< Matthew 9 >
1 So getting into the boat He crossed over and came into His own city.
anantaraṁ yīśu rnaukāmāruhya punaḥ pāramāgatya nijagrāmam āyayau|
2 And then, they came to Him carrying a paralytic lying on a pallet. And seeing their faith Jesus said to the paralytic, “Courage, son; your sins are forgiven you!”
tataḥ katipayā janā ekaṁ pakṣāghātinaṁ svaṭṭopari śāyayitvā tatsamīpam ānayan; tato yīśusteṣāṁ pratītiṁ vijñāya taṁ pakṣāghātinaṁ jagāda, he putra, susthiro bhava, tava kaluṣasya marṣaṇaṁ jātam|
3 But then, some of the scribes said within themselves, “This man blasphemes!”
tāṁ kathāṁ niśamya kiyanta upādhyāyā manaḥsu cintitavanta eṣa manuja īśvaraṁ nindati|
4 So Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said: “Why do you think evil in your hearts?
tataḥ sa teṣām etādṛśīṁ cintāṁ vijñāya kathitavān, yūyaṁ manaḥsu kṛta etādṛśīṁ kucintāṁ kurutha?
5 So which is easier, to say ‘Your sins are forgiven’, or to say ‘Get up and walk’?
tava pāpamarṣaṇaṁ jātaṁ, yadvā tvamutthāya gaccha, dvayoranayo rvākyayoḥ kiṁ vākyaṁ vaktuṁ sugamaṁ?
6 But so that you may know that the Son of the Man has authority on the earth to forgive sins”—then He says to the paralytic, “On your feet, pick up your pallet and go to your house!”
kintu medinyāṁ kaluṣaṁ kṣamituṁ manujasutasya sāmarthyamastīti yūyaṁ yathā jānītha, tadarthaṁ sa taṁ pakṣāghātinaṁ gaditavān, uttiṣṭha, nijaśayanīyaṁ ādāya gehaṁ gaccha|
7 So he got up and went off to his house.
tataḥ sa tatkṣaṇād utthāya nijagehaṁ prasthitavān|
8 And seeing it the crowds marveled and glorified God, the one giving such authority to the people.
mānavā itthaṁ vilokya vismayaṁ menire, īśvareṇa mānavāya sāmarthyam īdṛśaṁ dattaṁ iti kāraṇāt taṁ dhanyaṁ babhāṣire ca|
9 And going on from there Jesus saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office, and He says to him, “Follow me.” So getting up he followed Him.
anantaraṁ yīśustatsthānād gacchan gacchan karasaṁgrahasthāne samupaviṣṭaṁ mathināmānam ekaṁ manujaṁ vilokya taṁ babhāṣe, mama paścād āgaccha, tataḥ sa utthāya tasya paścād vavrāja|
10 Now it happened, as He was reclining at the table in the house, that many tax collectors and sinners had also come and were reclining at the table with Jesus and His disciples!
tataḥ paraṁ yīśau gṛhe bhoktum upaviṣṭe bahavaḥ karasaṁgrāhiṇaḥ kaluṣiṇaśca mānavā āgatya tena sākaṁ tasya śiṣyaiśca sākam upaviviśuḥ|
11 Upon seeing this the Pharisees said to His disciples, “Why does your teacher eat and drink with the tax collectors and sinners?”
phirūśinastad dṛṣṭvā tasya śiṣyān babhāṣire, yuṣmākaṁ guruḥ kiṁ nimittaṁ karasaṁgrāhibhiḥ kaluṣibhiśca sākaṁ bhuṁkte?
12 But Jesus heard it, so He said to them: “Those who are strong do not need a physician, but those who are sick.
yīśustat śrutvā tān pratyavadat, nirāmayalokānāṁ cikitsakena prayojanaṁ nāsti, kintu sāmayalokānāṁ prayojanamāste|
13 But go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
ato yūyaṁ yātvā vacanasyāsyārthaṁ śikṣadhvam, dayāyāṁ me yathā prīti rna tathā yajñakarmmaṇi|yato'haṁ dhārmmikān āhvātuṁ nāgato'smi kintu manaḥ parivarttayituṁ pāpina āhvātum āgato'smi|
14 Then the disciples of John come to Him saying, “Why is it that we and the Pharisees fast about many things, but your disciples do not fast?”
anantaraṁ yohanaḥ śiṣyāstasya samīpam āgatya kathayāmāsuḥ, phirūśino vayañca punaḥ punarupavasāmaḥ, kintu tava śiṣyā nopavasanti, kutaḥ?
15 So Jesus said to them: “Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.
tadā yīśustān avocat yāvat sakhīnāṁ saṁṅge kanyāyā varastiṣṭhati, tāvat kiṁ te vilāpaṁ karttuṁ śakluvanti? kintu yadā teṣāṁ saṁṅgād varaṁ nayanti, tādṛśaḥ samaya āgamiṣyati, tadā te upavatsyanti|
16 “And no one puts a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment and the tear becomes worse.
purātanavasane kopi navīnavastraṁ na yojayati, yasmāt tena yojitena purātanavasanaṁ chinatti tacchidrañca bahukutsitaṁ dṛśyate|
17 Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the wineskins burst and the wine spills out, and the wineskins will be ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”
anyañca purātanakutvāṁ kopi navānagostanīrasaṁ na nidadhāti, yasmāt tathā kṛte kutū rvidīryyate tena gostanīrasaḥ patati kutūśca naśyati; tasmāt navīnāyāṁ kutvāṁ navīno gostanīrasaḥ sthāpyate, tena dvayoravanaṁ bhavati|
18 While He was saying these things to them, there he was; a certain ruler came and worshiped Him, saying, “My daughter has just died, but come and lay your hand on her and she will live.”
