< Galatians 3 >

1 O senseless Galatians, who hath bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been set forth, crucified among you?
Ẹ̀yin aláìnírònú ará Galatia! Ta ní ha tàn yín jẹ, kí ẹ̀yin má ṣe gba òtítọ́ gbọ́? Ní ojú ẹni tí a fi Jesu Kristi hàn gbangba láàrín yín ni ẹni tí a kàn mọ́ àgbélébùú.
2 This only would I learn of you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
Kìkì èyí ni mo fẹ́ béèrè lọ́wọ́ yín, nípa iṣẹ́ òfin ni ẹ̀yin gba Ẹ̀mí bí, tàbí nípa ìgbọ́ràn pẹ̀lú ìgbàgbọ́?
3 Are you so foolish, that, whereas you began in the Spirit, you would now be made perfect by the flesh?
Báyìí ni ẹ̀yin ṣe jẹ òmùgọ̀ tó bí? Ẹ̀yin tí ó ti bẹ̀rẹ̀ ìgbé ayé ìgbàgbọ́ yín nípa ti Ẹ̀mí, ṣé a ti wá sọ yín di pípé nípa ti ara ni?
4 Have you suffered so great things in vain? If it be yet in vain.
Ẹ̀yin ha ti jìyà ọ̀pọ̀lọpọ̀ nǹkan wọ̀nyí lásán? Bí ó bá ṣe pé nítòótọ́ lásán ni.
5 He therefore who giveth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you; doth he do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of the faith?
Ṣé Ọlọ́run fún yín ní Ẹ̀mí rẹ̀, tí ó sì ṣe iṣẹ́ ìyanu láàrín yín nítorí tí ẹ̀yin pa òfin mọ, tàbí nítorí ẹ ní ìgbàgbọ́ sí ohun tí ẹ gbọ́?
6 As it is written: Abraham believed God, and it was reputed to him unto justice.
Gẹ́gẹ́ bí Abrahamu “Ó gba Ọlọ́run gbọ́, a sì kà á sí òdodo fún un.”
7 Know ye therefore, that they who are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.
Ẹ jẹ́ kí ó yé é yín nígbà náà pé, àwọn ti ó gbàgbọ́, àwọn náà ní í ṣe ọmọ Abrahamu.
8 And the scripture, foreseeing, that God justifieth the Gentiles by faith, told unto Abraham before: In thee shall all nations be blessed.
Bí ìwé mímọ́ sì tí wí tẹ́lẹ̀ pé, Ọlọ́run yóò dá aláìkọlà láre nípa ìgbàgbọ́, ó tí wàásù ìyìnrere ṣáájú fún Abrahamu, ó ń wí pé, “Nínú rẹ̀ ni a ó bùkún fún gbogbo orílẹ̀-èdè.”
9 Therefore they that are of faith, shall be blessed with faithful Abraham.
Bẹ́ẹ̀ gẹ́gẹ́ ni àwọn tí i ṣe tí ìgbàgbọ́ jẹ́ ẹni alábùkún fún pẹ̀lú Abrahamu olódodo.
10 For as many as are of the works of the law, are under a curse. For it is written: Cursed is every one, that abideth not in all things, which are written in the book of the law to do them.
Nítorí pé iye àwọn tí ń bẹ ni ipa iṣẹ́ òfin ń bẹ lábẹ́ ègún: nítorí tí a tí kọ ọ́ pé, “Ìfibú ni olúkúlùkù ẹni tí kò dúró nínú ohun gbogbo tí a kọ sínú ìwé òfin láti máa ṣe wọ́n”.
11 But that in the law no man is justified with God, it is manifest: because the just man liveth by faith.
Nítorí ó dánilójú pé, a kò dá ẹnikẹ́ni láre níwájú Ọlọ́run nípa iṣẹ́ òfin: nítorí pé, “Olódodo yóò yè nípa ìgbàgbọ́.”
12 But the law is not of faith: but, He that doth those things, shall live in them.
Òfin kì í sì í ṣe ti ìgbàgbọ́: ṣùgbọ́n, “Ẹni tí ó ba ṣe, yóò yè nípa wọn.”
13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written: Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
Kristi ti rà wá padà kúrò lọ́wọ́ ègún òfin, ẹni tí a fi ṣe ègún fún wa: nítorí tí a ti kọ ọ́ pé, “Ìfibú ni olúkúlùkù ẹni tí a fi kọ́ sórí igi.”
14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Christ Jesus: that we may receive the promise of the Spirit by faith.
Ó gbà wá là ki ìbùkún Abrahamu ba à lè wá sórí àwọn aláìkọlà nípa Kristi Jesu; kí àwa ba à lè gba ìlérí Ẹ̀mí nípa ìgbàgbọ́.
15 Brethren (I speak after the manner of man, ) yet a man’s testament, if it be confirmed, no man despiseth, nor addeth to it.
