< Proverbs 16 >
1 It is the part of man to prepare the soul: and of the Lord to govern the tongue.
Qalbiga qasdiyadiisa dadkaa leh, Laakiinse carrabka jawaabtiisu xagga Rabbigay ka timaadaa.
2 All the ways of a man are open to his eyes: the Lord is the weigher of spirits.
Nin jidadkiisa oo dhammu waa la nadiifsan yihiin isaga, Laakiinse Rabbigu ruuxyaduu miisaamaa.
3 Lay open thy works to the Lord: and thy thoughts shall be directed.
Shuqulladaada Rabbiga ku aamin, Oo fikirradaaduna way taagnaan doonaan.
4 The Lord hath made all things for himself: the wicked also for the evil day.
Rabbigu wax kastuu isu abuuray, Haah, oo xataa ka sharka leh wuxuu u abuuray maalinta sharkaa.
5 Every proud man is an abomination to the Lord: though hand should be joined to hand, he is not innocent. The beginning of a good way is to do justice; and this is more acceptable with God, than to offer sacrifices.
Ku alla kii qalbiga ka kibirsanu Rabbiga waa u karaahiyo, Waxaan aad idiin ku xaqiijinayaa inaan isagu taqsiir la'aan doonayn.
6 By mercy and truth iniquity is redeemed: and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil.
Waxaa dembiga lagu kafaaraggudaa naxariis iyo run, Oo dadkuna waxay sharka kaga fogaadaan Rabbiga ka cabsashadiisa.
7 When the ways of man shall please the Lord, he will convert even his enemies to peace.
Markii Rabbigu ku farxo nin jidadkiis, Wuxuu nabad dhex dhigaa isaga iyo xataa cadaawayaashiisa.
8 Better is a little with justice, than great revenues with iniquity.
Wax yar oo xaqnimo la jirto Ayaa ka wanaagsan wax badan oo kordha oo xaqdarro la jirto.
9 The heart of man disposeth his way: but the Lord must direct his steps.
Nin walba qalbigiisaa jidkiisa u fiirsada, Laakiinse Rabbigaa tallaabooyinkiisa toosiya.
10 Divination is in the lips of the king, his mouth shall not err in judgment.
Xukunka Rabbigu wuxuu ku jiraa bushimaha boqorka, Afkiisuna kuma xadgudbo garsooridda.
11 Weight and balance are judgments of the Lord: and his work all the weights of the bag.
Miisaankii iyo kafadihii xaq ah Rabbigaa leh, Dhagaxyada miisaanka oo kiishka ku jira oo dhammuna waa shuqulkiisa.
12 They that act wickedly are abominable to the king: for the throne is established by justice.
Waa u karaahiyo boqorrada inay xumaan falaan. Waayo, carshigu xaqnimuu ku dhismaa.
13 Just lips are the delight of kings: he that speaketh right things shall be loved.
Boqorradu bushimaha xaqa ah way ku farxaan, Oo kii si qumman u hadlana way jecel yihiin.
14 The wrath of a king is as messengers of death: and the wise man will pacify it.
Boqor cadhadiisu waa sida warqaadayaal geeriyeed, Laakiinse nin caqli leh ayaa qaboojin doona.
15 In the cheerfulness of the king’s countenance is life: and his clemency is like the latter rain.
Nuurka wejiga boqorka nolol baa ku jirta, Oo raallinimadiisuna waa sida daruurta roobka dambe.
16 Get wisdom, because it is better than gold: and purchase prudence, for it is more precious than silver.
In xigmad la helaa intee bay ka sii wanaagsan tahay in dahab la helo! In waxgarasho la helaana waa laga doortaa in lacag la helo.
17 The path of the just departeth from evils: he that keepeth his soul keepeth his way.
Kuwa qumman jidkoodu waa inay sharka ka leexdaan, Kii jidkiisa dhawraa naftiisuu ilaaliyaa.
18 Pride goeth before destruction: and the spirit is lifted up before a fall.
Kibirku wuxuu hor socdaa baabba', Oo madaxweynaanuna waxay hor socotaa dhicid.
19 It is better to be humbled with the meek, than to divide spoils with the proud.
In kuwa kibirsan booli lala qaybsado Waxaa ka sii wanaagsan in kuwa hooseeya laysla sii hoosaysiiyo.
20 The learned in word shall find good things: and he that trusteth in the Lord is blessed.
Kii hadalka dhegaystaa wax wanaagsan buu heli doonaa, Oo ku alla kii Rabbiga aaminaana waa barakaysan yahay.
21 The wise in heart shall be called prudent: and he that is sweet in words shall attain to greater things.
Kii qalbigiisu caqli leeyahay waxaa loogu yeedhi doonaa mid miyir leh, Oo bushimaha macaankooduna waxbarashuu kordhiyaa.
22 Knowledge is a fountain of life to him that possesseth it: the instruction of fools is foolishness.
Waxgarashadu waa u il nololeed kii haysta, Laakiinse edbinta nacasyadu waa nacasnimo.
23 The heart of the wise shall instruct his mouth: and shall add grace to his lips.
Kii caqli leh qalbigiisu afkiisuu wax baraa, Oo waxbarashuu bushimihiisa u kordhiyaa.
24 Well ordered words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.
Hadalkii wacanu waa sida awlallo shinniyeed oo kale, Nafta wuu u macaan yahay, oo lafahana waa u caafimaad.
25 There is a way that seemeth to a man right: and the ends thereof lead to death.
Waxaa jirta waddo dadka la qumman, Laakiinse dhammaadkeedu waa jidadkii dhimashada.
26 The soul of him that laboureth, laboureth for himself, because his mouth hath obliged him to it.
Kii hawshooda gaajadiisuu u hawshoodaa, Waayo, afkiisaa qasba isaga.
27 The wicked man diggeth evil, and in his lips is a burning fire.
Ninkii waxmatare ahu xumaan buu qodqodaa, Oo bushimihiisana waxaa ku jira dab wax gubaya.
28 A perverse man stirreth up quarrels: and one full of words separateth princes.
Ninkii qalloocanu muran buu beeraa, Oo kii xan badanuna wuxuu kala kaxeeyaa saaxiibbo.
29 An unjust man allureth his friend: and leadeth him into a way that is not good.
Ninka wax dulmaa deriskiisuu sasabtaa, Oo wuxuu u kaxeeyaa jid aan wanaagsanayn.
30 He that with fixed eyes deviseth wicked things, biting his lips, bringeth: evil to pass.
Kii indhaha isugu qabta inuu wax qalloocan hindiso, Oo bushimihiisa qaniinaa, shar buu soo wadaa.
31 Old age is a crown of dignity, when it is found in the ways of justice.
Madaxa cirro lahu waa taaj sharfeed Haddii laga helo jidka xaqnimada.
32 The patient man is better than the valiant: and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh cities.
Kii cadhada u gaabiyaa waa ka wanaagsan yahay kii xoog badan, Oo kii ruuxiisa xukumaana waa ka wanaagsan yahay kii magaalo qabsada.
33 Lots are cast into the lap, but they are disposed of by the Lord.
Saamiga waxaa lagu tuuraa dhabta, Laakiinse go'aankiisa oo dhan Rabbigaa leh.