< Deuteronomy 11 >

1 Therefore love the Lord thy God and observe his precepts and ceremonies, his judgments and commandments at all times.
Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed waa inaad jeclaataan Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah, oo waa inaad had iyo goor dhawrtaan waxa loo dhawri lahaa, iyo qaynuunnadiisa, iyo xukummadiisa iyo amarradiisaba.
2 Know this day the things that your children know not, who saw not the chastisements of the Lord your God. his great doings and strong hand, and stretched out arm,
Oo bal idinku maanta ogaada, waayo, la hadli maayo carruurtiinnii aan aqoon oo aan arkin Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah edbintiisa, iyo weynaantiisa, iyo gacantiisa xoogga badan, iyo cududdiisa fidsan,
3 The signs and works which he did in the midst of Egypt to king Pharao, and to all his land,
iyo calaamooyinkiisa, iyo shuqulladiisii uu ku dhex sameeyey Masar oo uu ku sameeyey boqorkii Masar oo Fircoon ahaa iyo dalkiisii oo dhan,
4 And to all the host of the Egyptians, and to their horses and chariots: how the waters of the Red Sea covered them, when they pursued you, and how the Lord destroyed them until this present day:
iyo wixii uu ku sameeyey ciidankii Masar, iyo fardahoodii, iyo gaadhifardoodkoodii, iyo siduu iyaga ugu qarqiyey biyihii Badda Cas markay idin eryadeen, iyo siduu Rabbigu iyagii u baabbi'iyey ilamaa maantadan la joogo,
5 And what he hath done to you in the wilderness, till you came to this place:
iyo wixii uu idinku sameeyey, markaad cidladii joogtay jeeraad meeshan timaadeen,
6 And to Dathan and Abiron the sons of Eliab, who was the son of Ruben: whom the earth, opening her mouth swallowed up with their households and tents, and all their substance, which they had in the midst of Israel.
iyo wixii uu reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan dhexdooda kaga sameeyey Daataan iyo Abiiraam oo ahaa ilma Elii'aab oo ahaa reer Ruubeen, iyo sidii ciiddu afkeeda u kala qaadday oo ay u liqday iyagii, iyo reerahoodii, iyo teendhooyinkoodii, iyo wax alla wixii noolaa oo iyaga raacay,
7 Your eyes have seen all the greet works of the Lord, that he hath done,
laakiinse idinka indhihiinnu way arkeen shuqulkii weynaa oo Rabbigu sameeyey oo dhan.
8 That you may keep all his commandments, which I command you this day, and may go in, and possess the land, to which you are entering,
Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed waa inaad xajisaan amarkan aan maanta idinku amrayo oo dhan si aad u xoogaysataan oo aad u gashaan oo u hantidaan dalka aad ugu gudbaysaan inaad hantidaan,
9 And may live in it a long time: which the Lord promised by oath to your fathers, and to their seed, a land which floweth with milk and honey.
iyo in cimrigiinnu ku dheeraado dalkii Rabbigu ugu dhaartay awowayaashiin inuu siinayo iyaga iyo farcankooda, kaasoo ah dal caano iyo malab la barwaaqaysan.
10 For the land, which thou goest to possess, is not like the land of Egypt, from whence thou camest out, where, when the seed is sown, waters are brought in to water it after the manner of gardens.
Maxaa yeelay, dalka aad ugu gudbaysaan inaad hantidaan ma aha sidii dalkii Masar oo aad ka soo baxdeen ee aad abuurkiinna ku abuurteen oo aad cagihiinna ku waraabiseen sidii beer khudaareed,
11 But it is a land of hills and plains, expecting rain from heaven.
laakiinse dalka aad ugu gudbaysaan inaad hantidaan waa dal leh buuro iyo dooxooyin, oo wuxuu biyaha ka cabbaa roobka samada,
12 And the Lord thy God doth always visit it, and his eyes are on it from the beginning of the year unto the end thereof.
oo waa dal Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu uu xannaaneeyo, waayo, Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah indhihiisa ayaa fiiriya tan iyo sannadda bilowgeeda iyo xataa sannadda dabaadigeeda.
13 If then you obey my commandments, which I command you this day, that you love the Lord your God, and serve him with all your heart, and with all your soul:
Oo haddaad aad u dhegaysataan amarrada aan maanta idinku amrayo oo ah inaad Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah jeclaataan oo aad isaga ugu adeegtaan qalbigiinna oo dhan iyo naftiinna oo dhan,
14 He will give to your land the early rain and the latter rain, that you may gather in your corn, and your wine, and your oil,
de markaas dalkiinna roobka waxaan siin doonaa xilligiisa kaas oo ah roobka hore iyo roobka dambe, inaad soo urursataan hadhuudhkiinna, iyo khamrigiinna, iyo saliiddiinna.
15 And your hay out of the fields to feed your cattle, and that you may eat and be filled.
Oo berrimmadiinnana waxaan ka buuxin doonaa doog ay xoolihiinnu daaqaan, oo idinkuna wax baad cuni doontaan, waadna dhergi doontaan.