Ará, èmi ń sọ̀rọ̀ bí ènìyàn, gẹ́gẹ́ bi májẹ̀mú ènìyàn ti a ti fi ìdí rẹ̀ múlẹ̀, kò sí ẹni tí ó lè sọ ọ́ di asán, tàbí tí ó lè fi kún un mọ́.
16 To Abraham were the promises made and to his seed. He saith not, And to his seeds, as of many: but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.
Ǹjẹ́ fún Abrahamu àti fún irú-ọmọ rẹ̀ ni a ti ṣe àwọn ìlérí náà. Ìwé Mímọ́ kò ṣọ wí pé, “fún àwọn irú-ọmọ rẹ̀,” bí ẹni pé ọ̀pọ̀lọpọ̀; ṣùgbọ́n bí ẹni pé ọ̀kan ṣoṣo, “àti fún irú-ọmọ rẹ̀,” èyí tí í ṣe Kristi.
17 Now this I say, that the testament which was confirmed by God, the law which was made after four hundred and thirty years, doth not disannul, to make the promise of no effect.
Èyí tí mò ń wí ni pé: májẹ̀mú tí Ọlọ́run ti fi ìdí rẹ̀ múlẹ̀ níṣàájú, òfin ti ó dé lẹ́yìn ọgbọ̀nlénírinwó ọdún kò lè sọ ọ́ di asán, kí ó sì mú ìlérí náà di aláìlágbára.
18 For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise. But God gave it to Abraham by promise.
Nítorí bí ogún náà bá dúró lórí ṣíṣe gẹ́gẹ́ bí í òfin kì í ṣe ti ìlérí mọ́, ṣùgbọ́n Ọlọ́run ti fi í fún Abrahamu nípa ìlérí.
19 Why then was the law? It was set because of transgressions, until the seed should come, to whom he made the promise, being ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.
Ǹjẹ́ kí ha ni òfin? A fi kún un nítorí ìrékọjá títí irú-ọmọ tí a ti ṣe ìlérí fún yóò fi dé; a sì tipasẹ̀ àwọn angẹli ṣe ìlànà rẹ̀ láti ọwọ́ alárinà kan wá.
20 Now a mediator is not of one: but God is one.
Ǹjẹ́ onílàjà kì í ṣe alárinà ti ẹnìkan, ṣùgbọ́n ọ̀kan ni Ọlọ́run.
21 Was the law then against the promises of God? God forbid. For if there had been a law given which could give life, verily justice should have been by the law.
Nítorí náà òfin ha lòdì sí àwọn ìlérí Ọlọ́run bí? Kí a má rí i; nítorí ìbá ṣe pé a ti fi òfin kan fún ni tí ó lágbára láti sọ ni di ààyè nítòótọ́ òdodo ìbá ti tipasẹ̀ òfin wà.
22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise, by the faith of Jesus Christ, might be given to them that believe.
Ṣùgbọ́n ìwé mímọ́ ti fi yé wa pé gbogbo ènìyàn ni ń bẹ lábẹ́ ìdè ẹ̀ṣẹ̀, kí a lè fi ìlérí nípa ìgbàgbọ́ nínú Jesu Kristi fún àwọn tí ó gbàgbọ́.
23 But before the faith came, we were kept under the law shut up, unto that faith which was to be revealed.
Ṣùgbọ́n kí ìgbàgbọ́ tó dé, a ti pa wá mọ́ lábẹ́ òfin, a sì sé wa mọ́ de ìgbàgbọ́ tí a ń bọ̀ wá fihàn.
24 Wherefore the law was our pedagogue in Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
Nítorí náà òfin ti jẹ́ olùtọ́jú láti mú ènìyàn wá sọ́dọ̀ Kristi, kí a lè dá wa láre nípa ìgbàgbọ́.
25 But after the faith is come, we are no longer under a pedagogue.
Ṣùgbọ́n lẹ́yìn ìgbà tí ìgbàgbọ́ ti dé, àwa kò sí lábẹ́ olùtọ́jú mọ́.
26 For you are all the children of God by faith, in Christ Jesus.
Nítorí pé ọmọ Ọlọ́run ni gbogbo yín, nípa ìgbàgbọ́ nínú Kristi Jesu.
27 For as many of you as have been baptized in Christ, have put on Christ.
Nítorí pé iye ẹ̀yin tí a ti bamitiisi sínú Kristi ti gbé Kristi wọ̀.
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek: there is neither bond nor free: there is neither male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Kò le sí Júù tàbí Giriki, ẹrú tàbí òmìnira, ọkùnrin tàbí obìnrin nítorí pé ọ̀kan ni nínú Kristi Jesu.
29 And if you be Christ’s, then are you the seed of Abraham, heirs according to the promise.
Bí ẹ̀yin bá sì jẹ́ ti Kristi, ǹjẹ́ ẹ̀yin ní irú-ọmọ Abrahamu, àti àrólé gẹ́gẹ́ bí ìlérí.

< Galatians 3 >