< Luke 13 >

1 And there were present, at that very time, some that told him of the Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.
Kumwanya ogwo abhanu nibhamubhwila ingulu ya Abhagalilaya bhanu Pilato etile no okusasha amanyinga gebhwe ne ebhitambo bhyebhwe.
2 And he answering, said to them: Think you that these Galileans were sinners above all the men of Galilee, because they suffered such things?
Yesu nabhasubhya nabhabhwila ati, “Omwitogela ati Abhagalilaya abho bhaliga bhali ne ebhibhi okukila Abhagalilaya abhandi bhona ati nicho chakola bhabhone amabhibhi ago?
3 No, I say to you: but unless you shall do penance, you shall all likewise perish.
Pai, enibhabhwila ati, nawe emwe ona mukabhula okuta, emwe ona omusingalika kutyo.
4 Or those eighteen upon whom the tower fell in Siloe, and slew them: think you, that they also were debtors above all the men that dwelt in Jerusalem?
Amo bhaliya bhanu ekumi na munana eliya Siloamu bhanu bhagwiliwe no echisonge nigubheta, omwiganilisha ati bhaliga bhana ebhibhi kukila abhanu bhandi mu Yersalemu?
5 No, I say to you; but except you do penance, you shall all likewise perish.
Pai, anye enaika ati, nawe mukabhula okuta, emwe ona omusingalika.
6 He spoke also this parable: A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it, and found none.
Yesu nabhabhwila echijejekanyo chinu, “Omunu umwi aliga ayambile liti lyo mtini mwisambu lyae, neya najokulolako amatwasho kwiti okwo nawe atagabhwene.
7 And he said to the dresser of the vineyard: Behold, for these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and I find none. Cut it done therefore: why cumbereth it the ground?
Nabhwila unu aliga nalimilila omugunda, 'Lola kwe emyaka esatu enijaga okulegeja okulonda amatwasho kwiti kunu nawe nitagabhonako! Nuliteme. Kubhaki linyamule lisambu?
8 But he answering, said to him: Lord, let it alone this year also, until I dig about it, and dung it.
Oyo alimililaga omugunda nasubhya naika ati, 'nulisigeo omwaka gunu koleleki nilisejele niliteleko imboleya.
9 And if happily it bear fruit: but if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down.
Labha likatwasha omwaka gunu oguja, ni kisi; nawe labha likabhula okutwasha, uliteme!”'
10 And he was teaching in their synagogue on their sabbath.
Mbe oli, Yesu aliga neigisha mu limwi lya Amasinagogi akatungu ka Isabhato.
11 And behold there was a woman, who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years: and she was bowed together, neither could she look upwards at all.
Lola, aliga alio omugasi umwi kwe myaka ekumi na munana aliga ali na lisambwa ebhibhi elyo obhunyoke, omugasi oyo aliga ekotele na atali na bhutulo chimwi obhwo kwimelegulu.
12 Whom when Jesus saw, he called her unto him, and said to her: Woman, thou art delivered from thy infirmity.
Yesu ejile amulola, namubhilikila, namubhwila ati, “Mai, watesulilwa okusoka mubhunyoke bhwao.”
13 And he laid his hands upon her, and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God.
Natula amabhoko gaye ingulu yaye, achalao omubhili gwaye ngugololoka nalamya na Nyamuanga. Nawe omukulu wa lisinagogi nabhiililwa kulwokubha Yesu amuosishe kulusiku lwa Isabhato.
14 And the ruler of the synagogue (being angry that Jesus had healed on the sabbath) answering, said to the multitude: Six days there are wherein you ought to work. In them therefore come, and be healed; and not on the sabbath day.
Nio omwangalisi nasubhya nabhwila liijo ati, “Jilio naku mukaga ejokukolela emilimu. Muje ukuosibhwa amalwaye jinsiku ejo, musige okukola kutyo kulusiku lwa Isabhato.'
15 And the Lord answering him, said: Ye hypocrites, doth not every one of you, on the sabbath day, loose his ox or his ass from the manger, and lead them to water?
Omukama namusubhya naika ati, “abhanafiki! atalio umwi kwimwe unu kasibhula insikili yaye amo ing'a okusoka muchigoli akaisila okunywa amanji kulusiku lwa Isabhato?
16 And ought not this daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day?
Mbe omugasi unu omuasha wa Abrahamu, atengene okusulumulwa okusoka mwibhoyelo lya Shetani linu lyaliga limubhoyele myaka ekumi na munana kulusiku lwa Isabhato?
17 And when he said these things, all his adversaries were ashamed: and all the people rejoiced for all the things that were gloriously done by him.
Ao aliga achaika emisango ejo, bhona bhanu bhaliga nibhamuganya nibheswala, tali liijo lyona na abhandi nibhakondelelwa ingulu ya amagambo gokulugusha ganu akolele.
