< Acts 24 >

1 And after five days the high priest Ananias came down, with some of the ancients, and one Tertullus an orator, who went to the governor against Paul.
Sima na mikolo mitano, Ananiasi, mokonzi ya Banganga-Nzambe, ayaki na Sezarea, elongo na ndambo ya bakambi mpe molobeli Tertile, mpo na kofunda Polo epai ya moyangeli.
2 And Paul being called for, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying: Whereas through thee we live in much peace, and many things are rectified by thy providence,
Tango babengisaki Polo, Tertile akomaki kofunda ye liboso ya Felikisi na maloba oyo: — Tata moyangeli Felikisi, ezali mpo na yo nde tozali na kimia ya solo, mpe mpo na bwanya na yo nde mbongwana ya solo ekota kati na ekolo oyo.
3 We accept it always and in all places, most excellent Felix, with all thanksgiving.
Tata moyangeli Felikisi, na bisika nyonso mpe na tango nyonso, tondimaka yango mpe totondaka yo mingi penza.
4 But that I be no further tedious to thee, I desire thee of thy clemency to hear us in few words.
Kasi, tolingi te kozwa yo tango molayi. Nabondeli yo: salela biso ngolu ya koyoka biso na mwa tango moke.
5 We have found this to be a pestilent man, and raising seditions among all the Jews throughout the world, and author of the sedition of the sect of the Nazarenes.
Biso, tomoni ete mosala ya moto oyo ezali: kotia mobulu; azali kobimisa mobulu kati na Bayuda nyonso ya mokili mobimba. Azali mokambi ya lingomba moko ya bato ya Nazareti,
6 Who also hath gone about to profane the temple: whom, we having apprehended, would also have judged according to our law.
mpe amekaki kutu kobebisa bosantu ya Tempelo, yango wana tokangaki ye. [Tozalaki na posa ya kosambisa ye kolanda Mobeko na biso,
7 But Lysias the tribune coming upon us, with great violence took him away out of our hands;
kasi Lisiasi, mokonzi ya basoda, ayaki mpe abotolaki ye na maboko na biso na makasi.
8 Commanding his accusers to come to thee: of whom thou mayest thyself, by examination, have knowledge of all these things, whereof we accuse him.
Apesaki bato oyo bafundaki ye mitindo ete baya epai na yo.] Soki yo moko otuni ye mituna, okososola ete makambo oyo tofundeli ye ezali ya solo.
9 And the Jews also added, and said that these things were so.
Bayuda babetaki sete na makambo oyo bafundelaki ye.
10 Then Paul answered, (the governor making a sign to him to speak: ) Knowing that for many years thou hast been judge over this nation, I will with good courage answer for myself.
Tango moyangeli apesaki Polo nzela ya koloba, Polo azongisaki: — Nayebi solo ete ozali mosambisi ya ekolo oyo wuta mibu ebele. Boye, nazali na esengo ya kosamba liboso na yo.
11 For thou mayest understand, that there are yet but twelve days, since I went up to adore in Jerusalem:
Yo moko okoki koluka koyeba malamu ete eleki nanu mikolo zomi na mibale te wuta nakendeki na Yelusalemi mpo na kosambela Nzambe.
12 And neither in the temple did they find me disputing with any man, or causing any concourse of the people, neither in the synagogues, nor in the city:
Mpe bato oyo bafundi ngai batikala nanu kokuta ngai te nazali kotia tembe na moto to nazali kotindika bato ete batomboka, ezala kati na Tempelo to kati na bandako ya mayangani to mpe kati na engumba.
13 Neither can they prove unto thee the things whereof they now accuse me.
Bakolonga mpe te kotalisa bosolo ya makambo oyo bafundeli ngai sik’oyo.
14 But this I confess to thee, that according to the way, which they call a heresy, so do I serve the Father and my God, believing all things which are written in the law and the prophets:
Nzokande, nandimi ete nasalelaka Nzambe ya bakoko na biso, wana nazali kolanda Nzela oyo bango bazali kobenga « binzambe-nzambe. » Nandimaka nyonso oyo ekomama kati na Mobeko mpe kati na mikanda ya basakoli.
