< Judges 2 >

1 And an angel of the Lord went up from Galgal to the place of weepers, and said: I made you go out of Egypt, and have brought you into the land for which I swore to your fathers: and I promised that I would not make void my covenant with you for ever:
E subiu o anjo do Senhor de Gilgal a Bochim, e disse: Do Egypto vos fiz subir, e vos trouxe á terra que a vossos paes tinha jurado e dito: Nunca invalidarei o meu concerto comvosco.
2 On condition that you should not make a league with the inhabitants of this land, but should throw down their altars: and you would not hear my voice: why have you done this?
E, quanto a vós, não fareis concerto com os moradores d'esta terra, antes derrubareis os seus altares: mas vós não obedecestes á minha voz. Porque fizestes isto
3 Wherefore I would not destroy them from before your face: that you may have enemies, and their gods may be your ruin.
Pelo que tambem eu disso: Não os expellirei de diante de vós: antes estarão ás vossas ilhargas, e os seus deuses vos serão por laço
4 And when the angel of the Lord spoke these words to all the children of Israel, they lifted up their voice, and wept.
E succedeu que, fallando o anjo do Senhor estas palavras a todos os filhos d'Israel, o povo levantou a sua voz e chorou.
5 And the name of that place was called, The place of weepers, or of tears: and there they offered sacrifices to the Lord.
Pelo que chamaram áquelle logar, Bochim: e sacrificaram ali ao Senhor.
6 And Josue sent away the people, and the children of Israel went every one to his own possession to hold it:
E havendo Josué despedido o povo, foram-se os filhos d'Israel, cada um á sua herdade, para possuirem a terra.
7 And they served the Lord all his days, and the days of the ancients, that lived a long time after him, and who knew all the works of the Lord, which he had done for Israel.
E serviu o povo ao Senhor todos os dias de Josué, e todos os dias dos anciãos que prolongaram os seus dias depois de Josué, e viram toda aquella grande obra do Senhor, que fizera a Israel.
8 And Josue the son of Nun, the servant of the Lord, died, being a hundred and ten years old,
Falleceu porém Josué, filho de Nun, servo do Senhor, da edade de cento e dez annos;
9 And they buried him in the borders of his possession in Thamnathsare in mount Ephraim, on the north side of mount Gaas.
E sepultaram-o no termo da sua herdade, em Timnath-heres, no monte d'Ephraim, para o norte do monte de Gaas.
10 And all that generation was gathered to their fathers: and there arose others that knew not the Lord, and the works which he had done for Israel.
E foi tambem congregada toda aquella geração a seus paes, e outra geração após d'elles se levantou, que não conhecia ao Senhor, nem tão pouco a obra, que fizera a Israel
11 And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and they served Baalim.
Então fizeram os filhos de Israel o que parecia mal aos olhos do Senhor: e serviram os baalins.
12 And they left the Lord the God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of Egypt: and they followed strange gods, and the gods of the people that dwelt round about them, and they adored them: and they provoked the Lord to anger.
E deixaram ao Senhor Deus de seus paes, que os tirara da terra do Egypto, e foram-se após d'outros deuses, d'entre os deuses das gentes, que havia ao redor d'elles, e encurvaram-se a elles: e provocaram ao Senhor a ira.
13 Forsaking him, and serving Baal and Astaroth.
Porquanto deixaram ao Senhor: e serviram a Baal e a Astaroth.
14 And the Lord being angry against Israel, delivered them into the hands of plunderers: who took them and sold them to their enemies, that dwelt round about: neither could they stand against their enemies:
Pelo que a ira do Senhor se accendeu contra Israel, e os deu na mão dos roubadores, e os roubaram: e os entregou na mão dos seus inimigos ao redor: e não poderam mais estar em pé diante dos seus inimigos.
15 But whithersoever they meant to go, the hand of the Lord was upon them, as he had said, and as he had sworn to them: and they were greatly distressed.
Por onde quer que sahiam, a mão do Senhor era contra elles para mal, como o Senhor tinha dito, e como o Senhor lh'o tinha jurado: e estavam em grande aperto.
16 And the Lord raised up judges, to deliver them from the hands of those that oppressed them: but they would not hearken to them,
E levantou o Senhor juizes, que os livraram da mão dos que os roubaram.
17 Committing fornication with strange gods, and adoring them. They quickly forsook the way, in which their fathers had walked: and hearing the commandments of the Lord, they did all things contrary.
Porém tão pouco ouviram aos juizes, anteu fornicaram após outros deuses, e encurvaram-se a elles: depressa se desviaram do caminho, por onde andaram seus paes, ouvindo os mandamentos do Senhor; o que elles assim não fizeram.
18 And when the Lord raised them up judges, in their days he was moved to mercy, and heard the groanings of the afflicted, and delivered them from the slaughter of the oppressors.
E, quando o Senhor lhes levantava juizes, o Senhor era com o juiz, e os livrava da mão dos seus inimigos, todos os dias d'aquelle juiz; porquanto o Senhor se arrependia pelo seu gemido, por causa dos que os apertavam e opprimiam.
19 But after the judge was dead, they returned, and did much worse things than their fathers had done, following strange gods, serving them and adoring them. They left not their own inventions, and the stubborn way, by which they were accustomed to walk.
Porém succedia que, fallecendo o juiz, tornavam e se corrompiam mais do que seus paes, andando após de outros deuses, servindo-os, e encurvando-se a elles: nada deixavam das suas obras, nem do seu duro caminho.
20 And the wrath of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he said: Behold this nation hath made void my covenant, which I had made with their fathers, and hath despised to hearken to my voice:
Pelo que a ira do Senhor se accendeu contra Israel; e disse: Porquanto este povo traspassou o meu concerto, que tinha ordenado a seus paes, e não deram ouvidos á minha voz.
21 I also will not destroy the nations which Josue left, when he died:
Tão pouco desapossarei mais de diante d'elles a nenhuma das nações, que Josué deixou, morrendo;
22 That through them I may try Israel, whether they will keep the way of the Lord, and walk in it, as their fathers kept it, or not.
Para por ellas provar a Israel, se houvessem de guardar o caminho do Senhor, para por elle andarem, como seus paes o guardaram, ou não.
23 The Lord therefore left all these nations, and would not quickly destroy them, neither did he deliver them into the hands of Josue.
Assim o Senhor deixou ficar aquellas nações, e não as desterrou logo, nem as entregou na mão de Josué.

< Judges 2 >