< Psalms 92 >

1 A psalm of a canticle on the sabbath day. It is good to give praise to the Lord: and to sing to thy name, O most High.
Pisarema. Rwiyo rweSabata. Zvakanaka kurumbidza Jehovha nokuimbira zita renyu nziyo, imi Wokumusoro-soro,
2 To shew forth thy mercy in the morning, and thy truth in the night:
kuparidza rudo rwenyu mangwanani nokutendeka kwenyu usiku,
3 Upon an instrument of ten strings, upon the psaltery: with a canticle upon the harp.
nechiridzwa chine hungiso gumi namaririro akanaka embira.
4 For thou hast given me, O Lord, a delight in thy doings: and in the works of thy hands I shall rejoice.
Nokuti munondifadza namabasa enyu, imi Jehovha; ndinoimba nomufaro nokuda kwamabasa amaoko enyu.
5 O Lord, how great are thy works! thy thoughts are exceeding deep.
Haiwa Jehovha, mabasa enyu makuru seiko, ndangariro dzenyu dzakadzika sei!
6 The senseless man shall not know: nor will the fool understand these things.
Munhu asina njere haazivi, mapenzi haanzwisisi,
7 When the wicked shall spring up as grass: and all the workers of iniquity shall appear: That they may perish for ever and ever:
kuti kunyange vakaipa vachimera souswa, uye vaiti vezvakaipa vose vachikura, vachaparadzwa nokusingaperi.
8 But thou, O Lord, art most high for evermore.
Asi imi, iyemi Jehovha, munosimudzirwa nokusingaperi.
9 For behold thy enemies, O Lord, for behold thy enemies shall perish: and all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered.
Nokuti zvirokwazvo vavengi venyu, imi Jehovha, zvirokwazvo vavengi venyu vachaparadzwa; vaiti vezvakaipa vose vachaparadzirwa.
10 But my horn shall be exalted like that of the unicorn: and my old age in plentiful mercy.
Makasimudzira runyanga rwangu sorwenyati; mafuta akaisvonaka akadururirwa pamusoro pangu.
11 My eye also hath looked down upon my enemies: and my ear shall hear of the downfall of the malignant that rise up against me.
Meso angu akaona kukundwa kwavadzivisi vangu; nzeve dzangu dzakanzwa kuparadzwa kwavavengi vangu vakaipa.
12 The just shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow up like the cedar of Libanus.
Vakarurama vachakura kwazvo somuchindwe, vachakura somusidhari weRebhanoni;
13 They that are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of the house of our God.
wakadyarwa muimba yaJehovha, vachakura kwazvo muvanze dzaMwari wedu.
14 They shall still increase in a fruitful old age: and shall be well treated,
Vacharamba vachibereka zvibereko pakukwegura kwavo, vachagara vari vanyoro uye vari vatsva.
15 That they may shew, That the Lord our God is righteous, and there is no iniquity in him.
Vachaparidza kuti, “Jehovha akarurama; ndiye Dombo rangu, uye maari hamuna chakaipa.”

< Psalms 92 >