< Daniel 7 >

1 In the first year of Baltasar king of Babylon, Daniel saw a dream: and the vision of his head was upon his bed: and writing the dream, he comprehended it in few words: and relating the sum of it in short, he said:
Prve godine Valtasara cara Vavilonskoga usni Danilo san i vidje utvaru glave svoje na postelji; tada napisa san i pripovjedi ukratko.
2 I saw in my vision by night, and behold the four winds of the heaven strove upon the great sea.
Danilo progovori i reèe: vidjeh u utvari svojoj noæu, a to èetiri vjetra nebeska udariše se na velikom moru.
3 And four great beasts, different one from another, came up out of the sea.
I èetiri velike zvijeri izidoše iz mora, svaka drugaèija.
4 The first was like a lioness, and had the wings of an eagle: I beheld till her wings were plucked off, and she was lifted up from the earth, and stood upon her feet as a man, and the heart of a man was given to her.
Prva bijaše kao lav, i imaše krila orlova; gledah dokle joj se krila poskuboše i podiže se sa zemlje i stade na noge kao èovjek, i srce ljudsko dade joj se.
5 And behold another beast like a bear stood up on one side: and there were three rows in the mouth thereof, and in the teeth thereof, and thus they said to it: Arise, devour much flesh.
Potom, gle, druga zvijer bijaše kao medvjed, i stade s jedne strane, i imaše tri rebra u ustima meðu zubima svojim, i govoraše joj se: ustani, jedi mnogo mesa.
6 After this I beheld, and lo, another like a leopard, and it had upon it four wings as of a fowl, and the beast had four heads, and power was given to it.
Potom vidjeh, i gle, druga, kao ris, imaše na leðima èetiri krila kao ptica, i èetiri glave imaše zvijer, i dade joj se vlast.
7 After this I beheld in the vision of the night, and lo, a fourth beast, terrible and wonderful, and exceeding strong, it had great iron teeth, eating and breaking in pieces, and treading down the rest with its feet: and it was unlike to the other beasts which I had seen before it, and had ten horns.
Potom vidjeh u utvarama noænijem, i gle, èetvrta zvijer, koje se trebaše bojati, strašna i vrlo jaka, i imaše velike zube gvozdene, jeðaše i satiraše, i gažaše nogama ostatak, i razlikovaše se od svijeh zvijeri preðašnjih, i imaše deset rogova.
8 I considered the horns, and behold another little horn sprung out of the midst of them: and three of the first horns were plucked up at the presence thereof: and behold eyes like the eyes of a man were in this horn, and a mouth speaking great things.
Gledah rogove, i gle, drugi mali rog izraste meðu onijema, i tri prva roga išèupaše se pred njim; i gle, oèi kao oèi èovjeèije bjehu na tom rogu, i usta koja govorahu velike stvari.
9 I beheld till thrones were placed, and the Ancient of days sat: his garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like clean wool: his throne like flames of fire: the wheels of it like a burning fire.
Gledah dokle se postaviše prijestoli, i starac sjede, na kom bješe odijelo bijelo kao snijeg, i kosa na glavi kao èista vuna, prijesto mu bijaše kao plamen ognjeni, toèkovi mu kao oganj razgorio.
10 A swift stream of fire issued forth from before him: thousands of thousands ministered to him, and ten thousand times a hundred thousand stood before him: the judgment sat, and the books were opened.
Rijeka ognjena izlažaše i tecijaše ispred njega, tisuæa tisuæa služaše mu, i deset tisuæa po deset tisuæa stajahu pred njim; sud sjede, i knjige se otvoriše.
11 I beheld because of the voice of the great words which that horn spoke: and I saw that the beast was slain, and the body thereof was destroyed, and given to the fire to be burnt:
Tada gledah radi glasa velikih rijeèi koje govoraše onaj rog; i gledah dokle ne bi ubijena zvijer i tijelo joj se rašèini i dade se da izgori ognjem.
12 And that the power of the other beasts was taken away: and that times of life were appointed them for a time, and time.
I ostalijem zvijerima uze se vlast, jer duljina životu bješe im odreðena do vremena i do roka.
13 I beheld therefore in the vision of the night, and lo, one like the son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and he came even to the Ancient of days: and they presented him before him.
Vidjeh u utvarama noænijem, i gle, kao sin èovjeèji iðaše s oblacima nebeskim, i doðe do starca i stade pred njim.
