< John 10 >

1 Amen, amen I say to you: He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up another way, the same is a thief and a robber.
Che Yesu ŵaasalile, “Ngunsalila isyene, mundu jwalijose jwakwinjila mu lichinga lya ngondolo pangajinjilila pa nnango, nambo akwinjilila kwine, jwelejo ali jwawiyi ni jwakusumula.
2 But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
Nambo jwakwinjilila pa nnango, jwelejo ali jwakuchinga ngondolo.
3 To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.
Jwakulindilila akumbugulila nnango mundu jo, ni ngondolo sikupilikana liloŵe lya jwakuchinga, nombejo akusiŵilanga ngondolo syakwe jwalijose kwa liina lyakwe ni kusikoposya paasa.
4 And when he hath let out his own sheep, he goeth before them: and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice.
Amalaga kusikoposya paasa akusilongolela, nombe ngondolo syo sikunkuya, pakuŵa sikulimanyilila liloŵe lyakwe.
5 But a stranger they follow not, but fly from him, because they know not the voice of strangers.
Ngondolo syo ngasikombola kunkuya jwannendo, nambo sisimmutuche pakuŵa ngasikumanyilila liloŵe lyakwe.”
6 This proverb Jesus spoke to them. But they understood not what he spoke to them.
Che Yesu ŵaasalile chitagu cho, nambo ŵandu wo nganaimanyilila chasachile kwasalila.
7 Jesus therefore said to them again: Amen, amen I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
Nipele Che Yesu ŵaŵechete sooni, “Ngunsalila isyene, uneji ndili nnango wa kwinjilila ngondolo.
8 All others, as many as have come, are thieves and robbers: and the sheep heard them not.
Ŵane wose ŵaŵanongolele kwika ŵaliji ŵawiyi ni ŵakusumula, nombe ngondolo syo nganisyapilikanila.
9 I am the door. By me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved: and he shall go in, and go out, and shall find pastures.
Uneji ndili nnango, mundu jwalijose jwakwinjila mu lichinga kwa kwinjilila kukwangu chakulupuswe, chajinjile ni kukopoka, ni kupata yakulya.
10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I am come that they may have life, and may have it more abundantly.
Jwawiyi akwika achisakaga kwiŵa ni kuulaga ni kujonanga. Uneji iiche kuti akole umi wa usyene, wangaukupungula.”
11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd giveth his life for his sheep.
“Uneji ndili jwakuchinga jwambone. Jwakuchinga jwambone akuutyosya umi wakwe kwa ligongo lya ngondolo syakwe.
12 But the hireling, and he that is not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and flieth: and the wolf catcheth, and scattereth the sheep:
Jwamasengo jwanganaŵa jwakuchinga, namose nganaŵa nsyene ngondolo. Pakugawona masogo gali nkwika, akusileka ngondolo ni kuutuka. Nipele masogo gakusikamula ni kusipwilinganya.
13 And the hireling flieth, because he is a hireling: and he hath no care for the sheep.
Mundu jo akuutuka pakuŵa ali mundu jwamasengo jwa malipilo ni ngondolo ngaŵa chindu kukwakwe.
14 I am the good shepherd; and I know mine, and mine know me.
Uneji ndili jwakuchinga jwambone. Ngusimanyilila ngondolo syangu ni ngondolo syangu sikuumanyilila une,
15 As the Father knoweth me, and I know the Father: and I lay down my life for my sheep.
mpela ila Atati yakuti pakuumanyilila, ni uneji inguti pakwamanyilila Atati. Uneji nguutyosya umi wangu kwa ligongo lya ngondolo.
16 And other sheep I have, that are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd.
Sooni ngwete ngondolo sine syangaŵa sya lichinga li. Nombesyo ngusachilwa kusiichisya, nombesyo sisipilikane liloŵe lyangu ni chikuŵe mpingo umo ni jwakuchinga jumo.”
17 Therefore doth the Father love me: because I lay down my life, that I may take it again.
“Atati akuunonyela une ligongo nguutyosya umi wangu kuti mbochele sooni.
18 No man taketh it away from me: but I lay it down of myself, and I have power to lay it down: and I have power to take it up again. This commandment have I received of my Father.
Ngapagwa mundu jwakuusumula umi wangu, uneji nguutyosya nansyene. Ngwete ukombole wa kuutyosya ni ukombole wa kuutola. Yelei ni yatite pakulajisya Atati ŵangu mbanganye.”
19 A dissension rose again among the Jews for these words.
Kwa ligongo lya maloŵe ga Che Yesu, Ŵayahudi ŵatindene sooni.
20 And many of them said: He hath a devil, and is mad: why hear you him?
Ŵajinji mwa ŵelewo ŵatite, “Akwete lisoka, ni sooni jwampugwe! Kwachichi nkumpilikanila?”
21 Others said: These are not the words of one that hath a devil: Can a devil open the eyes of the blind?
Ŵandu ŵane ŵatite, “Mundu jwakamwilwe ni lisoka ngakukombola kuŵecheta yelei. Ana lisoka likukombola kugaugula meeso ga ŵandu ŵangalola?”
