoe: Anao izahay, ry Davida ô, fa miandany aminao, ry zanak’ i Jese; fiadanana, eny, fiadanana anie ho anao, ary fiadanana anie ho an’ ny manampy anao; fa Andriamanitrao no manampy anao. Dia noraisin’ i Davida ireo ka notendreny ho mpifehy ny miaramila.
19 Others came over to David's side from the tribe of Manasseh and joined him when he went with Philistines to attack Saul. However, the Philistine rulers eventually decided to send them away, saying to themselves, “It will cost us our heads if he deserts us and goes over to his master Saul.”
Ary nisy sasany tamin’ ny Manase niala hanatona an’ i Davida, raha nomba ny Filistina hiady amin’ i Saoly izy, nefa tsy nanampy azy izy; fa ireo andrianan’ ny Filistina nifampisaina, dia nampandeha azy ka nanao hoe: Ny lohantsika no ho entiny mila sitraka hiverenany amin’ i Saoly tompony.
20 The following is a list of the men from Manasseh who went over to David's side as he returned to Ziklag: Adnah, Jozabad, Jediael, Michael, Jozabad, Elihu, and Zillethai, leaders of thousands in Manasseh.
Raha nankany Ziklaga izy, nisy tamin’ ny Manase nanatona azy, dia Adna sy Jozabada sy Jediada sy Mikaela sy Jozabada sy Eliho ary Ziletahy, mpifehy arivo tamin’ ny Manase.
21 They helped David against raiders for they were all strong and experienced warriors and commanders in the army.
Ary ireo dia nanampy an’ i Davida hamely ny antokon’ ny jirika; fa lehilahy mahery avokoa izy sady komandy amin’ ny miaramila.
22 Men arrived daily to help David until he had a large army, like the army of God.
Fa tamin’ izany nisy nankany amin’ i Davida isan’ andro isan’ andro hanampy azy mandra-pahatongany ho toby lehibe toy ny tobin’ Andriamanitra.
23 This is a list of the numbers of armed warriors who came and joined David in Hebron to turn over Saul's kingdom to him, as the Lord had said.
Ary izao no isan’ ny miaramila efa voaomana hiady, izay tonga tao amin’ i Davida tao Hebrona hamindra ny fanjakan’ i Saoly ho azy araka ny tenin’ i Jehovah:
24 From the tribe of Judah, 6,800 warriors carrying shields and spears.
Tamin’ ny taranak’ i Joda, valon-jato amby enina arivo, mpitondra ampinga lehibe sy lefona sady efa voaomana hiady.
25 From the tribe of Simeon, 7,100 strong warriors.
Tamin’ ny taranak’ i Simeona, zato amby fito arivo, lehilahy mahery sady matanjaka amin’ ny ady.
26 From the tribe of Levi, 4,600,
Tamin’ ny taranak’ i Levy, enin-jato amby efatra arivo.
27 including Jehoiada, leader of the family of Aaron, and with him 3,700,
Ary Joiada dia lehiben’ ny Aronita, ary nisy fiton-jato amby telo arivo teo aminy;
28 and Zadok, a strong young warrior, with 22 members of his family, all officers.
ary Zadoka, zatovo mahery, sy ny fianakaviany, dia roa amby roa-polo lahy mpifehy.
29 From the tribe of Benjamin, from among Saul's relatives, 3,000, most of whom had remained loyal to Saul up until this time.
Ary tamin’ ny taranak’ i Benjamina, havan’ i Saoly, telo arivo; fa hatramin’ izany ny ankamaroany mbola nomba ny mpianakavin’ i Saoly ihany.
30 From the tribe of Ephraim, 20,800 strong warriors, each highly regarded in his own clan.
Ary tamin’ ny taranak’ i Efraima dia valon-jato amby roa alina, lehilahy mahery avokoa sady samy nalaza tamin’ ny fianakaviany avy.
31 From the half-tribe of Manasseh, 18,000 men were designated by name to come and make David king.
Ary tamin’ ny antsasaky ny firenen’ i Manase dia valo arivo amby iray alina, izay notononina anarana ho avy hampanjaka an’ i Davida.
32 From the tribe of Issachar came leaders who knew and could understand the signs of the times and what Israel should do—a total of 200 leaders of the tribe together with their relatives.
Ary tamin’ ny taranak’ Isakara dia roanjato no lohany, samy nahay namantatra tsara izay fotoana mety ka nahalala izay lokony hataon’ ny Isiraely; ary ny rahalahiny rehetra nanaraka ny teniny.
33 From the tribe of Zebulun, 50,000 warriors. They were fully armed and battle-ready, and totally dedicated.
Tamin’ ny Zebolona, izay azo nalefa hanafika ka nahay niady tamin’ ny fiadiana samy hafa rehetra dia dimy alina, izay nahay nilahatra tsara tamin’ ny firaisan-kina.
34 From the tribe of Naphtali, 1,000 officers and 37,000 warriors carrying shields and spears.
Ary tamin’ ny Naftaly dia nisy mpifehy arivo, ary manaraka azy dia nisy fito arivo amby telo alina amin’ ampinga lehibe sy lefona.
35 From the tribe of Dan, 28,600 warriors, all battle-ready.
Ary tamin’ ny Danita dia enin-jato amby valo arivo sy roa alina izay nahay niady.
36 From the tribe of Asher, 40,000 experienced warriors, all battle-ready.
Ary tamin’ ny Asera, efatra alina izay azo nalefa hanafika sady nahay niady.
37 From the east side of the Jordan River, from the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh, 120,000 warriors carrying all kinds of weapons.
Ary avy tany an-dafin’ i Jordana, tamin’ ny Robenita sy ny Gadita ary ny antsasaky ny firenen’ i Manase, nisy roa alina amby iray hetsy nitana fiadiana samy hafa rehetra.
38 All these men came to Hebron dressed for battle, completely committed to making David king. All of Israel agreed that David should become king.
Ireo miaramila rehetra ireo, izay nahay nilahatra tsara, dia niray fo nankany Hebrona hampanjaka an’ i Davida amin’ ny Isiraely rehetra; ary ny sisa rehetra tamin’ ny Isiraely koa niray fo hampanjaka an’ i Davida.
39 They stayed three days there, eating and drinking together, for their relatives had provided them with supplies.
Ary tao amin’ i Davida hateloana izy sady nihinana sy nisotro; fa efa nanao nahandro ho azy ny rahalahiny.
40 Their neighbors, even as far away as Issachar, Zebulun, and Naphtali, arrived bringing food on donkeys, camels, mules, and oxen. They had plenty of flour, fig cakes, bunches of raisins, wine, olive oil, cattle, and sheep, for Israel was so happy.
Ary izay teo akaikiny koa hatramin’ ny Isakara sy ny Zebolona ary ny Naftaly dia samy nampitondra hanina samy hafa nentin’ ny boriky sy rameva sy ampondra ary omby, dia koba sy ampempan’ aviavy sy voaloboka maina sy divay sy diloilo, ary omby sy ondry aman’ osy betsaka koa; fa nisy fifaliana tamin’ ny Isiraely.

< 1 Chronicles 12 >