< Nehemiah 12 >

1 Now these are the priests and the Levites, that went up with Zorobabel the son of Salathiel, and Josue: Saraia, Jeremias, Esdras,
Hi sunt autem Sacerdotes et Levitae, qui ascenderunt cum Zorobabel filio Salathiel, et Iosue: Saraia, Ieremias, Esdras,
2 Amaria, Melluch, Hattus,
Amaria, Melluch, Hattus,
3 Sebenias, Rheum, Merimuth,
Sebenias, Rheum, Merimuth,
4 Addo, Genthon, Abia,
Addo, Genthom, Abia,
5 Miamin, Madia, Belga,
Miamin, Madia, Belga,
6 Semeia, and Joiarib, Idaia, Sellum, Amoc, Helcias,
Semeia, et Ioiarib, Idaia, Sellum, Amoc, Helcias,
7 Idaia. These were the chief of the priests, and of their brethren in the days of Josue.
Idaia. Isti principes Sacerdotum, et fratres eorum in diebus Iosue.
8 And the Levites, Jesua, Bennui, Cedmihel, Sarebia, Juda, Mathanias, they and their brethren were over the hymns:
Porro Levitae, Iesua, Bennui, Cedmihel, Sarebia, Iuda, Mathanias, super hymnos ipsi et fratres eorum:
9 And Becbecia, and Hanni, and their brethren every one in his office.
et Becbecia atque Hanni, et fratres eorum unusquisque in officio suo.
10 And Josue beget Joacim, and Joacim beget Eliasib, and Eliasib beget Joiada,
Iosue autem genuit Ioachim, et Ioachim genuit Eliasib, et Eliasib genuit Ioiada,
11 And Joiada beget Jonathan, and Jonathan beget Jeddoa.
et Ioiada genuit Ionathan, et Ionathan genuit Ieddoa.
12 And in the days of Joacim the priests and heads of the families were: Of Saraia, Maraia: of Jeremias, Hanania:
In diebus autem Ioachim erant Sacerdotes et principes familiarum: Saraiae, Maraia: Ieremiae, Hanania:
13 Of Esdras, Mosollam: and of Amaria, Johanan:
Esdrae, Mosollam: Amariae, Iohanan:
14 Of Milicho, Jonathan: of Sebenia, Joseph:
Milicho, Ionathan, Sebeniae, Ioseph:
15 Of Haram, Edna: of Maraioth, Helci:
Haram, Edna: Maraioth, Helci:
16 Of Adaia, Zacharia: of Genthon, Mosollam:
Adaiae, Zacharia, Genthon, Mosollam:
17 Of Abia, Zechri: of Miamin and Moadia, Phelti:
Abiae, Zechri, Miamin et Moadiae, Phelti:
18 Of Belga, Sammua of Semaia, Jonathan:
Belgae, Sammua: Semaiae, Ionathan,
19 Of Joiarib, Mathanai: of Jodaia, Azzi:
Ioiarib, Mathanai: Iodaiae, Azzi:
20 Of Sellai, Celai: of Amoc, Heber:
Sellai, Celai: Amoc, Heber:
21 Of Helcias, Hasebia: of Idaia, Nathanael.
Helciae, Hasebia: Idaiae, Nathanael.
22 The Levites the chiefs of the families in the days of Eliasib, and Joiada, and Johanan, and Jeddoa, were recorded, and the priests in the reign of Darius the Persian.
Levitae in diebus Eliasib, et Ioiada, et Iohanan, et Ieddoa scripti principes familiarum, et Sacerdotes in regno Darii Persae.
23 The sons of Levi, heads of the families were written in the book of Chronicles, even unto the days of Jonathan the son of Eliasib.
Filii Levi principes familiarum, scripti in Libro verborum dierum, et usque ad dies Ionathan, filii Eliasib.
24 Now the chief of the Levites were Hasebia, Serebia, and Josue the son of Cedmihel: and their brethren by their courses, to praise and to give thanks according to the commandment of David the man of God, and to wait equally in order.
Et principes Levitarum, Hasebia, Serebia, et Iosue filius Cedmihel: et fratres eorum per vices suas, ut laudarent et confiterentur iuxta praeceptum David viri Dei, et observarent aeque per ordinem.
25 Mathania, and Becbecia, Obedia, and Mosollam, Telmon, Accub, were keepers of the gates and of the entrances before the gates.
Mathania, et Becbecia, Obedia, Mosollam, Telmon, Accub custodes portarum et vestibulorum ante portas.
26 These were in the days of Joacim the son of Josue, the son of Josedec, and in the days of Nehemias the governor, and of Esdras the priest and scribe.
Hi in diebus Ioachim filii Iosue, filii Iosedec, et in diebus Nehemiae ducis, et Esdrae sacerdotis scribaeque.
27 And at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem they sought the Levites out of all their places, to bring them to Jerusalem, and to keep the dedication, and to rejoice with thanksgiving, and with singing, and with cymbals, and psalteries and harps.
In dedicatione autem muri Ierusalem requisierunt Levitas de omnibus locis suis ut adducerent eos in Ierusalem, et facerent dedicationem et laetitiam in actione gratiarum, et cantico, et in cymbalis, psalteriis, et citharis.
28 And the sons of the singing men were gathered together out of the plain country about Jerusalem, and out of the villages of Nethuphati,
Congregati sunt autem filii cantorum de campestribus circa Ierusalem, et de villis Nethuphathi,
29 And from the house of Galgal, and from the countries of Geba and Azmaveth: for the singing men had built themselves villages round about Jerusalem.
et de domo Galgal, et de regionibus Geba et Azmaveth: quoniam villas aedificaverunt sibi cantores in circuitu Ierusalem.