16 Beware lest perhaps your heart be deceived, and you depart from the Lord, and serve strange gods, and adore them:
Haddaba digtoonaada, waaba intaasoo uu qalbigiinnu idin khiyaaneeyaa, oo aad gees u leexataan oo ilaahyo kale u adeegtaan oo caabuddaan,
17 And the Lord being angry shut up heaven, that the rain come not down, nor the earth yield her fruit, and you perish quickly from the excellent land, which the Lord will give you.
oo markaas cadhada Rabbigu idinku kululaataa, oo uu samada idinka xidhaa, si aad roob u weydaan, oo uu dhulku midho soo bixin waayo, oo aad haddiiba uga baabba'daan dalka wanaagsan oo Rabbigu idin siinayo.
18 Lay up these my words in your hearts and minds, and hang them for a sign on your hands, and place them between your eyes.
Haddaba erayadaydan waa inaad gelisaan qalbigiinna iyo naftiinna, oo waa inaad calaamad ahaan gacanta ugu xidhataan, waxayna idiin ahaan doonaan wax indhihiinna dhexdooda ka laalaada.
19 Teach your children that they meditate on them, when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest on the way, and when thou liest down and risest up.
Oo waa inaad iyaga carruurtiinna bartaan, idinkoo ku sheekaysta markaad gurigiinna dhex fadhidaan, iyo markaad jidka martaan, iyo markaad jiiftaan, iyo markaad sara joogtaanba.
20 Thou shalt write them upon the posts and the doors of thy house:
Oo waa inaad iyaga ku qortaan tiirarka albaabka gurigiinna iyo irdihiinnaba,
21 That thy days may be multiplied, and the days of thy children in the land which the Lord swore to thy fathers, that he would give them as long as the heaven hangeth over the earth.
in cimrigiinna iyo cimriga carruurtiinnuba uu dalkii Rabbigu ugu dhaartay awowayaashiin ugu dheeraado sida cimriga samooyinka dhulka ka sarreeya.
22 For if you keep the commandments which I command you, and do them, to love the Lord your God, and walk in all his ways, cleaving unto him,
Maxaa yeelay, haddaad aad u xajisaan kulli amarkan aan idinku amrayo oo dhan inaad yeeshaan, kaasoo ah inaad Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah jeclaataan, oo aad jidadkiisa oo dhan ku socotaan, oo aad isaga ku hadhaan,
23 The Lord will destroy all these nations before your face, and you shall possess them, which are greater and stronger than you.
markaasuu Rabbigu hortiinna ka wada eryi doonaa quruumahaas oo dhan, oo waxaad hantiyi doontaan quruumo idinka badan oo idinka xoog weyn.
24 Every place, that your foot shall tread upon, shall be yours. From the desert, and from Libanus, from the great river Euphrates unto the western sea shall be your borders.
Oo meel kasta oo aad cagta dhigtaanba idinkaa iska yeelan doona, tan iyo cidlada iyo ilaa Lubnaan iyo ilaa webiga, kaasoo ah Webi Yufraad, iyo xataa ilaa badda galbeed.
25 None shall stand against you: the Lord your God shall lay the dread and fear of you upon all the land that you shall tread upon, as he hath spoken to you.
Oo ninnaba ma awoodi doono inuu idin hor istaago, oo Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu wuxuu dalkii aad cag marin doontaan oo dhan saari doonaa cabsidiinna iyo naxdintiinna, siduu idiin sheegay.
26 Behold I set forth in your sight this day a blessing and a curse:
Bal eega, maanta waxaan idin hor dhigayaa barako iyo habaar,
27 A blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you this day:
barakada waxaad helaysaan haddaad dhegaysataan amarrada Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah oo aan maanta idinku amrayo,
28 A curse, if you obey not the commandments of the Lord your. God, but revolt from the way which now I shew you, and walk after strange gods which you know not.
habaarkuna wuxuu idinku dhacayaa haddaydnan dhegaysan amarrada Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah, laakiin aad gees uga leexataan jidka aan maanta idinku amrayo, oo aad ilaahyo kale oo aydnan aqoon raacdaan.
29 And when the Lord thy God shall have brought thee into the land, whither thou goest to dwell, thou shalt put the blessing upon mount Garizim, the curse upon mount Hebal:
Oo markii Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu idin geeyo dalka aad ugu gudbaysaan inaad hantidaan, barakada waa inaad kaga dhawaaqdaan Buur Gerisiim, habaarkana waa inaad kaga dhawaaqdaan Buur Ceebaal.
30 Which are beyond the Jordan, behind the way that goeth to the setting of the sun, in the land of the Chanaanite who dwelleth in the plain country over against Galgala, which is near the valley that reacheth and entereth far.
War sow iyagu kama shisheeyaan Webi Urdun xagga jidka dambe oo qorrax-u-dhaca, oo ah dalka reer Kancaanka Caraabaah deggan, oo ka soo hor jeedda Gilgaal, oo ku dhinac yaal geedaha Moreh?
31 For you shall pass over the Jordan, to possess the land, which the Lord your God will give you, that you may have it and possess it.
Waayo, waxaad ka gudubtaan Webi Urdun inaad gashaan oo hantidaan dalkii Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu uu idin siinayo, waadna hantiyi doontaan oo dhex degi doontaan.
32 See therefore that you fulfill the ceremonies and judgments, which I shall set this day before you.
Oo waa inaad dhawrtaan oo wada yeeshaan qaynuunnada iyo xukummada aan maanta idin hor dhigayo oo dhan.

< Deuteronomy 11 >