< Psalms 61 >

1 Unto the end, in hymns, for David. Hear, O God, my supplication: be attentive to my prayer,
大卫的诗,交与伶长。用丝弦的乐器。 神啊,求你听我的呼求, 侧耳听我的祷告!
2 To thee have I cried from the ends of the earth: when my heart was in anguish, thou hast exalted me on a rock. Thou hast conducted me;
我心里发昏的时候, 我要从地极求告你。 求你领我到那比我更高的磐石!
3 For thou hast been my hope; a tower of strength against the face of the enemy.
因为你作过我的避难所, 作过我的坚固台,脱离仇敌。
4 In thy tabernacle I shall dwell for ever: I shall be protected under the covert of thy wings.
我要永远住在你的帐幕里! 我要投靠在你翅膀下的隐密处! (细拉)
5 For thou, my God, hast heard my prayer: thou hast given an inheritance to them that fear thy name.
神啊,你原是听了我所许的愿; 你将产业赐给敬畏你名的人。
6 Thou wilt add days to the days of the king: his years even to generation and generation.
你要加添王的寿数; 他的年岁必存到世世。
7 He abideth for ever in the sight of God: his mercy and truth who shall search?
他必永远坐在 神面前; 愿你预备慈爱和诚实保佑他!
8 So will I sing a psalm to thy name for ever and ever: that I may pay my vows from day to day.
这样,我要歌颂你的名,直到永远, 好天天还我所许的愿。

< Psalms 61 >