15 Having hope in God, which these also themselves look for, that there shall be a resurrection of the just and unjust.
Boye ngai, ndenge moko na bango, nazalaka na elikya na Nzambe ete bato nyonso bakosekwa, ezala bato ya sembo to bato mabe.
16 And herein do I endeavour to have always a conscience without offence toward God, and towards men.
Yango wana, ngai mpe nasalaka tango nyonso makasi mpo na kobatela motema na ngai peto, liboso ya Nzambe mpe liboso ya bato.
17 Now after many years, I came to bring alms to my nation, and offerings, and vows.
Sima na ngai kosala mibu ebele na libanda ya Yelusalemi, nazongaki na mboka na ngai mpo na komemela bato bakelela ya ekolo na ngai lisungi, mpe mpo na kobonzela Nzambe makabo.
18 In which I was found purified in the temple: neither with multitude, nor with tumult.
Bakutaki ngai nasilisi komipetola kati na Tempelo; ezalaki na ebele ya bato te elongo na ngai, mobulu mpe te.
19 But certain Jews of Asia, who ought to be present before thee, and to accuse, if they had any thing against me:
Kasi ezali ndambo ya Bayuda ya Azia, oyo bazalaki wana, nde basengelaki kotelema liboso na yo mpo na kofunda ngai, soki solo bazwaki ngai na likambo.
20 Or let these men themselves say, if they found in me any iniquity, when standing before the council,
To mpe lisusu, tika ete bato oyo bazali awa baloba bango moko mabe oyo bazwaki ngai tango nasambaki liboso ya Likita-Monene,
21 Except it be for this one voice only that I cried, standing among them, Concerning the resurrection of the dead am I judged this day by you.
longola kaka liloba oyo nabimisaki, wana natelemaki liboso na bango: « Bozali kosambisa ngai lelo mpo ete nandimaka ete bakufi bakosekwa! »
22 And Felix put them off, having most certain knowledge of this way, saying: When Lysias the tribune shall come down, I will hear you.
Felikisi, oyo ayebaki malamu makambo oyo etali Nzela, azongisaki bango mpe alobaki: — Nakoyekola malamu likambo na bino tango mokonzi ya basoda, Lisiasi, akoya.
23 And he commanded a centurion to keep him, and that he should be easy, and that he should not prohibit any of his friends to minister unto him.
Boye, apesaki mitindo epai ya mokonzi ya basoda nkama moko ete abatela Polo lokola mokangami kati na boloko, kasi atikela ye mwa bonsomi mpe apesa bandeko na ye nzela mpo ete basunga ye.
24 And after some days, Felix, coming with Drusilla his wife, who was a Jew, sent for Paul, and heard of him the faith, that is in Christ Jesus.
Sima na mwa mikolo, Felikisi ayaki elongo na mwasi na ye, Drusiye, oyo azalaki Moyuda; abengisaki Polo mpe akomaki koyoka ye na tina na makambo oyo etali kondima kati na Yesu-Klisto.
25 And as he treated of justice, and chastity, and of the judgment to come, Felix being terrified, answered: For this time, go thy way: but when I have a convenient time, I will send for thee.
Kasi, wana Polo akomaki koloba na tina na bosembo, komikanga mpe kosambisama oyo ezali koya, Felikisi ayokaki somo mpe alobaki na ye: — Ekoki mpo na sik’oyo! Okoki kolongwa. Soki nazwi lisusu tango, nakobengisa yo.
26 Hoping also withal, that money should be given him by Paul; for which cause also oftentimes sending for him, he spoke with him.
Felikisi azalaki kobengisa ye mbala na mbala mpo na kosolola na ye, na elikya ete Polo akopesa ye kanyaka.
27 But when two years were ended, Felix had for successor Portius Festus. And Felix being willing to shew the Jews a pleasure, left Paul bound.
Sima na mibu mibale, Porsiusi Festisi akomaki moyangeli na esika ya Felikisi oyo, mpo na kosepelisa Bayuda, atikaki Polo kati na boloko.

< Acts 24 >