< Esther 1 >

1 In the days of Assuerus, who reigned from India to Ethiopia over a hundred and twenty-seven provinces:
Det hende seg i styringstidi åt Ahasveros - som rådde frå India alt til Ætiopia yver eit hundrad og sju og tjuge jarlerike -
2 When he sat on the throne of his kingdom, the city Susan was the capital of his kingdom.
i dei dagarne då kong Ahasveros sat på kongsstolen i borgi Susan:
3 Now in the third year of his reign he made a great feast for all the princes, and for his servants, for the most mighty of the Persians, and the nobles of the Medes, and the governors of the provinces in his sight,
i det tridje styringsåret hans gjorde han eit gjestebod for alle hovdingarne og tenarane sine, medan heren frå Persia og Media var samla hjå honom, saman med storfolket og jarlarne.
4 That he might shew the riches of the glory of his kingdom, and the greatness, and boasting of his power, for a long time, to wit, for a hundred and fourscore days.
I mange dagar, eit hundrad og åtteti dagar, synte han deim sin kongelege rikdom og herlegdom og stordom med all dramb og drust.
5 And when the days of the feast were expired, he invited all the people that were found in Susan, from the greatest to the least: and commanded a feast to be made seven days in the court of the garden, and of the wood, which was planted by the care and the hand of the king.
Då dei dagarne var lidne, gjorde kongen eit gjestebod i sju dagar for alt folket som fanst i borgi Susan, frå den høgste til den lægste, i den inngjerde hagen ved kongsborgi.
6 And there were hung up on every side sky coloured, and green, and violet hangings, fastened with cords of silk, and of purple, which were put into rings of ivory, and were held up with marble pillars. The beds also were of gold and silver, placed in order upon a floor paved with porphyry and white marble: which was embellished with painting of wonderful variety.
Der hekk tjeld av kvitt lin og bomull og purpurblått ty, feste med kvite og purpur-raude snorer til sylvringar på kvite marmorsulor. Der stod benkjer av gull sylv, på eit golv av grønt og kvitt marmor og perlemorstein og svart stein.
7 And they that were invited, drank in golden cups, and the meats were brought in divers vessels one after another. Wine also in abundance and of the best was presented, as was worthy of a king’s magnificence.
Drykkjerne vart skjenkte i gullstaup, kvart staup hadde sers skap. Og der var nøgdi av kongeleg vin, på kongevis.
8 Neither was there any one to compel them to drink that were not willing, but as the king had appointed, who set over every table one of his nobles, that every man might take what he would.
Den fyresegni vart sett drikkingi, at ingen skulde nøydast; kongen hadde bode alle hovmeistrarne at dei skulde lata kvar mann få so mykje han sjølv hadde hug på.
9 Also Vasthi the queen made a feast for the women in the palace, where king Assuerus was used to dwell.
Dronning Vasti gjorde samstundes eit gjestebod for kvinnorne i det kongelege huset åt kong Ahasveros.
10 Now on the seventh day, when the king was merry, and after very much drinking was well warmed with wine, he commanded Mauman, and Bazatha, and Harbona, and Bagatha, and Abgatha, and Zethar, and Charcas, the seven eunuchs that served in his presence,
Sjuande dagen då kongen var fjåg av vinen, baud han dei sju hirdmennerne som gjorde tenesta hjå kong Ahasveros: Mehuman, Bizta, Harbona, Bigta, og Abagta, Zetar og Karkas,
11 To bring in queen Vasthi before the king, with the crown set upon her head, to shew her beauty to all the people and the princes: for she was exceeding beautiful.
at dei skulde henta dronning Vasti og leida henne fram for kongen, med kongskruna på, so han kunde syna fram vænleiken hennar for folki og for hovdingarne; for ho var fager å sjå til.
12 But she refused, and would not come at the king’s commandment, which he had signified to her by the eunuchs. Whereupon the king, being angry, and inflamed with a very great fury,
Men dronning Vasti vilde ikkje koma, tråss i det kongsbodet hirdmennerne bar fram. Då vart kongen veldugt vreid, og harmen loga upp i honom.
13 Baked the wise men, who according to the custom of the kings, were always near his person, and all he did was by their counsel, who knew the laws, and judgments of their forefathers:
Kongen sagde til vismennerne, dei som hadde vit på tiderne - soleis vart alle kongssakar framlagde for deim som hadde vit på lov og rett,
14 (Now the chief and nearest him were, Charsena, and Sethar, and Admatha, and Tharsis, and Mares, and Marsana, and Mamuchan, seven princes of the Persians, and of the Medes, who saw the face of the king, and were used to sit first after him: )
og dei som stod honom næmast, var Karsena, Setar, Admata, Tarsis, Meres, Marsena og Memukan, dei sju hovdingarne i Persia og Media, som stod kongen næmast, og åtte øvste sæti i riket -:
15 What sentence ought to pass upon Vasthi the queen, who had refused to obey the commandment of king Assuerus, which he had sent to her by the eunuchs?
«Kva skal det etter lovi gjerast med dronning Vasti, sidan ho ikkje lyder det bodet kong Ahasveros sende henne med hirdmennerne?»
16 And Mamuchan answered, in the hearing of the king and the princes: Queen Vasthi hath not only injured the king, but also all the people and princes that are in all the provinces of king Assuerus.
Memukan tok til ords for kongen og hovdingarne: «Dronning Vasti hev ikkje berre forbrote seg mot kongen, men mot alle hovdingarne og alle folki i alle jarleriki åt kong Ahasveros.
17 For this deed of the queen will go abroad to all women, so that they will despise their husbands, and will say: King Assuerus commanded that queen Vasthi should come in to him, and she would not.
Åtferdi hennar vil koma ut millom alle konorne, og vil føra til at dei vanvyrdar mennerne sine; for dei vil segja: «Kong Ahasveros baud at dei skulde føra dronning Vasti fram for honom, men ho kom ikkje!»
18 And by this example all the wives of the princes of the Persians and the Medes will slight the commandments of their husbands: wherefore the king’s indignation is just.
Ja, alt i dag vil hovdingfruorne i Persia og Media høyra gjete åtferdi til dronningi og svara alle kongens hovdingar sameleis, og det vil verta nok av vanvyrdnad og harm.
19 If it please thee, let an edict go out from thy presence, and let it be written according to the law of the Persians and of the Medes, which must not be altered, that Vasthi come in no more to the king, but another, that is better than her, be made queen in her place.
Tekkjest det kongen, so lat eit kongebod verta utferda, og uppskrive millom loverne i Persia og Media, so det stend uruggeleg fast, at Vasti skal aldri meir koma fram for kong Ahasveros; hennar kongelege stand gjev kongen til ei onnor, som er likare enn ho.
20 And let this be published through all the provinces of thy empire, (which is very wide, ) and let all wives, as well of the greater as of the lesser, give honour to their husbands.
Når dette kongelege påbodet vert utferda og kunngjort i heile kongens rike, so vida det rekk, då vil alle konor syna mennerne sine æra, frå dei høgste til dei lægste.»
21 His counsel pleased the king, and the princes: and the king did according to the counsel of Mamuchan.
Dette ordet lika kongen og stormennerne godt, og kongen gjorde som Memukan hadde sagt.
22 And he sent letters to all the provinces of his kingdom, as every nation could hear and read, in divers languages and characters, that the husbands should be rulers and masters in their houses: and that this should be published to every people.
Brev vart sende til alle jarledømi åt kongen, til kvart jarledøme med deira skrift og til kvart folk på deira tungemål: at kvar mann skulde vera herre i sitt hus, og tala sitt eige folkemål.

< Esther 1 >