< Jeremiah 9 >
1 Who will give water to my head, and a fountain of tears to my eyes? and I will weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people.
Ak, var mit Hoved Vand, mine Øjne en Tårekilde! Så græd jeg Dag og Nat over mit Folks Datters slagne.
2 Who will give me in the wilderness a lodging place of wayfaring men, and I will leave my people, and depart from them? because they are all adulterers, an assembly of transgressors.
Ak, fandt jeg i Ørkenen et Herberg for vandringsmænd. Så drog jeg bort fra mit Folk og gik fra dem. Thi Horkarle er de alle, en svigefuld Bande;
3 And they have bent their tongue, as a bow, for lies, and not for truth: they have strengthened themselves upon the earth, for they have proceeded from evil to evil, and me they have not known, saith the Lord.
de spænder deres Tunges Bue. Løgn, ikke Sandhed råder i Landet; thi de går fra Ondskab til Ondskab og kender ej mig, så lyder det fra HERREN.
4 Let every man take heed of his neighbor, and let his not trust in any brother of his: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every friend will walk deceitfully.
Vogt eder hver for sin Næste, tro ingen Broder, thi hver Broder er fuld af List, hver sværter sin Næste.
5 And a man shall mock his brother, and they will not speak the truth: for they have taught their tongue to speak lies: they have laboured to commit iniquity.
De fører hverandre bag Lyset, taler ikke Sandhed: de øver Tungen i Løgn, skejer ud, vil ej vende om,
6 Thy habitation is in the midst of deceit: Through deceit they have refused to know me, saith the Lord.
Voldsdåd Slag i Slag og Svig på Svig; de nægter at kendes ved mig, så lyder det fra HERREN.
7 Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts: Behold I will melt, and try them: for what else shall I do before the daughter of my people?
Derfor, så siger Hærskarers HERRE: Se, jeg smelter og prøver dem, ja, hvad må jeg dog gøre for mit Folks Datters Skyld!
8 Their tongue is a piercing arrow, it hath spoken deceit: with his mouth one speaketh peace with his friend, and secretly he lieth in wait for him.
Deres Tunge er en morders Pil, deres Munds Ord Svig; med Næsten taler de Fred, men i Hjertet bærer de Svig.
9 Shall I not visit them for these things, saith the Lord? or shall not my soul be revenged on such a nation?
Skal jeg ikke hjemsøge dem for sligt, så lyder det fra HERREN, skal ikke min Sjæl tage Hævn over sligt et Folk?
10 For the mountains I will take up weeping and lamentation, and for the beautiful places of the desert, mourning: because they are burnt up, for that there is not a man that passeth through them: and they have not heard the voice of the owner: from the fowl of the air to the beasts they are gone away and departed.
Over Bjergene bryder jeg ud i Gråd og Klage, over ØrkenensGræsgang i Klagesang. Thi de er afsvedet, mennesketomme, der høres ej Lyd af Kvæg; Himlens Fugle og Dyrene flygtede bort.
11 And I will make Jerusalem to be heaps of sand, and dens of dragons: and I will make the cities of Juda desolate, for want of an inhabitant.
Jerusalem gør jeg til Stenhob. Sjakalers Bolig, og Judas Byer til Ørk, hvor ingen bor.
12 Who is the wise man, that may understand this, and to whom the word of the mouth of the Lord may come that he may declare this, why the land hath perished, and is burnt up like a wilderness, which none passeth through?
Hvem er viis nok til at fatte dette, og til hvem har HERRENs Mund talet, så han kan sige det: Hvorfor er Landet lagt øde, afsvedet som en Ørken, mennesketomt?
13 And the Lord said: Because they have forsaken my law, which I gave them, and have not heard my voice, and have not walked in it.
Og HERREN sagde: Fordi de forlod min Lov, som jeg forelagde dem, og ikke hørte min Røst eller vandrede efter den,
14 But they have gone after the perverseness of their own heart, and after Baalim, which their fathers taught them.
men fulgte deres Hjertes Stivsind og Baalerne, som deres Fædre lærte dem at kende,
15 Therefore thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel: Behold I will feed this people with wormwood, and give them water of gall to drink.
derfor, så siger Hærskarers HERRE Israels Gud: Se, jeg giver dette Folk Malurt at spise og Gift at drikke;
16 And I will scatter them among the nations, which they and their fathers have not known: and I will send the sword after them till they be consumed.
jeg spreder dem blandt Folk, som hverken de eller deres Fædre før kendte til, og sender Sværdet efter dem, til jeg får gjort Ende på dem.
17 Thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel: Consider ye, and call for the mourning women, and let them come: and send to them that are wise women, and let them make haste:
Så siger Hærskarers HERRE, mærk jer det vel! Kald Klagekvinder hid, lad dem komme, hent kyndige Kvinder, lad dem komme,
18 Let them hasten and take up a lamentation for us: let our eyes shed tears, and our eyelids run down with waters.
lad dem haste og istemme Klage over os! Vore Øjne skal rinde med Gråd, vore Øjenlåg strømme med Vand.
19 For a voice of wailing is heard out of Sion: How are we wasted and greatly confounded? because we have left the land, because our dwellings are cast down.
Thi Klageråb høres fra Zion: "Hvor er vi dog hærgede, beskæmmede dybt, fordi vi må bort fra Landet, thi de brød vore Boliger ned."
20 Hear therefore, ye women, the word of the Lord: and let your ears receive the word of his mouth: and teach your daughters wailing: and every one her neighbor mourning.
Ja, hør, I Kvinder, mit Ord, eders Øre fange Ord fra min Mund, og lær eders døtre Klage, hverandre Klagesang:
21 For death is come up through our windows, it is entered into our houses to destroy the children from without, the young men from the streets.
"Døden steg op i vore Vinduer; kom i Paladserne, udrydded Barnet på Gaden, de unge på Torvene."
22 Speak: Thus saith the Lord: Even the carcass of man shall fall as dung upon the face of the country, and as grass behind the back of the mower, and there is none to gather it.
Sig: så lyder det fra HERREN: De døde Legemer faldt som Gødning på Marken, som Skåret efter Høstmanden; ingen binder op.
23 Thus saith the Lord: Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, and let not the strong man glory in his strength, and let not the rich man glory in his riches:
Så siger HERREN: Den vise rose sig ikke af sin Visdom, den stærke ikke af sin Styrke, den rige ikke af sin Rigdom;
24 But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, for I am the Lord that exercise mercy, and judgment, and justice in the earth: for these things please me, saith the Lord.
men den, som vil rose sig, skal rose sig af at han har Forstand til at kende mig, at jeg, HERREN, øver Miskundhed, Ret og Retfærdighed på Jorden; thi i sådanne har jeg Behag, lyder det fra HERREN.
25 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, and I will visit upon every one that hath the foreskin circumcised.
Se, Dage skal komme, lyder det fra HERREN, da jeg hjemsøger alle de omskårne, som har Forhud:
26 Upon Egypt, and upon Juda, and upon Edom, and upon the children of Ammon, and upon Moab, and upon all that have their hair polled round, that dwell in the desert: for all the nations are uncircumcised in the flesh, but all the house of Israel are uncircumcised in the heart.
Ægypten, Juda, Edom, Ammoniterne, Moab og alle Ørkenboere med rundklippet Hår; thi Hedningerne er alle uomskårne, men alt Israels Hus har uomskåret Hjerte.