18 He said therefore: To what is the kingdom of God like, and whereunto shall I resemble it?
Yesu naika ati, “Obhukama bhwa Nyamuanga obhususana naki, na enitula okubhususanya na chinuki?
19 It is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and cast into his garden, and it grew and became a great tree, and the birds of the air lodged in the branches thereof.
Obhukama bhunu obhususana na imbibho yo omuharadali eyo omunu agegele nayamba mumugunda gwaye, nimela nilibha eti enene, na jinyonyi ja mulutumba nijumbaka amasuli gajo mumatabhi galyo.
20 And again he said: Whereunto shall I esteem the kingdom of God to be like?
Naika lindi ati, “Nibhususanye naki obhukama bhwa Nyamuanga?
21 It is like to leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.
Obhususana ne echifwimbya echo omugasi agegele nasasha na amakolele gasatu agajinshano nijimala nijitumba.”
22 And he went through the cities and towns teaching, and making his journey to Jerusalem.
Namala Yesu nalabha bhuli musi na bhuli chijiji neigishaga ali munjila yokugenda Yerusalemu.
23 And a certain man said to him: Lord, are they few that are saved? But he said to them:
Omunu umwi nabhusha ati, “Lata Bhugenyi, ni bhanu bhatoto bhanu bhalichunguka?” Kulwejo nabhabhwila ati,
24 Strive to enter by the narrow gate; for many, I say to you, shall seek to enter, and shall not be able.
“Mwikomeshe okwingila mulabhile mumulyango omufunde, kulwokubha abhafu bhalilegeja nawe bhatalingila.
25 But when the master of the house shall be gone in, and shall shut the door, you shall begin to stand without, and knock at the door, saying: Lord, open to us. And he answering, shall say to you: I know you not, whence you are.
Akefula kanya nyumba nemelegulu negala omulyango, mbe mulimelegulu anja no okukonona kumulyango nimwaika ati, 'Kanyamusi, Kanyamusi, chigulile,' omwene alibhasubhya naika ati, 'nitabhamenya nolwo eyo okusoka.'
26 Then you shall begin to say: We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets.
Mbe nio mulyaika ati, 'Chaliga nichilya imbele yao kawe nufundishaga mubhyalo bhyeswe.'
27 And he shall say to you: I know you not, whence you are: depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.
Nawe omwenene alibhasubhya ati, 'enibhabhwila ati nitakubhamenya amwi neyo omukusoka, musoke kwanye emwe bhanu omukola ebhijabhi!'
28 There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you shall see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.
Kulibhao okulila no okuyekenya ameno mulilola Abramu, Isaka, Yakobo na abhalagi bhona mu bhukama bhwa Nyamuanga, nawe emwe mulasilwe anja.
29 And there shall come from the east and the west, and the north and the south; and shall sit down in the kingdom of God.
Abhanu bhalikinga okusoka Ebhutuluka, Ebhugwa, Mubhuanga na Mumalimbe, nibhafung'ama kumeja ye ebhilyo bhya kegolo mu bhukama bhwa Nyamuanga.
30 And behold, they are last that shall be first; and they are first that shall be last.
Mbe mumenye linu, obhokumalisha bhalibha bhokwamba, na abhokwamba bhalibha bhokumalisha.”
31 The same day, there came some of the Pharisees, saying to him: Depart, and get thee hence, for Herod hath a mind to kill thee.
Gwejile gwalabhao mwanya mufui, nibhaja Abhafarisayo abhandi nibhamubhwila ati, “Libhata osokanu kulwokubha Herode Kenda okukwita.”
32 And he said to them: Go and tell that fox, Behold, I cast out devils, and do cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I am consummated.
Yesu naika ati, “Mugende mubhwile likara elyo, 'Lola, enibhilimya amasambwa nokuosha abhanu lelo na mutondo, na kulunaku lwa kasatu enikumisha emisango jani.
33 Nevertheless I must walk today and tomorrow, and the day following, because it cannot be that a prophet perish, out of Jerusalem.
Kumwanya gwonagwona, nikisi kwanye okugendelela lelo, mutondo ne ejweli, kulwokubha jitakwendwa okwita omulagi alikula na Yerusalemu.
34 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent to thee, how often would I have gathered thy children as the bird doth her brood under her wings, and thou wouldest not?
Yerusalemu, Yerusalemu, awe unu wetile abhalagi nokubhabhuma na amabhui bhanu bhatumilwe kwimwe. Kwiya ng'endo elinga ninendaga okusumbya abhana bhao amwi lwakutyo ing'oko eisumbya ebhyanakoko bhyayo mumbabha jayo, nawe mwaliga mutakwenda.
35 Behold your house shall be left to you desolate. And I say to you, that you shall not see me till the time come, when you shall say: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
Lola inyumba yao yasigwa yenyele. Mbe enikubhwila, mutachandola lindi okukinga olwo mulyaika ati, 'Ana amabhando oyo ejile kwi Sina lyo Omukama.”'

< Luke 13 >