< Acts 19 >

1 And it came to pass, while Apollo was at Corinth, that Paul having passed through the upper coasts, came to Ephesus, and found certain disciples.
Nibha ati Apollo aliga Ali Korinto, Paulo nalbha ingulu no kukinga mumusi gwa Efeso, nasanga abeigisibwa bhafuo eyo.
2 And he said to them: Have you received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? But they said to him: We have not so much as heard whether there be a Holy Ghost.
Paulo nabhabwila “Angu, mwamulamie Mwoyo Mwelu mwejile mukekilisha?” Mbhamubwila, uli”. Chitatulile kumungwa ati alio Mwoyo mwelu.”
3 And he said: In what then were you baptized? Who said: In John’s baptism.
Paulo aikile,” oli emwe mwabhatijibhe kutiki?” Mbhaika, “mubhubhatijo obhwa Yohana
4 Then Paul said: John baptized the people with the baptism of penance, saying: That they should believe in him who was to come after him, that is to say, in Jesus.
Mbe Paulo nasubhya,”Yohana abatijishe kwo obhubhatijo bho kuta. Nabhabhwila abhanu bhalya ati kubheile okumwikilisha uliya unu endaga okuja inyuma yae, unu Ali Yesu.”
5 Having heard these things, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Abhanu Bhejile bhwongwa emisango jinu, nibhabhatijibhwa mwisina lya Latabugenyi Yesu.
6 And when Paul had imposed his hands on them, the Holy Ghost came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied.
Anu paulo ejile abhatelako amabhoko gae, Mwoyo Mwelu nabhwejila igulu yebhwe no kwambha okwaika kwa jindimi no kubhalikisha.
7 And all the men were about twelve.
Obhujumula bhwebhwe bhaliga bhalume bheile ekumi na bhabhili.
8 And entering into the synagogue, he spoke boldly for the space of three months, disputing and exhorting concerning the kingdom of God.
Paulo agendele mulikofyanyisho naika kwo bhubhasi kwo mwanya gwa mesi gasatu. Aliga nabhushanya nabho no kubhamenyesha emisango jinu jilengelee obhukama bha Nyamuanga.
9 But when some were hardened, and believed not, speaking evil of the way of the Lord, before the multitude, departing from them, he separated the disciples, disputing daily in the school of one Tyrannus.
Mbe nawe Abhayaudi abhandi bhaliga bhanyantongwa, bhabha okwaika amabhibhi ago kulubhana na injila ya Kristo imbhele ya liijo. Mbe Paulo asigene nabho no kwaukana nabhekilisha kula nabho. Mwenene nambha okwaika bhuli lunaku mu mwigalagalilo elya Tirano.
10 And this continued for the space of two years, so that all they who dwelt in Asia, heard the word of the Lord, both Jews and Gentiles.
Linu lyagendelee kwa miaka ebhili, kulwejo bhona bhaliga bhekae mu Asia bhonguywe omusango gwa Latabugenyi, bhona abhayaudi na bhayunani.
11 And God wrought by the hand of Paul more than common miracles.
Nyamuanga aliga nakola bhikolwa bhikulu mu mabhoko ga Paulo,
12 So that even there were brought from his body to the sick, handkerchiefs and aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the wicked spirits went out of them.
nolwo abhalwae, beulisibhe na bhemiyaga mibhibhi (amasambwa) nigasosibhwako, omwanya gunu bhagegele ebhitambhala ne myenda jinu jaliga jisokole ku mubhili gwa Paulo.
13 Now some also of the Jewish exorcists who went about, attempted to invoke over them that had evil spirits, the name of the Lord Jesus, saying: I conjure you by Jesus, whom Paul preacheth.
Mbe nawe bhaliga bhalio abhayaudi bhanu bhenamyaga amasabhwa. bhagendele okulabha olubhala olwo, bhaika lisina lya Yesu kulwa ingulu ye milimu jebhe abhene. Mbhabhabhwila bhanu bhaliga bhana amasabhwa mabhibhi; Mbhaika,” Enibhabhwila musokeko kwa lisina lya Yesu unu Paulo kamulasha.”