30 And the priests and the Levites purified, and they purified the people, and the gates, and the wall.
Et mundati sunt Sacerdotes et Levitae, et mundaverunt populum, et portas, et murum.
31 And I made the princes of Juda go up upon the wall, and I appointed two great choirs to give praise. And they went on the right hand upon the wall toward the dunghill gate.
Ascendere autem feci principes Iuda super murum, et statui duos magnos choros laudantium. Et ierunt ad dexteram super murum ad portam sterquilinii.
32 And after them went Osaias, and half of the princes of Juda,
Et ivit post eos Osaias, et media pars principum Iuda,
33 And Azarias, Esdras, and Mosollam,
et Azarias, Esdras, et Mosollam,
34 Judas, and Benjamin, and Semeia, and Jeremias.
Iudas, et Beniamin, et Semeia, et Ieremias.
35 And of the sons of the priests with trumpets, Zacharias the son of Jonathan. the son of Semeia, the son of Mathania; the son of Michaia, the son of Zechur, the son of Asaph,
Et de filiis sacerdotum in tubis, Zacharias filius Ionathan, filius Semeiae, filius Mathaniae, filius Michaiae, filius Zechur, filius Asaph,
36 And his brethren Semeia, and Azareel Malalai, Galalai, Maai, Nathanael, and Judas, and Hanani, with the musical instruments of David the man of God: and Esdras the scribe before them at the fountain gate.
et fratres eius Semeia, et Azareel, Malalai, Galalai, Maai, Nathanael, et Iudas, et Hanani, in vasis cantici David viri Dei: et Esdras scriba ante eos in porta Fontis.
37 And they went up over against them by the stairs of the city of David, at the going up of the wall of the house of David, and to the water gate eastward:
Et contra eos ascenderunt in gradibus civitatis David in ascensu muri super domum David, et usque ad portam Aquarum ad Orientem.
38 And the second choir of them that gave thanks went on the opposite side, and I after them, and the half of the people upon the wall, and upon the tower of the furnaces, even to the broad wall,
Et chorus secundus gratias referentium ibat ex adverso, et ego post eum, et media pars populi super murum et super turrim furnorum, et usque ad murum latissimum,
39 And above the gate of Ephraim, and above the old gate, and above the fish gate and the tower of Hananeel, and the tower of Emath, and even to the flock gate: and they stood still in the watch gate.
et super portam Ephraim, et super portam antiquam, et super portam piscium et turrim Hananeel, et turrim Emath, et usque ad portam gregis: et steterunt in porta custodiae,
40 And the two choirs of them that gave praise stood still at the house of God, and I and the half of the magistrates with me.
steteruntque duo chori laudantium in domo Dei, et ego, et dimidia pars magistratuum mecum.
41 And the priests, Eliachim, Maasia, Miamin, Michea, Elioenai, Zacharia, Hanania with trumpets,
Et Sacerdotes, Eliachim, Maasia, Miamin, Michea, Elioenai, Zacharia, Hanania in tubis,
42 And Maasia, and Semeia, and Eleazar, and Azzi, and Johanan, and Melchia, and Elam, and Ezer. And the singers sung loud, and Jezraia was their overseer:
et Maasia, et Semeia, et Eleazar, et Azzi, et Iohanan, et Melchia, et Aelam, et Ezer. Et clare cecinerunt cantores, et Iezraia praepositus:
43 And they sacrificed on that day great sacrifices, and they rejoiced: for God had made them joyful with great joy: their wives also and their children rejoiced, and the joy of Jerusalem was heard afar off.
et immolaverunt in die illa victimas magnas, et laetati sunt: Deus enim laetificaverat eos laetitia magna: sed et uxores eorum et liberi gavisi sunt, et audita est laetitia Ierusalem procul.
44 They appointed also in that day men over the storehouses of the treasure, for the libations, and for the firstfruits, and for the tithes, that the rulers of the city might bring them in by them in honour of thanksgiving, for the priests and Levites: for Juda was joyful in the priests and Levites that assisted.
Recensuerunt quoque in die illa viros super gazophylacia thesauri ad libamina, et ad primitias, et ad decimas, ut introferrent per eos principes civitatis in decore gratiarum actionis, Sacerdotes et Levitas: quia laetificatus est Iuda in Sacerdotibus et Levitis astantibus.
45 And they kept the watch of their God, and the observance of expiation, and the singing men, and the porters, according to the commandment of David, and of Solomon his son.
Et custodierunt observationem Dei sui, et observationem expiationis, et cantores, et ianitores iuxta praeceptum David, et Salomonis filii eius,
46 For in the days of David and Asaph from the beginning there were chief singers appointed, to praise with canticles, and give thanks to God.
quia in diebus David et Asaph ab exordio erant principes constituti cantorum in carmine laudantium, et confitentium Deo.
47 And all Israel, in the days of Zorobabel, and in the days of Nehemias gave portions to the singing men, and to the porters, day by day, and they sanctified the Levites, and the Levites sanctified the sons of Aaron.
Et omnis Israel, in diebus Zorobabel, et in diebus Nehemiae dabant partes cantoribus et ianitoribus per dies singulos, et sanctificabant Levitas, et Levitae sanctificabant filios Aaron.

< Nehemiah 12 >