< Revelation 6 >
1 And I saw that the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living beings saying, like a voice of thunder, “Come!”
anantaraṁ mayi nirīkṣamāṇe meṣaśāvakena tāsāṁ saptamudrāṇām ekā mudrā muktā tatasteṣāṁ caturṇām ekasya prāṇina āgatya paśyetivācako meghagarjanatulyo ravo mayā śrutaḥ|
2 And I looked and, wow, a white horse! And he who sat on it had a bow. And a crown was given to him; and he went out conquering, that is, in order to conquer.
tataḥ param ekaḥ śuklāśco dṛṣṭaḥ, tadārūḍho jano dhanu rdhārayati tasmai ca kirīṭamekam adāyi tataḥ sa prabhavan prabhaviṣyaṁśca nirgatavān|
3 And when He opened the second seal I heard the second living being saying, “Come!”
aparaṁ dvitīyamudrāyāṁ tena mocitāyāṁ dvitīyasya prāṇina āgatya paśyeti vāk mayā śrutā|
4 And another horse went out, fiery red, and it was granted to him who sat on it to take the peace from the earth, so that they would slaughter each other; also, a huge sword was given to him.
tato 'ruṇavarṇo 'para eko 'śvo nirgatavān tadārohiṇi pṛthivītaḥ śāntyapaharaṇasya lokānāṁ madhye parasparaṁ pratighātotpādanasya ca sāmarthyaṁ samarpitam, eko bṛhatkhaṅgo 'pi tasmā adāyi|
5 And when He opened the third seal I heard the third living being saying, “Come!” And I looked and, wow, a black horse! And he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.
aparaṁ tṛtīyamudrāyāṁ tana mocitāyāṁ tṛtīyasya prāṇina āgatya paśyeti vāk mayā śrutā, tataḥ kālavarṇa eko 'śvo mayā dṛṣṭaḥ, tadārohiṇo haste tulā tiṣṭhati
6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living beings saying: “A ‘quart’ of wheat for a denarius and three ‘quarts’ of barley for a denarius; but do not harm the olive oil and the wine.”
anantaraṁ prāṇicatuṣṭayasya madhyād vāgiyaṁ śrutā godhūmānāmekaḥ seṭako mudrāpādaikamūlyaḥ, yavānāñca seṭakatrayaṁ mudrāpādaikamūlyaṁ tailadrākṣārasāśca tvayā mā hiṁsitavyāḥ|
7 And when He opened the fourth seal I heard a voice from the fourth living being saying, “Come!”
anantaraṁ caturthamudrāyāṁ tena mocitāyāṁ caturthasya prāṇina āgatya paśyeti vāk mayā śrutā|
8 And I looked and, wow, a sickly pale horse! And as for the one sitting upon it, his name is Death, and Hades follows with him. And authority was given to him over a fourth of the earth, to kill by sword and by famine and by death, also by the wild animals of the earth. (Hadēs )
tataḥ pāṇḍuravarṇa eko 'śvo mayā dṛṣṭaḥ, tadārohiṇo nāma mṛtyuriti paralokaśca tam anucarati khaṅgena durbhikṣeṇa mahāmāryyā vanyapaśubhiśca lokānāṁ badhāya pṛthivyāścaturthāṁśasyādhipatyaṁ tasmā adāyi| (Hadēs )
9 And when He opened the fifth seal I saw underneath the altar the souls of the people who had been slaughtered on account of the Word of God and on account of the testimony of the Lamb which they held.
anantaraṁ pañcamamudrāyāṁ tena mocitāyām īśvaravākyahetostatra sākṣyadānācca cheditānāṁ lokānāṁ dehino vedyā adho mayādṛśyanta|
10 And they cried out with a loud voice saying: “How long, O Sovereign, Holy and True, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?”
ta uccairidaṁ gadanti, he pavitra satyamaya prabho asmākaṁ raktapāte pṛthivīnivāsibhi rvivadituṁ tasya phala dātuñca kati kālaṁ vilambase?
11 So a white robe was given to each of them, and they were told that they should rest a while longer, until both their fellow slaves and their brothers, who were about to be killed just like they were, should complete the number.
tatasteṣām ekaikasmai śubhraḥ paricchado 'dāyi vāgiyañcākathyata yūyamalpakālam arthato yuṣmākaṁ ye sahādāsā bhrātaro yūyamiva ghāniṣyante teṣāṁ saṁkhyā yāvat sampūrṇatāṁ na gacchati tāvad viramata|
12 And I saw, just when He opened the sixth seal—there was a severe earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood.
anantaraṁ yadā sa ṣaṣṭhamudrāmamocayat tadā mayi nirīkṣamāṇe mahān bhūkampo 'bhavat sūryyaśca uṣṭralomajavastravat kṛṣṇavarṇaścandramāśca raktasaṅkāśo 'bhavat
13 And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, like a fig tree drops its late figs when shaken by a strong wind.
gaganasthatārāśca prabalavāyunā cālitād uḍumbaravṛkṣāt nipātitānyapakkaphalānīva bhūtale nyapatan|
14 And the sky was split, like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place.
ākāśamaṇḍalañca saṅkucyamānagrantha̮ivāntardhānam agamat giraya upadvīpāśca sarvve sthānāntaraṁ cālitāḥ
15 And the kings of the earth and the magnates and the generals and the rich and the mighty, and every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains.
pṛthivīsthā bhūpālā mahāllokāḥ sahastrapatayo dhaninaḥ parākramiṇaśca lokā dāsā muktāśca sarvve 'pi guhāsu giristhaśaileṣu ca svān prācchādayan|
16 And they said to the mountains and the rocks: “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!
te ca girīn śailāṁśca vadanti yūyam asmadupari patitvā siṁhāsanopaviṣṭajanasya dṛṣṭito meṣaśāvakasya kopāccāsmān gopāyata;
17 Because the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?”
yatastasya krodhasya mahādinam upasthitaṁ kaḥ sthātuṁ śaknoti?