< Jeremiah 14 >

1 The Word of the Lord that came to Jeremias concerning the words of the drought.
Šis ir Tā Kunga vārds, kas noticis uz Jeremiju, par to bula(sausuma) laiku.
2 Judea hath mourned, and the gates thereof are fallen, and are become obscure on the ground, and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up.
Jūda bēdājās, un viņa vārti tvīkst, sērodamies tie guļ pie zemes, un Jeruzālemes brēkšana kāpj uz augšu.
3 The great ones sent their inferiors to the water: they came to draw, they found no water, they carried back their vessels empty: they were confounded and afflicted, and covered their heads.
Un viņu cienīgie sūta savus zemos pēc ūdens; tie nāk pie akām, neatrod ūdens, atgriežas ar saviem traukiem tukšā, top kaunā un noskumst un apsedz savu galvu.
4 For the destruction of the land, because there came no rain upon the earth, the husbandmen were confounded, they covered their heads.
Tāpēc ka zeme iztrūkusies, ka lietus nav virs zemes, arāji ir nokaunējušies, apsedz savu galvu.
5 Yea, the hind also brought forth in the field, and left it, because there was no grass.
Pat stirna laukā atnesās un atstāj (savus bērnus), tāpēc ka zāles nav.
6 And the wild asses stood upon the rocks, they snuffed up the wind like dragons, their eyes failed, because there was no grass.
Un meža ēzeļi stāv pakalnos un tvarsta vēju, kā tuksneša vilki; viņu acis pamirst, tāpēc ka zāles nav.
7 If our iniquities have testified against us, O Lord, do thou it for thy name’s sake, for our rebellions are many, we have sinned against thee.
Ak Kungs, jebšu mūsu noziegumi liecina pret mums, tomēr palīdzi Tava Vārda dēļ, jo mūsu atkāpšanās ir liela, pret Tevi esam grēkojuši.
8 O expectation of Israel, the Saviour thereof in time of trouble: why wilt thou be a stranger in the land, and as a wayfaring man turning in to lodge?
Ak Israēla cerība, viņa Pestītājs bēdu laikā, kāpēc Tu gribi būt kā svešinieks šai zemē, jeb kā ceļavīrs, kas nāk, tik palikt par nakti?
9 Why wilt thou be as a wandering man, as a mighty man that cannot save? but thou, O Lord, art among us, and thy name is called upon by us, forsake us not.
Kāpēc Tu gribi būt kā vīrs, kas iztrūcies, kā varonis, kas nevar glābt? Tomēr Tu Kungs esi mūsu vidū, un mēs pēc Tava Vārda esam nosaukti, neatstājies no mums!
10 Thus saith the Lord to his people, that have loved to move their feet, and have not rested, and have not pleased the Lord: He will now remember their iniquities, and visit their sins.
Tā saka Tas Kungs uz šiem ļaudīm: tie mīļo šurp un turp skraidīt un nevalda savas kājas, tāpēc Tam Kungam nav labs prāts pie tiem. Nu Viņš pieminēs viņu noziegumu un piemeklēs viņu grēkus.
11 And the Lord said to me: Pray not for this people for their good.
Un Tas Kungs sacīja uz mani: nelūdz par šiem ļaudīm, tiem par labu.
12 When they fast I will not hear their prayers: and if they offer holocausts and victims, I will not receive them: for I will consume them by the sword, and by famine, and by the pestilence.
Jebšu tie gavē, taču Es viņu brēkšanu neklausīšu, un jebšu tie upurē dedzināmus upurus un ēdamus upurus, tad Man tomēr pie tiem nebūs labs prāts, bet caur zobenu un caur badu un caur mēri Es tos izdeldēšu.
13 And I said: Ah, ah, ah, O Lord God, the prophets say to them: You shall not see the sword, and there shall be no famine among you, but he will give you true peace in this place.
