< John 10 >

1 “Most assuredly I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
ahaṁ yuṣmānatiyathārthaṁ vadāmi, yo jano dvāreṇa na praviśya kenāpyanyena meṣagṛhaṁ praviśati sa eva steno dasyuśca|
2 But he who enters by the door is a shepherd of the sheep.
yo dvāreṇa praviśati sa eva meṣapālakaḥ|
3 To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.
dauvārikastasmai dvāraṁ mocayati meṣagaṇaśca tasya vākyaṁ śṛṇoti sa nijān meṣān svasvanāmnāhūya bahiḥ kṛtvā nayati|
4 And whenever he takes out his own sheep he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice.
tathā nijān meṣān bahiḥ kṛtvā svayaṁ teṣām agre gacchati, tato meṣāstasya śabdaṁ budhyante, tasmāt tasya paścād vrajanti|
5 But they will not follow a stranger; rather they will run away from him, because they do not know the voice of strangers.”
kintu parasya śabdaṁ na budhyante tasmāt tasya paścād vrajiṣyanti varaṁ tasya samīpāt palāyiṣyante|
6 Jesus gave them this illustration, but they did not understand what He was telling them.
yīśustebhya imāṁ dṛṣṭāntakathām akathayat kintu tena kathitakathāyāstātparyyaṁ te nābudhyanta|
7 Then Jesus addressed them again: “Most assuredly I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
ato yīśuḥ punarakathayat, yuṣmānāhaṁ yathārthataraṁ vyāharāmi, meṣagṛhasya dvāram ahameva|
8 All who ever came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them.
mayā na praviśya ya āgacchan te stenā dasyavaśca kintu meṣāsteṣāṁ kathā nāśṛṇvan|
9 I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.
ahameva dvārasvarūpaḥ, mayā yaḥ kaścita praviśati sa rakṣāṁ prāpsyati tathā bahirantaśca gamanāgamane kṛtvā caraṇasthānaṁ prāpsyati|
10 The thief comes only in order to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come so that they may have life, and have it abundantly.
yo janastenaḥ sa kevalaṁ stainyabadhavināśān karttumeva samāyāti kintvaham āyu rdātum arthāt bāhūlyena tadeva dātum āgaccham|
11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life on behalf of the sheep.
ahameva satyameṣapālako yastu satyo meṣapālakaḥ sa meṣārthaṁ prāṇatyāgaṁ karoti;
12 But the hired man, not being the shepherd and not owning the sheep, sees the wolf coming and abandons the sheep, and runs away; and the wolf snatches the sheep and scatters them.
kintu yo jano meṣapālako na, arthād yasya meṣā nijā na bhavanti, ya etādṛśo vaitanikaḥ sa vṛkam āgacchantaṁ dṛṣṭvā mejavrajaṁ vihāya palāyate, tasmād vṛkastaṁ vrajaṁ dhṛtvā vikirati|
13 Now the hired man runs away because he is a hired man and it does not matter to him about the sheep.
vaitanikaḥ palāyate yataḥ sa vetanārthī meṣārthaṁ na cintayati|
14 “I am the good shepherd, and I know my own sheep, and I am known by them.
ahameva satyo meṣapālakaḥ, pitā māṁ yathā jānāti, ahañca yathā pitaraṁ jānāmi,
15 Just as the Father knows me, I also know the Father, and I lay down my life on behalf of the sheep.
tathā nijān meṣānapi jānāmi, meṣāśca māṁ jānānti, ahañca meṣārthaṁ prāṇatyāgaṁ karomi|
16 I also have other sheep, that are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice; and there will be one flock, one shepherd.
aparañca etad gṛhīya meṣebhyo bhinnā api meṣā mama santi te sakalā ānayitavyāḥ; te mama śabdaṁ śroṣyanti tata eko vraja eko rakṣako bhaviṣyati|
17 “Because of this the Father loves me, in that I lay down my life so that I may take it up again.
prāṇānahaṁ tyaktvā punaḥ prāṇān grahīṣyāmi, tasmāt pitā mayi snehaṁ karoti|
18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This command I have received from my Father.”
kaścijjano mama prāṇān hantuṁ na śaknoti kintu svayaṁ tān samarpayāmi tān samarpayituṁ punargrahītuñca mama śaktirāste bhāramimaṁ svapituḥ sakāśāt prāptoham|
19 Therefore there was another division among the Jews because of these words.
asmādupadeśāt punaśca yihūdīyānāṁ madhye bhinnavākyatā jātā|
20 Many of them were saying: “He has a demon and is raving mad. Why do you listen to him?”
tato bahavo vyāharan eṣa bhūtagrasta unmattaśca, kuta etasya kathāṁ śṛṇutha?
21 Others were saying: “These are not the sayings of someone who is demonized. A demon cannot open blind people's eyes, can it?”
kecid avadan etasya kathā bhūtagrastasya kathāvanna bhavanti, bhūtaḥ kim andhāya cakṣuṣī dātuṁ śaknoti?
