< Titus 2 >

1 Now you, speak the things that suit sound doctrine:
yathārthasyopadeśasya vākyāni tvayā kathyantāṁ
2 older men are to be sober, dignified, prudent, sound in the faith, in love and in endurance;
viśeṣataḥ prācīnalokā yathā prabuddhā dhīrā vinītā viśvāse premni sahiṣṇutāyāñca svasthā bhaveyustadvat
3 similarly older women are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers nor enslaved to much wine, teachers of what is good
prācīnayoṣito'pi yathā dharmmayogyam ācāraṁ kuryyuḥ paranindakā bahumadyapānasya nighnāśca na bhaveyuḥ
4 —so that they may instruct the young women to love their husbands, to love their children,
kintu suśikṣākāriṇyaḥ satya īśvarasya vākyaṁ yat na nindyeta tadarthaṁ yuvatīḥ suśīlatām arthataḥ patisneham apatyasnehaṁ
5 to be prudent, pure, good homemakers, subordinating themselves to their own husbands, so that the Word of God not be maligned.
vinītiṁ śucitvaṁ gṛhiṇītvaṁ saujanyaṁ svāminighnañcādiśeyustathā tvayā kathyatāṁ|
6 Similarly, exhort the young men to be self-controlled,
tadvad yūno'pi vinītaye prabodhaya|
7 in all things presenting yourself as an example of good works: showing integrity, dignity and incorruptibility in your teaching
tvañca sarvvaviṣaye svaṁ satkarmmaṇāṁ dṛṣṭāntaṁ darśaya śikṣāyāñcāvikṛtatvaṁ dhīratāṁ yathārthaṁ
8 —healthy speech, beyond reproach—so that the opponent may be put to shame, having nothing slighting to say about us.
nirddoṣañca vākyaṁ prakāśaya tena vipakṣo yuṣmākam apavādasya kimapi chidraṁ na prāpya trapiṣyate|
9 Exhort slaves to subordinate themselves to their own owners, to be well pleasing in all things, not talking back,
dāsāśca yat svaprabhūnāṁ nighnāḥ sarvvaviṣaye tuṣṭijanakāśca bhaveyuḥ pratyuttaraṁ na kuryyuḥ
10 not pilfering but showing total trustworthiness, so as to adorn the doctrine of our Savior God in everything.
kimapi nāpahareyuḥ kintu pūrṇāṁ suviśvastatāṁ prakāśayeyuriti tān ādiśa| yata evamprakāreṇāsmakaṁ trāturīśvarasya śikṣā sarvvaviṣaye tai rbhūṣitavyā|
11 For the saving grace of God has appeared for all men,
yato hetostrāṇājanaka īśvarasyānugrahaḥ sarvvān mānavān pratyuditavān
12 teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live prudently, righteously and godly in this present age, (aiōn g165)
sa cāsmān idaṁ śikṣyati yad vayam adharmmaṁ sāṁsārikābhilāṣāṁścānaṅgīkṛtya vinītatvena nyāyeneśvarabhaktyā cehaloke āyu ryāpayāmaḥ, (aiōn g165)
13 looking for the blessed hope, even the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ,
paramasukhasyāśām arthato 'smākaṁ mahata īśvarasya trāṇakarttu ryīśukhrīṣṭasya prabhāvasyodayaṁ pratīkṣāmahe|
14 who gave Himself for us, so that He might redeem us from all lawlessness and purify for Himself a special people, zealous for good works.
yataḥ sa yathāsmān sarvvasmād adharmmāt mocayitvā nijādhikārasvarūpaṁ satkarmmasūtsukam ekaṁ prajāvargaṁ pāvayet tadartham asmākaṁ kṛte ātmadānaṁ kṛtavān|
15 Speak these things, whether you exhort or reprove, with all authority. Let no one disdain you.
etāni bhāṣasva pūrṇasāmarthyena cādiśa prabodhaya ca, ko'pi tvāṁ nāvamanyatāṁ|

< Titus 2 >