< Hosea 4 >
1 Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel, for the Lord shall enter into judgment with the inhabitants of the land: for there is no truth, and there is no mercy, and there is no knowledge of God in the land.
Oe! Isarelnaw Cathut e lawk hah thai awh haw. Bangkongtetpawiteh, khoca ramcanaw teh Cathut hoi a kâyue awh toe. Ahnimouh teh lawkkam cak awh hoeh, lungmanae tawn awh hoeh, Cathut taket awh hoeh.
2 Cursing, and lying, and killing, and theft, and adultery have overflowed, and blood hath touched blood.
Thoebonae, laithoenae, parunae, uicuknae hoi tami theinae teh kâhat laipalah a sak awh. Tami theinae yon hoi patuen patuen a kâthap awh.
3 Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth in it shall languish with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of the air: yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be gathered together.
Hatdawkvah, ahnimae ram teh a cingou han. Taminaw hoi kahrawng e moithangnaw, kahlun e tavanaw pueng teh a tha a kamyai han. Tuipui dawk e tanganaw hai a thup awh han.
4 But yet let not any man judge: and let not a man be rebuked: for thy people are as they that contradict the priest.
Hatei, apinihai ngang nahanh seh. Apinihai yue nahan seh. Bangkongtetpawiteh, nange na miphunnaw hai vaihmanaw hoi kaounnaw patetlah doeh ao awh.
5 And thou shalt fall today, and the prophet also shall fall with thee: in the night I have made thy mother to be silent.
Hatdawkvah, khodai lah na kamlei awh han. Karum lah vaihmanaw hoi rei na kamlei awh han. Na manu hai ka thei han.
6 My people have been silent, because they had no knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will reject thee, that thou shalt not do the office of priesthood to me: and thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I also will forget thy children.
Ka taminaw teh panuenae ayoun dawkvah a rawk awh. Nang ni panuenae na hnoun dawkvah kaie vaihma lah na o hoeh nahan nang teh na hnoun toe. Na Cathut e lawk na pahnim dawkvah na canaw teh ka pahnim han.
7 According to the multitude of them so have they sinned against me: I will change their glory into shame.
A lentoe awh e patetlah ahnimouh ni kai hah na pahnawt awh toe. Hatdawkvah ahnimae bawilennae hah yeirai ka po sak han.
8 They shall eat the sins of my people, and shall lift up their souls to their iniquity.
Ka taminaw e yonthanae sathei moi a ca awh nahlangva vah, hote yonnae hah ouk a doun awh.
9 And there shall be like people like priest: and I will visit their ways upon them, and I will repay them their devices.
Hatdawkvah, taminaw koe ka tâcawt e patetlah vaihmanaw koehai ka tâco sak han. Amamae tawksaknae patetlah ka rek vaiteh lengkaleng tawkphu ka poe han.
10 And they shall eat and shall not be filled: they have committed fornication, and have not ceased: because they have forsaken the Lord in not observing his law.
Rawca a ca awh ei, a von paha awh mahoeh. A kâyo awh ei, ca khe awh mahoeh.
11 Fornication, and wine, and drunkenness take away the understanding.
Bangkongtetpawiteh, tak kâyonae, misurhruem, misurtui ni a lung a pathu sak teh, Cathut a pahnawt awh toe.
12 My people have consulted their stocks, and their staff hath declared unto them: for the spirit of fornication hath deceived them, and they have committed fornication against their God.
Ka taminaw ni bongpai hoi a kâpan awh teh, sonron koe pouknae a hei awh. Radueknae dawk a lungtang awh lawi vah, amamae Cathut koelah awm laipalah, a kâyo awh toe.
13 They offered sacrifice upon the tops of the mountains, and burnt incense upon the hills: under the oak, and the poplar, and the turpentine tree, because the shadow thereof was good: therefore shall your daughters commit fornication, and your spouses shall be adulteresses.
Monsom vah thuengnae a sak awh teh, monruinaw hoi kathenkungnaw e tâhlip dawk hmuitui hmaisawi e hoi thuengnae a sak awh. Hatdawkvah na canunaw teh kâyawt e lah a coung awh teh, na langanaw teh a uicuk awh.
14 I will not visit upon your daughters when they shell commit fornication, and upon your spouses when they shall commit adultery: because themselves conversed with harlots, and offered sacrifice with the effeminate, and the people that doth not understand shall be beaten.
Na canunaw ni a kâyo awh teh, na langanaw ni ka uicuk nakunghai lawk na ceng mahoeh. Bangkongtetpawiteh, na yunaw na ceitakhai awh teh ka kâyawtnaw hoi tak na hmawng awh toe. Kâyawt e napuinaw hoi thuengnae reirei na sak awh toe. Hatdawkvah, panuenae kayounnaw teh a rawk awh han.
15 If thou play the harlot, O Israel, at least let not Juda offend: and go ye not into Galgal, and come not up into Bethaven, and do not swear: The Lord liveth.
Oe! Isarelnaw nang teh na tak na kâyo ei nakunghai, Judahnaw na payon hoeh. Gilgal kho hoi kâhnai awh hanh. Bethaven kholah cet awh hanh. Cathut teh a hring dawkvah, thoebo awh hanh.
16 For Israel hath gone astray like a wanton heifer: now will the Lord feed them, as a lamb in a spacious place.
Oe! Isarelnaw maitola patetlah na lahuen caksak awh hanh. A hmuen kawnae koe tuca khoum e patetlah Isarelnaw na khoum awh han.
17 Ephraim is a partaker with idols, let him alone.
Kutsak dawk a lung kapen e Ephraim teh amahmawk awm naseh.
18 Their banquet is separated, they have gone astray by fornication: they that should have protected them have loved to bring shame upon them.
Yamu a nei awh e teh taranthawnae doeh, pout laipalah a kâyo awh, khobawinaw ni kayanae hah a lungpataw awh.
19 The wind hath bound them up in its wings, and they shall be confounded because of their sacrifices.
Kahlî ni kamlengkhai vaiteh, amae thuengnae hnonaw kecu dawk a kaya awh han.