< Job 10 >

1 My soul is weary of my life, I will let go my speech against myself, I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.
Kad mi je duši život omrznuo, nek' mi tužaljka poteče slobodno, zborit ću u gorčini duše svoje.
2 I will say to God: Do not condemn me: tell me why thou judgest me so.
Reću ću Bogu: Nemoj me osudit! Kaži mi zašto se na me obaraš.
3 Doth it seem good to thee that thou shouldst calumniate me, and oppress me, the work of thy own hands, and help the counsel of the wicked?
TÓa što od toga imaš da me tlačiš, da djelo ruku svojih zabacuješ, da pomažeš namjerama opakih?
4 Hast thou eyes of flesh: or, shalt thou see as man seeth?
Jesu li u tebe oči tjelesne? Zar ti vidiš kao što čovjek vidi?
5 Are thy days as the days of man, and are thy years as the times of men:
Zar su ti dani k'o dani smrtnika a kao ljudski vijek tvoje godine?
6 That thou shouldst inquire after my iniquity, and search after my sin?
Zbog čega krivnju moju istražuješ i grijehe moje hoćeš razotkriti,
7 And shouldst know that I have done no wicked thing, whereas there is no man that can deliver out of thy hand.
kad znadeš dobro da sam nedužan, da ruci tvojoj izmaknut ne mogu?
8 Thy hands have made me, and fashioned me wholly round about, and dost thou thus cast me down headlong on a sudden?
Tvoje me ruke sazdaše, stvoriše, zašto da me sada opet raščiniš!
9 Remember, I beseech thee, that thou hast made me as the clay, and thou wilt bring me into dust again.
Sjeti se, k'o glinu si me sazdao i u prah ćeš me ponovo vratiti.
10 Hast thou not milked me as milk, and curdled me like cheese?
Nisi li mene k'o mlijeko ulio i učinio da se k'o sir zgrušam?
11 Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh: thou hast put me together with bones and sinews:
Kožom si me i mesom odjenuo, kostima si me spleo i žilama.
12 Thou hast granted me life and mercy, and thy visitation hath preserved my spirit.
S milošću si mi život darovao, brižljivo si nad mojim bdio dahom.
13 Although thou conceal these things in thy heart, yet I know that thou rememberest all things.
Al' u svom srcu ovo si sakrio, znam da je tvoja to bila namjera:
14 If I have sinned and thou hast spared me for an hour: why dost thou not suffer me to be clean from my iniquity?
da paziš budno hoću li zgriješiti i da mi grijeh ne prođe nekažnjeno.
15 And if I be wicked, woe unto me: and if just, I shall not lift up my head, being filled with affliction and misery.
Ako sam grešan, onda teško meni, ako li sam prav, glavu ne smijem dići - shrvan sramotom, nesrećom napojen!
16 And for pride thou wilt take me as a lioness, and returning thou tormentest me wonderfully.
Ispravim li se, k'o lav me nagoniš, snagu svoju okušavaš na meni,
17 Thou renewest thy witnesses against me, and multipliest thy wrath upon me, and pains war against me.
optužbe nove na mene podižeš, jarošću većom na mene usplamtiš i sa svježim se četama obaraš.
18 Why didst thou bring me forth out of the womb: O that I had been consumed that eye might not see me!
Iz utrobe što si me izvukao? O, što ne umrijeh: vidjeli me ne bi,
19 I should have been as if I had not been, carried from the womb to the grave.
bio bih k'o da me ni bilo nije, iz utrobe u grob bi me stavili.
20 Shall not the fewness of my days be ended shortly? suffer me, therefore, that I may lament my sorrow a little:
Mog su života dani tako kratki! Pusti me da se još malo veselim
21 Before I go, and return no more, to a land that is dark and covered with the mist of death:
prije nego ću na put bez povratka, u zemlju tame, zemlju sjene smrtne,
22 A land of misery and darkness, where the shadow of death, and no order, but everlasting horror dwelleth.
u zemlju tmine guste i meteža, gdje je svjetlost slična noći najcrnjoj.”

< Job 10 >