< Acts 10 >

1 And there was a certain man in Caesarea, named Cornelius, a centurion of that which is called the Italian band;
Aliga alio munu mulebhe mu musi gwa kaisaria, lisina lyae atogwaga Kornelio, aliga ali munu mukulu owe chise cha abhaitalia.
2 A religious man, and fearing God with all his house, giving much alms to the people, and always praying to God.
Aliga Ali munu mulengelesi no kumlamya Nyamuanga na inyumba yae yona; Aliga nasosha jimpilya nyafu ku bhayaudi no kusabhwa ku Nyamuanga nsiku jona.
3 This man saw in a vision manifestly, about the ninth hour of the day, an angel of God coming in unto him, and saying to him: Cornelius.
Mu mwanya gwa saa mwenda ja mumwisi, nalola ebhilolo malaika wa Nyamuanga namujako. Malaika namubhwila, “Kornelio!
4 And he, beholding him, being seized with fear, said: What is it, Lord? And he said to him: Thy prayers and thy alms are ascended for a memorial in the sight of God.
Kornelio namulolela malaika na aliga no bhubha bhwafu mno naika ati,”chinu ni chinuki mukulu”? Malaika namubhwila “Okusabhwa kwao ne bhiyanwa bhyao bhinu ouyanaga abhataka bhyalinyile ingulu kuti bhwichukisho bhwo kubhao kwa Nyamuanga.”
5 And now send men to Joppe, and call hither one Simon, who is surnamed Peter:
Mbe woli sila abhanu bhagende ku musi gwa Yafa no kumleta omunu umwi unu katogwa Simoni ne lindi kabhilikilwa Petro.
6 He lodgeth with one Simon a tanner, whose house is by the sea side. He will tell thee what thou must do.
Ekae na unu kayasha jinjai katogwa Simoni unu inyumba yae ili kunjejekela ya inyanja.”
7 And when the angel who spoke to him was departed, he called two of his household servants, and a soldier who feared the Lord, of them that were under him.
Malaika unu aliga naika nage ejile asokao, Kornelio nabhabhilikila abhakosi bha mu nyumba yae bhabhili, no musilikale unu aliga namulyamya Nyamuanga mu bhasilikale bhanu bhaliga nibhamukolela.
8 To whom when he had related all, he sent them to Joppe.
Mbe Kornelio abhabhwilie gona ganu gabhonekene no kubhasila Yafa.
9 And on the next day, whilst they were going on their journey, and drawing nigh to the city, Peter went up to the higher parts of the house to pray, about the sixth hour.
olusiku lunu lwalubhie kuti mwanya gwa saa mukaga bhali mulugendo Mbe nibhalebhelela mu musi, Mbe Petro nalinya ingulu mulusala najo okusabhwa.
10 And being hungry, he was desirous to taste somewhat. And as they were preparing, there came upon him an ecstasy of mind.
Mbe nabha no omweko nakena echinu cho kulya, nawe mu mwanya ogwo abhanu bhaliga nibhateka ebilyo nelesibwa ebhilolo,
11 And he saw the heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending, as it were a great linen sheet let down by the four corners from heaven to the earth:
Nalola olwile nilwiguka nechinu chilebhe kuti ngubho nene ni ika emwalo ansi ku nsonde jayo jona enna.
12 Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts, and creeping things of the earth, and fowls of the air.
Mbe munda yacho bhyaliga bhilimo bhinu bhyafu bhya bhuli nyami jilimo jityanyi ja magulu gana na bhinu ebhikwesa ansi, na jinyonyi ja mulutumbha.
13 And there came a voice to him: Arise, Peter; kill and eat.
Obhulaka nibhwaika lindi ku mwene “imuka, Petro ubhage na ulye.”
14 But Peter said: Far be it from me; for I never did eat any thing that is common and unclean.
Mbe nawe Petro naika,” atalikutyo Latabugenyi kulwo kubha nichaliga kulya chinu chona chona chinu chili chibhibhi na chijabhi.”
15 And the voice spoke to him again the second time: That which God hath cleansed, do not thou call common.
Mbe nawe Obhulaka nibhuja ku mwene lindi lwa kabhili ati, “chinu osishe Nyamuanga wasinga chitoga chibhibhi amwi chijabhi.”