22 Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem; and it was winter.
śītakāle yirūśālami mandirotsargaparvvaṇyupasthite
23 And Jesus was walking about in the temple, in Solomon's porch.
yīśuḥ sulemāno niḥsāreṇa gamanāgamane karoti,
24 Then the Jews surrounded Him and said to Him: “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.”
etasmin samaye yihūdīyāstaṁ veṣṭayitvā vyāharan kati kālān asmākaṁ vicikitsāṁ sthāpayiṣyāmi? yadyabhiṣikto bhavati tarhi tat spaṣṭaṁ vada|
25 Jesus answered them: “I did tell you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in my Father's name—these testify concerning me.
tadā yīśuḥ pratyavadad aham acakathaṁ kintu yūyaṁ na pratītha, nijapitu rnāmnā yāṁ yāṁ kriyāṁ karomi sā kriyaiva mama sākṣisvarūpā|
26 But you do not believe because you are not among my sheep, just like I told you.
kintvahaṁ pūrvvamakathayaṁ yūyaṁ mama meṣā na bhavatha, kāraṇādasmān na viśvasitha|
27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.
mama meṣā mama śabdaṁ śṛṇvanti tānahaṁ jānāmi te ca mama paścād gacchanti|
28 And I give them eternal life, and they will never ever be wasted; and no one will snatch them out of my hand. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
ahaṁ tebhyo'nantāyu rdadāmi, te kadāpi na naṁkṣyanti kopi mama karāt tān harttuṁ na śakṣyati| (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch out of my Father's hand.
yo mama pitā tān mahyaṁ dattavān sa sarvvasmāt mahān, kopi mama pituḥ karāt tān harttuṁ na śakṣyati|
30 I and the Father are one.”
ahaṁ pitā ca dvayorekatvam|
31 Therefore the Jews picked up stones again to stone Him.
tato yihūdīyāḥ punarapi taṁ hantuṁ pāṣāṇān udatolayan|
32 Jesus answered them: “Many good works I have shown you from my Father. For which one of them are you stoning me?”
yīśuḥ kathitavān pituḥ sakāśād bahūnyuttamakarmmāṇi yuṣmākaṁ prākāśayaṁ teṣāṁ kasya karmmaṇaḥ kāraṇān māṁ pāṣāṇairāhantum udyatāḥ stha?
33 The Jews answered Him saying, “It is not for a good work that we are stoning you, but for blasphemy; precisely because you, being a man, make yourself God!”
yihūdīyāḥ pratyavadan praśastakarmmaheto rna kintu tvaṁ mānuṣaḥ svamīśvaram uktveśvaraṁ nindasi kāraṇādasmāt tvāṁ pāṣāṇairhanmaḥ|
34 Jesus answered them: “Is it not written in your law, ‘I said, you are gods’?
tadā yīśuḥ pratyuktavān mayā kathitaṁ yūyam īśvarā etadvacanaṁ yuṣmākaṁ śāstre likhitaṁ nāsti kiṁ?
35 If He called them ‘gods’ to whom the Word of God came—and the Scripture cannot be broken—
tasmād yeṣām uddeśe īśvarasya kathā kathitā te yadīśvaragaṇā ucyante dharmmagranthasyāpyanyathā bhavituṁ na śakyaṁ,
36 do you say ‘You are blaspheming’ to the One the Father sanctified and sent into the world because I said, ‘I am God's Son’?
tarhyāham īśvarasya putra iti vākyasya kathanāt yūyaṁ pitrābhiṣiktaṁ jagati preritañca pumāṁsaṁ katham īśvaranindakaṁ vādaya?
37 If I am not doing the works of my Father, do not believe me.
yadyahaṁ pituḥ karmma na karomi tarhi māṁ na pratīta;
38 But if I am doing them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, so that you may know and believe that the Father is in me, and I in Him.”
kintu yadi karomi tarhi mayi yuṣmābhiḥ pratyaye na kṛte'pi kāryye pratyayaḥ kriyatāṁ, tato mayi pitāstīti pitaryyaham asmīti ca kṣātvā viśvasiṣyatha|
39 So they tried again to seize Him, but He escaped from their hand.
tadā te punarapi taṁ dharttum aceṣṭanta kintu sa teṣāṁ karebhyo nistīryya
40 He went away again across the Jordan, to the place where John was baptizing at first; and He remained there.
puna ryarddan adyāstaṭe yatra purvvaṁ yohan amajjayat tatrāgatya nyavasat|
41 And many came to Him and said, “Though John did not perform any sign, everything John said about this man was true.”
tato bahavo lokāstatsamīpam āgatya vyāharan yohan kimapyāścaryyaṁ karmma nākarot kintvasmin manuṣye yā yaḥ kathā akathayat tāḥ sarvvāḥ satyāḥ;
42 And many of the people there believed into Him.
tatra ca bahavo lokāstasmin vyaśvasan|

< John 10 >