14 And he gave him power, and glory, and a kingdom: and all peoples, tribes and tongues shall serve him: his power is an everlasting power that shall not be taken away: and his kingdom that shall not be destroyed.
I dade mu se vlast i slava i carstvo da mu služe svi narodi i plemena i jezici; vlast je njegova vlast vjeèna, koja neæe proæi, i carstvo se njegovo neæe rasuti.
15 My spirit trembled, I Daniel was affrighted at these things, and the visions of my head troubled me.
Meni Danilu prenemože duh moj u tijelu mom, i utvare glave moje uznemiriše me.
16 I went near to one of them that stood by, and asked the truth of him concerning all these things, and he told me the interpretation of the words, and instructed me:
Pristupih k jednome od onijeh koji stajahu ondje, i zamolih ga za istinu od svega toga. I progovori mi i kaza mi šta to znaèi:
17 These four great beasts are four kingdoms, which shall arise out of the earth.
Ove èetiri velike zvijeri jesu èetiri cara, koji æe nastati na zemlji.
18 But the saints of the most high God shall take the kingdom: and they shall possess the kingdom for ever and ever.
Ali æe sveci višnjega preuzeti carstvo, i držaæe carstvo navijek i dovijeka.
19 After this I would diligently learn concerning the fourth beast. which was very different from all, and exceeding terrible: his teeth and claws were of iron: he devoured and broke in pieces, and the rest he stamped upon with his feet:
Tada zaželjeh znati istinu o èetvrtoj zvijeri, koja se razlikovaše od svijeh i bijaše vrlo strašna, i imaše zube gvozdene i nokte mjedene, i jeðaše i satiraše, a ostatak nogama gažaše,
20 And concerning the ten horns that he had on his head: and concerning the other that came up, before which three horns fell: and of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth speaking great things, and was greater than the rest.
I o deset rogova što joj bjehu na glavi, i o drugom koji izraste i tri otpadoše pred njim, o rogu koji imaše oèi i usta koja govorahu velike stvari i bijaše po viðenju veæi od drugih.
21 I beheld, and lo, that horn made war against the saints, and prevailed over them,
Gledah, i taj rog vojevaše sa svecima i nadvlaðivaše ih,
22 Till the Ancient of days came and gave judgment to the saints of the most High, and the time came, and the saints obtained the kingdom.
Dokle doðe starac, i dade se sud svecima višnjega, i prispje vrijeme da sveci preuzmu carstvo.
23 And thus he said: The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be greater than all the kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
Ovako reèe: èetvrta zvijer biæe èetvrto carstvo na zemlji, koje æe se razlikovati od svijeh carstava, i izješæe svu zemlju i pogaziti i satrti.
24 And the ten horns of the same kingdom, shall be ten kings: and another shall rise up after them, and he shall be mightier than the former, and he shall bring down three kings.
I deset rogova jesu deset careva, koji æe nastati iz toga carstva, a poslije njih nastaæe drugi, i on æe se razlikovati od preðašnjih, i pokoriæe tri cara.
25 And he shall speak words against the High One, and shall crush the saints of the most High: and he shall think himself able to change times and laws, and they shall be delivered into his hand until a time, and times, and half a time.
I govoriæe rijeèi na višnjega, i potiraæe svece višnjega, i pomišljaæe da promijeni vremena i zakone; i daæe mu se u ruke za vrijeme i za vremena i za po vremena.
26 And judgment shall sit, that his power may be taken away, and be broken in pieces, and perish even to the end.
Potom æe sjesti sud, i uzeæe mu se vlast, te æe se istrijebiti i zatrti sasvijem.
27 And that the kingdom, and power, and the greatness of the kingdom, under the whole heaven, may be given to the people of the saints of the most High: whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all kings shall serve him, and shall obey him.
A carstvo i vlast i velièanstvo carsko pod svijem nebom daæe se narodu svetaca višnjega; njegovo æe carstvo biti vjeèno carstvo, i sve æe vlasti njemu služiti i slušati ga.
28 Hitherto is the end of the word. I Daniel was much troubled with my thoughts, and my countenance was changed in me: but I kept the word in my heart.
Ovdje je kraj ovoj rijeèi. A mene Danila vrlo uznemiriše misli moje, i lice mi se sve promijeni; ali rijeè saèuvah u srcu svom.

< Daniel 7 >