14 And there were certain men, seven sons of Sceva, a Jew, a chief priest, that did this.
Bhanu bhakolele ganu bhaliga bhalio bhana musanju bho mugabhisi mukulu we chiyaudi, Skewa.
15 But the wicked spirit, answering, said to them: Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?
Amasambhwa amabhibhi, Ngabhasubhya, “Yesu enimumenya, na Paulo enimumenya; Nawe emwe mulibhaga?”
16 And the man in whom the wicked spirit was, leaping upon them, and mastering them both, prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.
Lisabhwa libhibhi lilya linu lyaliga lili munda yo munu nilibhachumila abhenamya bhalya nilibhaiga kwa mananga no kubhabhuma. Niwo nibhabhilima okusoka mu nyumbha ilya bhali tuyu no kuutasibhwa.
17 And this became known to all the Jews and the Gentiles that dwelt at Ephesus; and fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.
Omusango gunu ngumenyekana ku bhona, ku bhayaudi na abhayunani, bhanu bhaliga bhekae eyo Efeso. Mbhabha no bhubha bhafu, na lisina lya Latabugenyi niliyongesha echibhalo.
18 And many of them that believed, came confessing and declaring their deeds.
Nawe abhafu bha bekilisha Bhejile nibhegambha no kwielesha ebhikolwa ebhibhibhi bhinu bhakolele.
19 And many of them who had followed curious arts, brought together their books, and burnt them before all; and counting the price of them, they found the money to be fifty thousand pieces of silver.
Abhafu bhanu bhaliga nibhakola obhufumu bhakumanya ebhitabho bhyebhwe, mbhabhyocha imbele ya bhuli munu. Omwanya gunu bhabhalile ku bhinu ebhyo, nibhikiga bhiumbi makumi gatanu ga jimpirya.
20 So mightily grew the word of God, and was confirmed.
Kulwejo omusango gwa Latabugenyi niguswila kwo bhafu na managa.
21 And when these things were ended, Paul purposed in the spirit, when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem, saying: After I have been there, I must see Rome also.
Paulo nakumisha obhusakisi bhae eyo Efeso, Mwoyo namutangasha okuja Yerusalemu okulabha Makedonia na Akaya; naika, “Ejile akabhayo eyo kunyiileno okuilola Rumi ona.”
22 And sending into Macedonia two of them that ministered to him, Timothy and Erastus, he himself remained for a time in Asia.
Paulo nabhatuma Makedonia abheigisibhwa bhae bhabhili, Timotheo na Erasto, abho bhaliga nibhamusakila. Nawe omwene enyele nasigala Asia kwo mwanya.
23 Now at that time there arose no small disturbance about the way of the Lord.
Omwanya ogwo nibhonekana ijogele Nene eyo Efeso okulubhana na abha injila ilya.
24 For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver temples for Diana, brought no small gain to the craftsmen;
Masika umwi lisina lyae Demetrio, unu akonjele ebhisusano bhya jimpirya bya Diana mungu, aletele ebhona enene kubhabhuya.
25 Whom he calling together, with the workmen of like occupation, said: Sirs, you know that our gain is by this trade;
Kwibhyo nabhakumanya abhabhuya bhwe milimu ejo no kwaika, “Bhakulu, mumenyele ati mu mabhona ganu eswe echingisha mpilya nyafu.
26 And you see and hear, that this Paul by persuasion hath drawn away a great multitude, not only of Ephesus, but almost of all Asia, saying: They are not gods which are made by hands.
Omulola no kungwa ati atalyanwila Efeso, jiswilile Asia yona, Paulo unu kabhakogya no kubhaindula bhanu bhafu. kaikati bhitaliyo bhimungu bhinu ebhikolwa na mabhoko.
27 So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought, but also the temple of great Diana shall be reputed for nothing; yea, and her majesty shall begin to be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth.
Atali ati ilio itambala amabhona geswe gatakuja kwendibhwa lindi. Nawe ona mu yekalu ya mungu mugasi unu Ali mkulu Diana unu katula okugegwa atali na nsonga. Akatulile nolwo okubhusha obhukulu bhae, omwene oyo Asia ne Chalo echimlamya.”
28 Having heard these things, they were full of anger, and cried out, saying: Great is Diana of the Ephesians.
bhejile bongwa ganu mbejusibhwa ne bhinyiga bhabhuma injogele, mbhaika, “Diana wa Bhaefeso Ni mkulu.”