Tad es sacīju: ak Kungs, Dievs! Redzi, pravieši saka uz tiem: jūs neredzēsiet zobenu, un bads jūs neaizņems, bet es jums došu īstenu mieru šinī vietā.
14 And the Lord said to me: The prophets prophesy falsely in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, nor have I spoken to them: they prophesy unto you a lying vision, and divination and deceit, and the seduction of their own heart.
Un Tas Kungs sacīja uz mani: tie pravieši sludina melus Manā Vārdā, Es tos neesmu sūtījis nedz tiem pavēlējis nedz uz tiem runājis. Tie jums sludina melu parādīšanu un zīlēšanu un nelietību un savu pašu sirds viltību.
15 Therefore thus saith the Lord concerning the prophets that prophecy in my name, whom I did not send, that say: Sword and famine shall not be in this land: By sword and famine shall those prophets be consumed.
Tādēļ saka Tas Kungs tā par tiem praviešiem, kas Manā Vārdā sludina, ko Es neesmu sūtījis, un kas saka, zobens nebūs nedz bads šinī zemē: caur zobenu un caur badu šie pravieši taps aprīti.
16 And the people to whom they prophecy, shall be cast out in the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine and the sword, and there shall be none to bury them: they and their wives, their sons and their daughters, and I will pour out their wickedness upon them.
Un tie ļaudis, kam šie sludina, gulēs uz Jeruzālemes ielām aiz bada un zobena, un nebūs, kas tos aprok ar viņu sievām un ar viņu dēliem un ar viņu meitām; tā Es viņu ļaunumu izgāzīšu pār viņiem.
17 And thou shalt speak this word to them: Let my eyes shed down tears night and day, and let them not cease, because the virgin daughter of my people is afflicted with a great affliction, with an exceeding grievous evil.
Tāpēc saki uz tiem šo vārdu: manas acis plūst asarām dienās un naktīs un nemitās; jo tā jaunava, manu ļaužu meita, ir satriekta ar lielu triecienu, ar varen lielu mocību.
18 If I go forth into the fields, behold the slain with the sword: and if I enter into the city, behold them that are consumed with famine. The prophet also and the priest are gone into a land which they knew not.
Kad es izeju laukā, tad redzi, tur ir zobena nokauti, kad es nāku pilsētā, tad redzi, tur guļ badu miruši. Un pravieši un priesteri iet apkārt pa zemi, ko tie nepazīst.
19 Hast thou utterly cast away Juda, or hath thy soul abhorred Sion? why then hast thou struck us, so that there is no healing for us? we have looked for peace, and there is no good: and for the time of healing, and behold trouble.
Vai tad Tu Jūdu pavisam esi atmetis, jeb vai Tava dvēsele Ciānu apnikusi? Kāpēc Tu mūs esi sitis, ka mums dziedināšanas vairs nav? Gaida uz mieru, bet labuma nav, un uz dziedināšanas laiku, bet redzi, izbailes.
20 We acknowledge, O Lord, our wickedness, the iniquities of our fathers, because we have sinned against thee.
Kungs, mēs atzīstam savu bezdievību un savu tēvu noziegumu, ka pret tevi esam grēkojuši.
21 Give us not to be a reproach, for thy name’s sake, and do not disgrace in us the throne of thy glory: remember, break not thy covenant with us.
Neatmet mūs Tava Vārda dēļ, un lai Tavs godības krēsls netop nievāts; piemini un neiznīcini Savu derību ar mums.
22 Are there any among the graven things of the Gentiles that can send rain? or can the heavens give showers? art not thou the Lord our God, whom we have looked for? for thou hast made all these things.
Vai ir starp pagānu elkiem, kas liek lietum līt, jeb vai debess var dot lietu? Vai Tu tas neesi, ak Kungs, mūsu Dievs? Tāpēc mēs uz Tevi gribam gaidīt, jo Tu dari visas šīs lietas.

< Jeremiah 14 >