< Proverbs 18 >
1 He that hath a mind to depart from a friend seeketh occasions: he shall ever be subject to reproach.
Segun su antojo busca el que se desvía; en toda doctrina se envolverá.
2 A fool receiveth not the words of prudence: unless thou say those things which are in his heart.
No toma placer el loco en la inteligencia, sino en lo que descubre su corazón.
3 The wicked man when he is come into the depth of sins, contemneth: but ignominy and reproach follow him.
Cuando viene el impío, viene también el menosprecio, y con el deshonrador la afrenta.
4 Words from the mouth of a men are as deep water: and the fountain of wisdom as an overflowing stream.
Aguas profundas son las palabras de la boca del hombre; y arroyo revertiente, la fuente de la sabiduría.
5 It is not good to accept the person of the wicked, to decline from the truth of judgment.
Tener respeto a la persona del impío, para hacer caer al justo de su derecho, no es bueno.
6 The lips of a fool intermeddle with strife: and his mouth provoketh quarrels.
Los labios del loco vienen con pleito; y su boca a plaga llama.
7 The mouth of a fool is his destruction: and his lips are the ruin of his soul.
La boca del loco es quebrantamiento para sí, y sus labios son lazos para su alma.
8 The words of the double tongued are as if they were harmless: and they reach even to the inner parts of the bowels. Fear casteth down the slothful: and the souls of the effeminate shall be hungry.
Las palabras del chismoso parecen blandas, mas ellas descienden hasta lo íntimo del vientre.
9 He that is loose and slack in his work, is the brother of him that wasteth his own works.
También el que es negligente en su obra es hermano del gran desolador.
10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the just runneth to it, and shall be exalted.
Torre fuerte es el nombre del SEÑOR; a él correrá el justo, y será levantado.
11 The substance of the rich man is the city of his strength, and as a strong wall compassing him about.
Las riquezas del rico son la ciudad de su fortaleza, y como un muro alto en su imaginación.
12 Before destruction, the heart of a man is exalted: and before he be glorified, it is humbled.
Antes del quebrantamiento se eleva el corazón del hombre, y antes de la honra es el abatimiento.
13 He that answereth before he heareth sheweth himself to be a fool, and worthy of confusion.
El que responde palabra antes de oír, le es locura y oprobio.
14 The spirit of a man upholdeth his infirmity: but a spirit that is easily angered, who can bear?
El espíritu del hombre soportará su enfermedad; mas ¿quién soportará al espíritu quebrantado?
15 A wise heart shall acquire knowledge: and the ear of the wise seeketh instruction.
El corazón del entendido adquiere sabiduría; y el oído de los sabios busca la ciencia.
16 A man’s gift enlargeth his may, and maketh him room before princes.
El don del hombre le ensancha el camino, y le lleva delante de los grandes.
17 The just is first accuser of himself: his friend cometh, and shall search him.
El justo es el primero en su pleito; y su adversario viene, y le busca.
18 The lot suppresseth contentions, and determineth even between the mighty.
La suerte pone fin a los pleitos, y desparte los fuertes.
19 A brother that is helped by his brother, is like a strong city: and judgments are like the bars of cities.
El hermano ofendido es más tenaz que una ciudad fuerte; y las contiendas de los hermanos son como cerrojos de alcázar.
20 Of the fruit of a man’s mouth shall his belly be satisfied: and the offspring of his lips shall fill him.
Del fruto de la boca del hombre se llenará su vientre; se saciará del producto de sus labios.
21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: they that love it, shall eat the fruits thereof.
La muerte y la vida están en poder de la lengua; y el que la ama comerá de sus frutos.
22 He that hath found a good wife, hath found a good thing, and shall receive a pleasure from the Lord. He that driveth away a good wife, driveth away a good thing: but he that keepeth an adulteress, is foolish and wicked.
El que halló esposa halló el bien, y alcanzó la benevolencia del SEÑOR.
23 The poor will speak with supplications, and the rich will speak roughly.
El pobre habla con ruegos; mas el rico responde durezas.
24 A man amiable in society, shall be more friendly than a brother.
El hombre que tiene amigos, ha de mostrarse amigo; y amigo hay más unido que un hermano.