< Nehemiah 7 >

1 Now after the wall was built, and I had set up the doors, and numbered the porters and singing men, and Levites:
Setelah benteng Yerusalem selesai dibangun dan pintu-pintu gerbangnya sudah dipasang, kami menunjuk sejumlah orang sebagai penjaga gerbang. Selain itu, ditetapkan juga orang-orang Lewi yang bertugas di rumah TUHAN untuk menjadi penyanyi, pemain musik, dan petugas-petugas lainnya.
2 I commanded Hanani my brother, and Hananias ruler of the house of Jerusalem, (for he seemed as a sincere man, and one that feared God above the rest, )
Kemudian saya mengangkat dua orang untuk bertanggung jawab mengelola kota Yerusalem, yaitu Hanani saudara saya, dan Hananya, komandan benteng. Dia dapat dipercaya dan memiliki rasa hormat kepada Allah melebihi orang-orang lain.
3 And I said to them: Let not the gates of Jerusalem be opened till the sun be hot. And while they were yet standing by, the gates were shut, and barred: and I set watchmen of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, every one by their courses, and every mall over against his house.
Saya memberi perintah, “Pintu gerbang Yerusalem hanya boleh dibuka ketika hari sudah siang, dan harus selalu ditutup serta dipalang ketika para penjaga masih bertugas. Tunjuklah orang-orang yang tinggal di kota Yerusalem sebagai penjaga, dan tugaskanlah beberapa dari mereka di pos-pos penjagaan dan di wilayah tempat tinggalnya masing-masing.”
4 And the city was very wide and great, and the people few in the midst thereof, and the houses were not built.
Kota Yerusalem sangat luas dan lapang, tetapi penduduknya saat itu masih sedikit dan rumah-rumah di dalamnya belum dibangun kembali.
5 But God had put in my heart, and I assembled the princes and magistrates, and common people, to number them: and I found a book of the number of them who came up at first, and therein it was found written:
Lalu Allah memberi hikmat kepada saya untuk mengumpulkan para bangsawan, pemimpin, dan rakyat biasa untuk mencatat silsilah keluarga mereka masing-masing. Saya juga mendapati daftar nama dan silsilah rombongan pertama yang pulang dari pembuangan di Babel.
6 These are the children of the province, who came up from the captivity of them that had been carried away, whom Nabuchodonosor the king of Babylon had carried away, and who returned into Judea, every one into his own city.
Berikut ini adalah daftar kelompok orang yang kembali dari pembuangan, yaitu mereka yang dahulu dibawa Raja Nebukadnezar ke Babel, tetapi sekarang sudah kembali ke tempat asal mereka di Yerusalem dan di kota-kota Yehuda.
7 Who came with Zorobabel, Josue, Nehemias, Azarias, Raamias, Nahamani, Mardochai, Belsam, Mespharath, Begoia, Nahum, Baana. The number of the men of the people of Israel:
Mereka kembali dalam satu rombongan besar bersama Zerubabel, Yesua, Nehemia, Azarya, Raamya, Nahamani, Mordekai, Bilsan, Misperet, Bigwai, Nehum, dan Baana. Berikut ini adalah daftar nama kaum keluarga bangsa Israel yang kembali, beserta jumlah rombongannya:
8 The children of Pharos, two thousand one hundred seventy-two.
Keturunan Paros— 2.172 orang,
9 The children of Sephatia, three hundred seventy-two.
Keturunan Sefaca— 372 orang,
10 The children of Area, six hundred fifty-two.
Keturunan Ara— 652 orang,
11 The children of Phahath Moab of the children of Josue and Joab, two thousand eight hundred eighteen.
Keluarga Yesua dan Yoab, yang adalah anak Pahat Moab— 2.818 orang,
12 The children of Elam, one thousand two hundred fifty-four.
Keturunan Elam— 1.254 orang,
13 The children of Zethua, eight hundred forty-five.
Keturunan Zatu— 845 orang,
14 The children of Zachai, seven hundred sixty.
Keturunan Zakai— 760 orang,
15 The children of Bannui, six hundred forty-eight.
Keturunan Binui— 648 orang,
16 The children of Bebai, six hundred twenty-eight.
Keturunan Bebai— 628 orang,
17 The children of Azgad, two thousand three hundred twenty-two.
Keturunan Azgad— 2.322 orang,
18 The children of Adonicam, six hundred sixty-seven.
Keturunan Adonikam— 667 orang,
19 The children of Beguai, two thousand sixty-seven.
Keturunan Bigwai— 2.067 orang,
20 The children of Adin, six hundred fifty-five.
Keturunan Adin— 655 orang,
21 The children of Ater, children of Hezechias, ninety-eight.
Keluarga Hiskia, yaitu keturunan Ater— 98 orang,
22 The children of Hasem, three hundred twenty-eight.
Keturunan Hasum— 328 orang,
23 The children of Besai, three hundred twenty-four.
Keturunan Besai— 324 orang,
24 The children of Hareph, a hundred and twelve.
Keturunan Harif— 112 orang,
25 The children of Gabaon, ninety-five.
Keturunan Gibeon— 95 orang.
