< Isaiah 55 >

1 All you that thirst, come to the waters: and you that have no money make haste, buy, and eat: come ye, buy wine and milk without money, and without any price.
« Bino nyonso oyo bozali na posa ya komela, boya, boya na esika oyo mayi ezali; ezala bino oyo bozali na mbongo te, boya kosomba mpe kolia; boya kosomba vino mpe miliki: ezali ya ofele, ya kosomba na mbongo te!
2 Why do you spend money for that which is not breed, and your labour for that which doth not satisfy you? Hearken diligently to me, and eat that which is good, and your soul shall be delighted in fatness.
Mpo na nini bozali kobebisa mbongo mpo na bilei oyo etongaka nzoto te, mpe kobimisa motoki mpo na bilei oyo etondisaka te? Boyoka, boyoka Ngai mpe bolia bilei ya kitoko, mpe bokosepela na biloko ya elengi.
3 Incline your ear and come to me: hear and your soul shall lire, and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, the faithful mercies of David.
Bopesa Ngai matoyi na bino mpe boya epai na Ngai, boyoka mpe bokozala na bomoi; nakosala boyokani ya libela elongo na bino, boyokani oyo nalakaki Davidi, na boyengebene mpe na bolingo na Ngai.
4 Behold I have given him for a witness to the people, for a leader and a master to the Gentiles.
Tala, nakomisaki ye motatoli na Ngai na miso ya bato ya bikolo ebele, mokambi mpe motambolisi ya bato.
5 Behold thou shalt call a nation, which thou knewest not: and the nations that knew not thee shall run to thee, because of the Lord thy God, and for the Holy One of Israel, for he hath glorified thee.
Solo, okobenga bikolo oyo oyebi te, mpe bikolo oyo eyebi yo te ekoya na lombangu epai na yo mpo na Yawe, Nzambe na yo, mpo na Mosantu ya Isalaele, pamba te alatisi yo nkembo. »
6 Seek ye the Lord, while he may be found: call upon him, while he is near.
Boluka Yawe wana akoki nanu komonana, bobelela Ye wana azali nanu pene.
7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unjust man his thoughts, and let him return to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God: for he is bountiful to forgive.
Tika ete moto mabe atika banzela na ye, mpe tika ete mosumuki atika makanisi na ye; tika ete azonga epai na Yawe mpo ete ayokela ye mawa, tika ete azonga epai ya Nzambe na biso, pamba te alimbisaka kaka.
8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts: nor your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
« Makanisi na Ngai ezali makanisi na bino te, mpe banzela na Ngai ezali banzela na bino te, » elobi Yawe.
9 For as the heavens are exalted above the earth, so are my ways exalted above your ways, and my thoughts above your thoughts.
« Pamba te ndenge likolo eleki mosika na mabele, ndenge wana mpe banzela na Ngai ezali likolo koleka banzela na bino, mpe makanisi na Ngai ezali likolo koleka makanisi na bino.
10 And as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and return no more thither, but soak the earth, and water it, and make it to spring, and give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:
Ndenge mvula mpe mvula ya pembe enokaka wuta na likolo mpe ezongaka te na likolo soki epolisi mabele te, soki ebotisi yango bambuma mpe bafololo te, soki epesi nkona te na moloni mpe bilei te na moto oyo aliaka,
11 So shall my word be, which shall go forth from my mouth: it shall not return to me void, but it shall do whatsoever I please, and shall prosper in the things for which I sent it.
ndenge wana mpe liloba oyo ebimaka na monoko na Ngai ezalaka: ezongaka pamba te epai na Ngai, soki esali nanu te mokano na Ngai, mpe soki ekokisi nanu te mabongisi oyo natindelaki yango.
12 For you shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall sing praise before yen, and all the trees of the country shall clap their hands.
Bokobima na esengo, mpe bakotambolisa bino na kimia; bangomba milayi mpe bangomba mikuse ekoyemba nzembo ya elonga liboso na bino, mpe banzete nyonso ya zamba ekobeta maboko.
13 Instead of the shrub, shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the nettle, shall come up the myrtle tree: and the Lord shall be named for an everlasting sign, that shall not be taken away.
Nzete ya sipele ekobota na esika ya banzube, nzete ya mirite ekobota na esika ya basende; ekozala, mpo na lokumu ya Kombo ya Yawe, elembo ya libela na libela, oyo ekotikala kobebisama te. »

< Isaiah 55 >