29 And the whole city was filled with confusion; and having caught Gaius and Aristarchus, men of Macedonia, Paul’s companions, they rushed with one accord into the theatre.
Omusi gwona nguyobhegana, abhanu bhabhilima amwi mwigalagalilo lyo bwenywa. Mbhabhagwata abhalibhasi bhejabho na Paulo, Gayo na Aristariko, bhanu bhasokele Makedonia.
30 And when Paul would have entered in unto the people, the disciples suffered him not.
Paulo aliga nenda okwingila mwiijo lya bhanu, nawe abheigisibhwa bhamuganyishe.
31 And some also of the rulers of Asia, who were his friends, sent unto him, desiring that he would not venture himself into the theatre.
Abhakulu abhandi one abha limimbho lya Asia bhanu bhaliga bhali bhasani bhae mbhamusilila emisango ja managa ago kumusabhwa ataja kwingila mwigalagalilo lyo obhwenywa.
32 Now some cried one thing, some another. For the assembly was confused, and the greater part knew not for what cause they were come together.
Abhanu abhandi bhaliga nibhaika echinu chinu na abhandi omusango gulya, kunsonga liijo lya bhanu lyaliga lyasalile. KU bhafu bhwebhwe bhatatulile kumenya kulwaki bhejie amwi.
33 And they drew forth Alexander out of the multitude, the Jews thrusting him forward. And Alexander beckoning with his hand for silence, would have given the people satisfaction.
Abhayaudi nibhamuleta Iskanda anja ya liijo lyabhanu no kumuta imbhele ya bhanu. Iskanda nasosha echibhalikisho kwo kubhoko kwo kusosha amelesho ku bhanu.
34 But as soon as they perceived him to be a Jew, all with one voice, for the space of about two hours, cried out: Great is Diana of the Ephesians.
Mbe nawe bhejile bhamenya ati mwenene Ni Muyaudi, bhona nibhayogana kwo bhulaka bhumwi kuti mwanya gwa saa ebhili, Diana Ni mukulu wa Bhaefeso.”
35 And when the town clerk had appeased the multitudes, he said: Ye men of Ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great Diana, and of Jupiter’s offspring.
Omwandiki wo musi ejile alijibhisha liijo, naika, “Emwe abhalume abha Efeso, niga unu atakumenya ati Omusi gunu ogwa Efeso gubhikile liyekalu elya Diana mukulu ne chisusano chinu chaguye okusoka mu lwile?
36 For as much therefore as these things cannot be contradicted, you ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rashly.
Okulola ati emisango jinu jitakutulikana, kuchiile okucholela mtaja kukola Chona chona kwo bhwangu.
37 For you have brought hither these men, who are neither guilty of sacrilege, nor of blasphemy against your goddess.
Kulwo kubha mubhabhilikie abhanu bhanu Anu mwilamulilo kenu bhatali bhefi bha iyekalu nolwo bhatali bho kumufuma mungu weswe omgasi.
38 But if Demetrius and the craftsmen that are with him, have a matter against any man, the courts of justice are open, and there are proconsuls: let them accuse one another.
Kulwejo, Alabha Demetrio na bhabhuya bhanu bhali amwi nage bhano musango gunu gutasikene na munu wona wona, lilamulilo lili abhwelu na abhatwale bhalio. Mbe mbhasilwe imbhele bhajo temelwa echina.
39 And if you inquire after any other matter, it may be decided in a lawful assembly.
Mbe nawe Alabha awe ouiga Chona chona okulubhana ne misngo jindi ejija okufulubhendelwa ne chinyanjo che chimali.
40 For we are even in danger to be called in question for this day’s uproar, there being no man guilty (of whom we may give account) of this concourse.
Nchimali chili mu ntambhala yo kwinganilisibhwa kubhibhi okulubhana na injogele yo lunaku lunu. Italio nsonga yona yona yo bhunyamusi bhunu, na chitakutula kubha no bhutulo bho kugelesha. 41
41 And when he had said these things, he dismissed the assembly.
Ejile amala okwaika ganu, nanyalambhula elikofyanya.

< Acts 19 >