26 The children of Bethlehem, and Netupha, a hundred eighty-eight.
Berikut ini adalah jumlah orang yang kembali, dihitung berdasarkan kota asal mereka: Betlehem dan Netofa— 188 orang,
27 The men of Anathoth, a hundred twenty-eight.
Anatot— 128 orang,
28 The men of Bethazmoth, forty-two.
Bet Azmawet— 42 orang,
29 The men of Cariathiarim, Cephira, and Beroth, seven hundred forty-three.
Kiryat Yearim, Kefira, dan Beerot— 743 orang,
30 The men of Rama and Geba, six hundred twenty-one.
Rama dan Geba— 621 orang,
31 The men of Machmas, a hundred twenty-two.
Mikmas— 122 orang,
32 The men of Bethel and Hai, a hundred twenty-three.
Betel dan Ai— 123 orang,
33 The men of the other Nebo, fifty-two.
Nebo yang lain— 52 orang,
34 The men of the other Elam, one thousand two hundred fifty-four.
Elam yang lain— 1.254 orang,
35 The children of Harem, three hundred and twenty.
Harim— 320 orang,
36 The children of Jericho, three hundred forty-five.
Yeriko— 345 orang,
37 The children of Led, of Hadid and One, seven hundred twenty-one.
Lod, Hadid, dan Ono— 721 orang,
38 The children of Senaa, three thousand nine hundred thirty.
Sena— 3.930 orang.
39 The priests: the children of Idaia in the house of Josue, nine hundred and seventy-three.
Berikut ini adalah daftar nama kaum keluarga para imam yang kembali dari pembuangan: Keluarga Yedaya, yaitu keturunan Yesua— 973 orang,
40 The children of Emmer, one thousand fifty-two.
Keturunan Imer— 1.052 orang,
41 The children of Phashur, one thousand two hundred forty-seven.
Keturunan Pasyur— 1.247 orang,
42 The children of Arem, one thousand and seventeen. The Levites:
Keturunan Harim— 1.017 orang.
43 The children of Josue and Cedmihel, the sons
Berikut ini adalah daftar kelompok keturunan Lewi yang kembali dari pembuangan beserta jumlah rombongannya: Keluarga Yesua dan Kadmiel, yang adalah keturunan Hodewa— 74 orang.
44 Of Oduia, seventy-four. The singing men:
Pemain musik di rumah TUHAN dari keturunan Asaf— 148 orang.
45 The children of Asaph, a hundred forty-eight.
Penjaga gerbang rumah TUHAN keturunan Salum, Ater, Talmon, Akub, Hatita, dan Sobai— 138 orang.
46 The porters: the children of Sellum, the children of Ater, the children of Telmon, the children of Accub, the children of Hatita, the children of Sobai: a hundred thirty-eight.
Berikut ini adalah daftar nama kaum keluarga para pekerja di rumah TUHAN yang kembali dari pembuangan: Ziha, Hasufa, Tabaot,
47 The Nathinites: the children of Soha, the children of Hasupha, the children of Tebbaoth,
Keros, Sia, Padon,
48 The children of Ceros, the children of Siaa, the children of Phadon, the children of Lebana, the children of Hagaba, the children of Selmai,
Lebana, Hagaba, Salmai,
49 The children of Hanan, the children of Geddel, the children of Gaher,
Hanan, Gidel, Gahar,
50 The children of Raaia, the children of Rasin, the children of Necoda,
Reaya, Rezin, Nekoda,
51 The children of Gezem, the children of Asa, the children of Phasea,
Gazam, Uza, Paseah,
52 The children of Besai, the children of Munim, the children of Nephussim,
Besai, Meunim, Nefusim,
53 The children of Bacbuc, the children of Hacupha, the children of Harhur,
Bakbuk, Hakufa, Harhur,
54 The children of Besloth, the children of Mahida, the children of Harsa,
Bazlut, Mehida, Harsa,
55 The children of Bercos, the children of Sisara, the children of Thema,
Barkos, Sisera, Temah,
56 The children of Nasia, the children of Hatipha,
Neziah, dan Hatifa.