aparaṁ tenaitatkathākathanakāle eko'dhipatistaṁ praṇamya babhāṣe, mama duhitā prāyeṇaitāvatkāle mṛtā, tasmād bhavānāgatya tasyā gātre hastamarpayatu, tena sā jīviṣyati|
19 So Jesus got up and followed him, with His disciples.
tadānīṁ yīśuḥ śiṣyaiḥ sākam utthāya tasya paścād vavrāja|
20 And then—a woman who had been hemorrhaging for twelve years came from behind and touched the hem of His garment.
ityanantare dvādaśavatsarān yāvat pradarāmayena śīrṇaikā nārī tasya paścād āgatya tasya vasanasya granthiṁ pasparśa;
21 For she kept saying to herself, “If only I may touch His garment I will be healed.”
yasmāt mayā kevalaṁ tasya vasanaṁ spṛṣṭvā svāsthyaṁ prāpsyate, sā nārīti manasi niścitavatī|
22 But Jesus, turning around and seeing her, said, “Take courage, daughter; your faith has made you well.” And the woman was healed from that very hour.
tato yīśurvadanaṁ parāvarttya tāṁ jagāda, he kanye, tvaṁ susthirā bhava, tava viśvāsastvāṁ svasthāmakārṣīt| etadvākye gaditaeva sā yoṣit svasthābhūt|
23 When Jesus came into the ruler's house and saw the flutists and the crowd making a commotion,
aparaṁ yīśustasyādhyakṣasya gehaṁ gatvā vādakaprabhṛtīn bahūn lokān śabdāyamānān vilokya tān avadat,
24 He says to them, “Go away, for the girl is not dead, but sleeping.” So they began to ridicule Him.
panthānaṁ tyaja, kanyeyaṁ nāmriyata nidritāste; kathāmetāṁ śrutvā te tamupajahasuḥ|
25 But when the crowd had been put outside, He went in and grasped her hand, and the girl got up.
kintu sarvveṣu bahiṣkṛteṣu so'bhyantaraṁ gatvā kanyāyāḥ karaṁ dhṛtavān, tena sodatiṣṭhat;
26 And the report of this went out into all that land.
tatastatkarmmaṇo yaśaḥ kṛtsnaṁ taṁ deśaṁ vyāptavat|
27 As Jesus went on from there two blind men followed Him, crying out and saying, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!”
tataḥ paraṁ yīśustasmāt sthānād yātrāṁ cakāra; tadā he dāyūdaḥ santāna, asmān dayasva, iti vadantau dvau janāvandhau procairāhūyantau tatpaścād vavrajatuḥ|
28 And arriving in the house, the blind men approached Him; so He says to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They say to Him, “Yes, Lord.”
tato yīśau gehamadhyaṁ praviṣṭaṁ tāvapi tasya samīpam upasthitavantau, tadānīṁ sa tau pṛṣṭavān karmmaitat karttuṁ mama sāmarthyam āste, yuvāṁ kimiti pratīthaḥ? tadā tau pratyūcatuḥ, satyaṁ prabho|
29 Then He touched their eyes saying, “According to your faith let it be to you.”
tadānīṁ sa tayo rlocanāni spṛśan babhāṣe, yuvayoḥ pratītyanusārād yuvayo rmaṅgalaṁ bhūyāt| tena tatkṣaṇāt tayo rnetrāṇi prasannānyabhavan,
30 And their eyes were opened. And Jesus sternly warned them saying, “See to it that no one knows!”
paścād yīśustau dṛḍhamājñāpya jagāda, avadhattam etāṁ kathāṁ kopi manujo ma jānīyāt|
31 But going out they spread the news about Him in all that country.
kintu tau prasthāya tasmin kṛtsne deśe tasya kīrttiṁ prakāśayāmāsatuḥ|
32 As they were going out, well, they brought to Him a mute man, demonized.
aparaṁ tau bahiryāta etasminnantare manujā ekaṁ bhūtagrastamūkaṁ tasya samīpam ānītavantaḥ|
33 And when the demon was cast out, the mute spoke. And the crowds marveled saying, “Never was it seen like this in Israel!”
tena bhūte tyājite sa mūkaḥ kathāṁ kathayituṁ prārabhata, tena janā vismayaṁ vijñāya kathayāmāsuḥ, isrāyelo vaṁśe kadāpi nedṛgadṛśyata;
34 But the Pharisees said, “He casts out demons by the ruler of the demons.”
kintu phirūśinaḥ kathayāñcakruḥ bhūtādhipatinā sa bhūtān tyājayati|
35 Then Jesus went around to all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the Gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every illness among the people.
tataḥ paraṁ yīśusteṣāṁ bhajanabhavana upadiśan rājyasya susaṁvādaṁ pracārayan lokānāṁ yasya ya āmayo yā ca pīḍāsīt, tān śamayan śamayaṁśca sarvvāṇi nagarāṇi grāmāṁśca babhrāma|
36 Seeing the crowds He was moved with compassion for them, because they were harassed and prostrated, like sheep without a shepherd.
anyañca manujān vyākulān arakṣakameṣāniva ca tyaktān nirīkṣya teṣu kāruṇikaḥ san śiṣyān avadat,
37 Then He says to His disciples: “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the workers are few.
śasyāni pracurāṇi santi, kintu chettāraḥ stokāḥ|
38 Therefore pray to the Lord of the harvest that He may send out workers into His harvest.”
kṣetraṁ pratyaparān chedakān prahetuṁ śasyasvāminaṁ prārthayadhvam|