22 And it was the feast of the dedication at Jerusalem: and it was winter.
Ku Yelusalemu ko kwaliji ni chindimba chakukumbuchila kujiŵika pajika Nyuumba kwa ligongo lya Ambuje. Ni katema ko kaliji katema ka mbepo.
23 And Jesus walked in the temple, in Solomon’s porch.
Nombe Che Yesu ŵaliji nkwendajenda pa Nyuumba ja Akunnungu pansana pa mwenye Che Selemani.
24 The Jews therefore came round about him, and said to him: How long dost thou hold our souls in suspense? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.
Nipele Ŵayahudi ŵaasyungwile, ni ŵambusisye, “Ana chintuleche tuli nkuganisya mpaka chakachi? Iŵaga mmwe ndi Kilisito Jwakuwombola, ntusalile uchenene.”
25 Jesus answered them: I speak to you, and you believe not: the works that I do in the name of my Father, they give testimony of me.
Che Yesu ŵajanjile, “Nansalile, nambo nganimungulupilila. Masengo gingugapanganya kwa ulamusi wa Atati ŵangu gakulosya kuti une ndili jwelejo.
26 But you do not believe, because you are not of my sheep.
Nambo ŵanyamwe ngankukulupilila pakuŵa ŵanyamwe nganimma ngondolo syangu.
27 My sheep hear my voice: and I know them, and they follow me.
Ngondolo syangu sikupilikana liloŵe lyangu. Uneji ngusimanyilila, nombesyo sikuunguya.
28 And I give them life everlasting; and they shall not perish for ever, and no man shall pluck them out of my hand. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
Uneji ngusipa umi wa moŵa gose pangali mbesi, nombesyo ngasiwa ng'o. Ngapagwa mundu jwalijose juchakombole kuumbokonya. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
29 That which my Father hath given me, is greater than all: and no one can snatch them out of the hand of my Father.
Atati ŵangu juŵambele ngondolo syo ali jwankulu kupunda wose, nombe ngapagwa mundu jwalijose juchakombole kusipokonya mmakono mwa Atati ŵangu.
30 I and the Father are one.
Uneji ni Atati ŵangu tuli ŵamo.”
31 The Jews then took up stones to stone him.
Nipele Ŵayahudi ŵalokwete sooni maganga kuti ŵaulaje Che Yesu.
32 Jesus answered them: Many good works I have shewed you from my Father; for which of these works do you stone me?
Che Yesu ŵaasalile, “Nannosisye masengo gambone gamajinji gaŵambele Atati ŵangu kuti nagapanganye. Ana masengo chi gambone mwa gelego gankusaka kumulajila?”
33 The Jews answered him: For a good work we stone thee not, but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, maketh thyself God.
Ŵayahudi ŵajanjile, “Ngatukumponya maganga kwa ligongo lya masengo gambone, nambo kwa ligongo lya kwatukana Akunnungu! Pakuŵa mmwejo ndi mundu pe, nambo nkulitenda Akunnungu.”
34 Jesus answered them: Is it not written in your law: I said you are gods?
Che Yesu ŵajanjile, “Ilembekwe Mmalajisyo genu kuti, Akunnungu ŵatite, ‘Ŵanyamwe ndi achiminungu?’
35 If he called them gods, to whom to word of God was spoken, and the scripture cannot be broken;
Akunnungu ŵaaŵilasile achiminungu aŵala wose ŵaŵasalilwe liloŵe lyao, ni uweji tuimanyi kuti Malembelo ga Akunnungu gakuŵecheta usyene moŵa gose.
36 Do you say of him whom the Father hath sanctified and sent into the world: Thou blasphemest, because I said, I am the Son of God?
Sambano Atati asagwile ni kunduma pachilambo pa. Kwachichi ŵanyamwe kuusalila, ngwatukana Akunnungu, panguti, uneji ndili Mwana jwa Akunnungu.
37 If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.
Iŵaga ngangupanganya masengo gaasachile Atati ŵangu nagapanganye, nkangulupilila une.
38 But if I do, though you will not believe me, believe the works: that you may know and believe that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.
Nambo iŵaga ngugapanganya masengo gao, natamuno munaangulupilile uneji, ngakulupilile masengo gangu. Pelepo chimmanyilile kusyene kuti Atati ali mwangu une ni uneji ndili mwa Atati.”
39 They sought therefore to take him; and he escaped out of their hands.
Nipele ŵalinjile sooni kwakamula Che Yesu, nambo ŵalikulupwisye ni kutyoka.
40 And he went again beyond the Jordan, into that place where John was baptizing first; and there he abode.
Che Yesu ŵajawile sooni pesi lusulo lwa Yolodani, kwiuto kuŵabatisyaga che Yohana ŵandu kula ni kutama kweleko.
41 And many resorted to him, and they said: John indeed did no sign.
Ŵandu ŵajinji ŵanjaulile ni kuti, “Che Yohana nganaapanganya chimanyisyo chachili chose. Nambo yose yaisasile che Yohana nkati mundu ju ili isyene.”
42 But all things whatsoever John said of this man, were true. And many believed in him.
Kweleko ŵandu ŵajinji ŵaakulupilile Che Yesu.

< John 10 >