57 The children of the servants of Solomon, the children of Sothai, the children of Sophereth, the children of Pharida,
Berikut ini adalah daftar nama kaum keluarga pelayan Raja Salomo yang kembali dari pembuangan: Sotai, Soferet, Perida,
58 The children of Jahala, the children of Darcon, the children of Jeddel,
Yaala, Darkon, Gidel,
59 The children of Saphatia, the children of Hatil, the children of Phochereth, who was born of Sabaim, the son of Amon.
Sefaca, Hatil, Pokeret Hazebarim, dan Amon.
60 All the Nathinites, and the children of the servants of Solomon, three hundred ninety-two.
Jumlah seluruh keturunan para pekerja rumah TUHAN dan pelayan Raja Salomo adalah 392 orang.
61 And these are they that came up from Telmela, Thelharsa, Cherub, Addon, and Emmer: and could not shew the house of their fathers, nor their seed, whether they were of Israel.
Ada juga rombongan lain sejumlah 642 orang yang kembali ke Yerusalem dari kota-kota di Persia, yaitu kota Tel Melah, Tel Harsa, Kerub, Adon, dan Imer. Mereka mengaku berasal dari kaum keluarga Delaya, Tobia, dan Nekoda. Namun, mereka tidak memiliki daftar silsilah keluarga sehingga tidak ada bukti bahwa mereka keturunan Israel.
62 The children of Dalaia, the children of Tobia, the children of Necoda, six hundred forty-two.
63 And of the priests, the children of Habia, the children of Accos, the children of Berzellai, who took a wife of the daughters of Berzellai the Galaadite, and he was called by their name.
Para imam dari kaum keluarga Hobaya, Hakos, dan Barzilai juga kembali ke Yerusalem. Ketiga kaum tersebut tidak dapat membuktikan silsilah keluarga mereka sehingga tidak boleh melayani sebagai imam. (Barzilai mendapatkan namanya itu sesuai nama ayah mertuanya, karena dia menikah dengan anak perempuan orang Gilead yang bernama Barzilai.)
64 These sought their writing in the record, and found it not: and they were cast out of the priesthood.
65 And Athersatha said to them, that they should not eat of the holies of holies, until there stood up a priest learned and skillful.
Gubernur Yehuda melarang mereka memakan makanan yang sudah dipersembahkan kepada Allah sebelum ada seorang imam yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah ini dengan meminta petunjuk Allah dengan menggunakan Urim dan Tumim.
66 All the multitude as it were one man, forty-two thousand three hundred sixty,
Jumlah semua orang yang kembali ke Yehuda dari pembuangan di Persia adalah 42.360 orang.
67 Beside their menservants and womenservants, who were seven thousand three hundred thirty-seven: and among them singing men, and singing women, two hundred forty-five.
Selain itu ada 7.337 orang budak, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan. Budak yang bertugas sebagai penyanyi berjumlah 245 orang, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan.
68 Their horses, seven hundred thirty-six: their mules two hundred forty-five:
Berikut ini jumlah hewan peliharaan yang dibawa kembali oleh seluruh orang Israel: kuda— 736 ekor, bagal— 245 ekor,
69 Their camels, four hundred thirty-five, their asses, six thousand seven hundred and twenty.
unta— 435 ekor, keledai— 6.720 ekor.
70 And some of the heads of the families gave unto the work. Athersatha gave into the treasure a thousand drama of gold, fifty bowls, and five hundred and thirty garments for priests.
Berikut ini adalah daftar sumbangan untuk biaya pembangunan kembali rumah TUHAN: Dari gubernur— 8,5 kilogram emas, 50 mangkok untuk digunakan di rumah TUHAN, dan 530 jubah untuk para imam.
71 And some of the heads of families gave to the treasure of the work, twenty thousand drama of gold, and two thousand two hundred pounds of silver.
Dari sejumlah kepala kaum keluarga— 170 kilogram emas, 1.200 kilogram perak.
72 And that which the rest of the people gave, was twenty thousand drama of gold, and two thousand pounds of silver, and sixty-seven garments for priests.
Dari rakyat— 170 kilogram emas dan 67 jubah untuk para imam.
73 And the priests, and the Levites, and the porters, and the singing men, and the rest of the common people, and the Nathinites, and all Israel dwelt in their cities.
Jadi, seluruh kelompok tersebut, yakni para imam, orang suku Lewi, penjaga gerbang rumah TUHAN, pemusik, pekerja di rumah TUHAN, dan rakyat Israel yang lain kembali ke kota-kota asal mereka. Pada bulan ketujuh, mereka sudah menetap di kotanya masing-masing.

< Nehemiah 7 >