< 2 Peter 1 >

1 Simon Peter, slave and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have obtained with us the same kind of faith in the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ:
ye janā asmābhiḥ sārddham astadīśvare trātari yīśukhrīṣṭe ca puṇyasambalitaviśvāsadhanasya samānāṁśitvaṁ prāptāstān prati yīśukhrīṣṭasya dāsaḥ preritaśca śimon pitaraḥ patraṁ likhati|
2 may grace and peace be multiplied to you through a real knowledge of God and of our Lord Jesus,
īśvarasyāsmākaṁ prabho ryīśośca tatvajñānena yuṣmāsvanugrahaśāntyo rbāhulyaṁ varttatāṁ|
3 in that His divine power has granted to us all things pertaining to life and godliness, through the real knowledge of the One who called us by glory and excellence,
jīvanārtham īśvarabhaktyarthañca yadyad āvaśyakaṁ tat sarvvaṁ gauravasadguṇābhyām asmadāhvānakāriṇastattvajñānadvārā tasyeśvarīyaśaktirasmabhyaṁ dattavatī|
4 through which He has granted to us such precious and extraordinary promises, so that through these you may become partakers of a divine nature, having escaped the depravity that is in the world because of lust.
tatsarvveṇa cāsmabhyaṁ tādṛśā bahumūlyā mahāpratijñā dattā yābhi ryūyaṁ saṁsāravyāptāt kutsitābhilāṣamūlāt sarvvanāśād rakṣāṁ prāpyeśvarīyasvabhāvasyāṁśino bhavituṁ śaknutha|
5 So for this very reason, making every effort, to your faith add excellence, and to the excellence knowledge,
tato heto ryūyaṁ sampūrṇaṁ yatnaṁ vidhāya viśvāse saujanyaṁ saujanye jñānaṁ
6 and to the knowledge self-control, and to the self-control perseverance, and to the perseverance godliness,
jñāna āyatendriyatām āyatendriyatāyāṁ dhairyyaṁ dhairyya īśvarabhaktim
7 and to the godliness brotherly affection, and to the brotherly affection love.
īśvarabhaktau bhrātṛsnehe ca prema yuṅkta|
8 Because with these things existing and increasing in you, it makes you to be neither useless nor unfruitful in the real knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
etāni yadi yuṣmāsu vidyante varddhante ca tarhyasmatprabho ryīśukhrīṣṭasya tattvajñāne yuṣmān alasān niṣphalāṁśca na sthāpayiṣyanti|
9 For he who lacks these things is blind, being so myopic, having forgotten the cleansing from his past sins.
kintvetāni yasya na vidyante so 'ndho mudritalocanaḥ svakīyapūrvvapāpānāṁ mārjjanasya vismṛtiṁ gataśca|
10 Therefore, brothers, you should be all the more diligent to make your calling and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble.
tasmād he bhrātaraḥ, yūyaṁ svakīyāhvānavaraṇayo rdṛḍhakaraṇe bahu yatadhvaṁ, tat kṛtvā kadāca na skhaliṣyatha|
11 Because in this way you will be granted the abundant entrance into the unending kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. (aiōnios g166)
yato 'nena prakāreṇāsmākaṁ prabhostrātṛ ryīśukhrīṣṭasyānantarājyasya praveśena yūyaṁ sukalena yojayiṣyadhve| (aiōnios g166)
12 So then, I will not neglect to keep reminding you about these things, though you know and are established in the present truth.
yadyapi yūyam etat sarvvaṁ jānītha varttamāne satyamate susthirā bhavatha ca tathāpi yuṣmān sarvvadā tat smārayitum aham ayatnavān na bhaviṣyāmi|
13 Yes, I think it right to stir you up by a reminder, as long as I am in this ‘tent’,
yāvad etasmin dūṣye tiṣṭhāmi tāvad yuṣmān smārayan prabodhayituṁ vihitaṁ manye|
14 knowing that the shedding of my ‘tent’ is imminent, just as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me.
yato 'smākaṁ prabhu ryīśukhrīṣṭo māṁ yat jñāpitavān tadanusārād dūṣyametat mayā śīghraṁ tyaktavyam iti jānāmi|
15 Moreover I will take pains to provide a reminder of these things for you to have, as needed, after my exit.
mama paralokagamanāt paramapi yūyaṁ yadetāni smarttuṁ śakṣyatha tasmin sarvvathā yatiṣye|
16 Now then, we did not follow craftily devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; rather we were attentive eyewitnesses of His majesty
yato 'smākaṁ prabho ryīśukhrīṣṭasya parākramaṁ punarāgamanañca yuṣmān jñāpayanto vayaṁ kalpitānyupākhyānānyanvagacchāmeti nahi kintu tasya mahimnaḥ pratyakṣasākṣiṇo bhūtvā bhāṣitavantaḥ|
17 —because He received from God the Father honor and glory when that Voice was directed to Him by the Magnificent Glory, “This is my Son, the beloved, in whom I am always well pleased”—
yataḥ sa piturīśvarād gauravaṁ praśaṁsāñca prāptavān viśeṣato mahimayuktatejomadhyād etādṛśī vāṇī taṁ prati nirgatavatī, yathā, eṣa mama priyaputra etasmin mama paramasantoṣaḥ|
18 yes, we heard this Voice being uttered from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain.
svargāt nirgateyaṁ vāṇī pavitraparvvate tena sārddhaṁ vidyamānairasmābhiraśrāvi|
19 And so we have the most reliable prophetic Word, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts;
aparam asmatsamīpe dṛḍhataraṁ bhaviṣyadvākyaṁ vidyate yūyañca yadi dinārambhaṁ yuṣmanmanaḥsu prabhātīyanakṣatrasyodayañca yāvat timiramaye sthāne jvalantaṁ pradīpamiva tad vākyaṁ sammanyadhve tarhi bhadraṁ kariṣyatha|
20 knowing this first, that no Prophecy of Scripture comes to be from private release;
śāstrīyaṁ kimapi bhaviṣyadvākyaṁ manuṣyasya svakīyabhāvabodhakaṁ nahi, etad yuṣmābhiḥ samyak jñāyatāṁ|
21 for no Prophecy ever came by the will of man, rather holy men of God spoke as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
yato bhaviṣyadvākyaṁ purā mānuṣāṇām icchāto notpannaṁ kintvīśvarasya pavitralokāḥ pavitreṇātmanā pravarttitāḥ santo vākyam abhāṣanta|

< 2 Peter 1 >