< Job 30 >
1 But now the younger in time scorn me, whose fathers I would not have set with the dogs of my flock:
“Asi zvino vanondiseka, varume vaduku kwandiri, vane madzibaba andaishora zvokuti handaivaisa pakati pembwa dzinofudza makwai angu.
2 The strength of whose hands was to me as nothing, and they were thought unworthy of life itself.
Ko, simba ramaoko avo raizondibatsirei, sezvo simba ravo rakanga rapera?
3 Barren with want and hunger, who gnawed in the wilderness, disfigured with calamity and misery.
Vapererwa nokuda kwokushayiwa uye nenzara, vakadzivaira usiku munyika yakaoma, mumatongo nomunyika yakaparara.
4 And they ate grass, and barks of trees, and the root of junipers was their food.
Vakaunganidza miriwo inovavira kubva mumakwenzi, uye zvokudya zvavo zvakanga zviri mudzi womuti womurara.
5 Who snatched up these things out of the valleys, and when they had found any of them, they ran to them with a cry.
Vakabviswa pakati pavanhu vokwavo, vachitukwa kunge vakanga vari mbavha.
6 They dwelt in the desert places of torrents, and in caves of earth, or upon the gravel.
Vakamanikidzwa kuti vagare mukati mehova dzakaoma, pakati pamatombo nomumakomba, muvhu.
7 They pleased themselves among these kind of things, and counted it delightful to be under the briers.
Vakarira samakwai pakati pamakwenzi, uye vakamanikidzana pasi porukato.
8 The children of foolish and base men, and not appearing at all upon the earth.
Vakanga vari vanhu vakazvidzika vasina zita, vakadzingwa kubva munyika.
9 Now I am turned into their song, and am become their byword.
“Uye zvino vanakomana vavo vanondiseka munziyo; ndava shumo pakati pavo.
10 They abhor me, and flee far from me, and are not afraid to spit in my face.
Vanondisema uye vanomira kure neni; havazezi kundipfira mate kumeso.
11 For he hath opened his quiver, and hath afflicted me, and hath put a bridle into my mouth.
Sezvo zvino Mwari akatsudunura uta hwangu uye akanditambudza, havazvidzori pamberi pangu.
12 At the right hand of my rising, my calamities forthwith arose: they have overthrown my feet, and have overwhelmed me with their paths as with waves.
Kurudyi rwangu rudzi runondirwisa; vanoisira makumbo angu misungo, vanovaka michinjiziri yokurwa neni.
13 They have destroyed my ways, they have lain in wait against me, and they have prevailed, and there was none to help.
Vanoparadza mugwagwa wangu; vanobudirira pakundiparadza, pasina munhu anovabatsira.
14 They have rushed in upon me, as when a wall is broken, and a gate opened, and have rolled themselves down to my miseries.
Vanofamba zvavo kunge vanopinda napakakoromoka; pakati pamatongo vanongopinda zvavo.
15 I am brought to nothing: as a wind thou hast taken away my desire: and my prosperity hath passed away like a cloud.
Zvinotyisa zvinondibata; kukudzwa kwangu kwabviswa sokunge nemhepo, kuchengetedzeka kwangu kwapera segore.
16 And now my soul fadeth within myself, and the days of affliction possess me.
“Uye zvino upenyu hwangu hwava kuguma; mazuva okutambudzika anondibata.
17 In the night my bone is pierced with sorrows: and they that feed upon me, do not sleep.
Usiku hunobaya mapfupa angu; zvinondiruma-ruma zvinorwadza hazvizorori.
18 With the multitude of them my garment is consumed, and they have girded me about, as with the collar of my coat.
Nesimba rake guru Mwari anova chipfeko kwandiri; anondisunga somutsipa wenguo yangu.
19 I am compared to dirt, and am likened to embers and ashes.
Anondikanda mumatope, uye ndava seguruva namadota.
20 I cry to thee, and thou hearest me not: I stand up, and thou dost not regard me.
“Ndinochema kwamuri, imi Mwari, asi hamundipinduri; ndinosimuka, asi munongonditarisa zvenyu.
21 Thou art changed to be cruel toward me, and in the hardness of thy hand thou art against me.
Munondishandukira noutsinye; munondirova nesimba roruoko rwenyu.
22 Thou hast lifted me up, and set me as it were upon the wind, and thou hast mightily dashed me.
Munondibvuta mondidzingira pamberi pemhepo; munonditenderedza mudutu.
23 I know that thou wilt deliver me to death, where a house is appointed for every one that liveth.
Ndinoziva kuti muchandiburutsa muchindiendesa kurufu, kunzvimbo yakatsaurirwa vapenyu vose.
24 But yet thou stretchest not forth thy hand to their consumption: and if they shall fall down thou wilt save.
“Zvirokwazvo, hakuna munhu anobata munhu ari kushushikana paanochemera rubatsiro pakutambudzika kwake.
25 I wept heretofore for him that was afflicted, and my soul had compassion on the poor.
Ko, handina kuchema nokuda kwevaitambura here? Ko, mweya wangu hauna kuva neshungu pamusoro pavarombo here?
26 I expected good things, and evils are come upon me: I waited for light, and darkness broke out.
Kunyange zvakadaro, pandakanga ndakarindira zvakanaka, zvakaipa zvakasvika; pandakatarisira chiedza, ipapo rima rakasvika.
27 My inner parts have boiled without any rest, the days of affliction have prevented me.
Kumonyoroka kwoura hwangu hakumbomiri; mazuva okutambudzika anondivinga.
28 I went mourning without indignation; I rose up, and cried in the crowd.
Ndinodzungaira ndichisvibiswa, asi kwete nezuva; ndinosimuka pakati peungano ndichichemera rubatsiro.
29 I was the brother of dragons, and companion of ostriches.
Ndava hama yamakava, neshamwari yamazizi.
30 My skin is become black upon me, and my bones are dried up with heat.
Ganda rangu riri kusviba uye riri kufunuka; muviri wangu unopisa nefivha.
31 My harp is turned to mourning, and my organ into the voice of those that weep.
Mbira dzangu dzava kungoridza nziyo dzokuchema, uye nyere yangu nziyo dzokuungudza.