16 And this was done thrice; and presently the vessel was taken up into heaven.
Gunu gwabhonekene kwiya ngendo esatu, ne chinu echo nichigegwa lindi mulutumbha.
17 Now, whilst Peter was doubting within himself, what the vision that he had seen should mean, behold the men who were sent from Cornelius, inquiring for Simon’s house, stood at the gate.
No mwanya ogwo Petro nasusana no musasi ingulu ye bhilolo ebhyo bhili na bhugajulo -ki, nalola, abhanu bhanu bhaliga bhatumilwe na Kornelio nibhemelegulu imbhele ya lilango, nibhabhusha injila yo kuja mu nyumba.
18 And when they had called, they asked, if Simon, who is surnamed Peter, were lodged there.
Mbe nibhabhilikila no kubhusha alabha Simoni unu abhilikiywe Petro labha aliga ekae alia.
19 And as Peter was thinking of the vision, the Spirit said to him: Behold three men seek thee.
Mu mwanya ogwo Petro anu aliga neganilisha ingulu ye bhilolo, Mwoyo naika nage,”Lola abhanu bhasatu abhakuyenja.
20 Arise, therefore, get thee down and go with them, doubting nothing: for I have sent them.
Imuka wike emwalo na ugende nabho. Wasiga kubaya ugende nabho, kulwo kubha nibhatumile.”
21 Then Peter, going down to the men, said: Behold, I am he whom you seek; what is the cause for which you are come?
Petro neka emwalo ku bhene no kwaika “Anye nanye uliya unu omuyenja. Kubhaki mwaja?”
22 Who said: Cornelius, a centurion, a just man, and one that feareth God, and having good testimony from all the nation of the Jews, received an answer of an holy angel, to send for thee into his house, and to hear words of thee.
Nibhaika, “mukulu umwi wa bhasilikale lisina lyae Kornelio, ni munu we chimali na endele muno okumulamya Nyamuanga, na abhanu abhamwaika kisi mwiyanga lyona elya bhayaudi, nabhwilwa na malaika wa Nyamuanga okukutuma koleleki ugende ku nyumba yae, koleleki ugwe emisango okusoka kwawe”.
23 Then bringing them in, he lodged them. And the day following he arose, and went with them: and some of the brethren from Joppe accompanied him.
Petro nabhafogesha okwingila munju no kwinyanja amwi nage. Katondo inu yalubhiye nemuka nagenda amwi nage, na bhaili batoto kusoka Yafa nibhabha amwi nage.
24 And the morrow after, he entered into Caesarea. And Cornelius waited for them, having called together his kinsmen and special friends.
olunaku lunu lwalubhie bhejile Kaisaria. Mbe Kornelio aliga abhategelee; na aliga abhabhilikie amwi na bhaili bhae na bhasani bhae abhayei.
25 And it came to pass, that when Peter was come in, Cornelius came to meet him, Cornelius came to meet him, and falling at his feet adored.
mu mwanya ogwo Petro engie munda, Kornelio namulamila no kumfukamila kukinga ansi ku magulu gae kwe chibhalo.
26 But Peter lifted him up, saying: Arise, I myself also am a man.
. Mbe nawe Petro namwinamusha no kwaika “imelegulu; anye omwene nili mwana munu.”
27 And talking with him, he went in, and found many that were come together.
Mu mwanya ogwo Petro naika nage, engie munda nasanga abhanu bhekofyanyishe amwi.
28 And he said to them: You know how abominable it is for a man that is a Jew, to keep company or to come unto one of another nation: but God hath shewed to me, to call no man common or unclean.
Nabhabhwila, “emwe abhene mu menyele ati chitali chilagilo cha bhayaudi ati bhabhe bhumwi no kulibhatilwa no munu unu atali we Yanga linu. Nawe Nyamuanga amalile okunyelesha anye ati kutanyi ile okumubhilikila omunu wona wona ati ni mubhibhi amwi mujabi.
29 For which cause, making no doubt, I came when I was sent for. I ask, therefore, for what cause you have sent for me?
Niyo insonga nijile kubhambala uli, natumilwe kulwa injuno eyo. kulwejo nibhabhushe kulwaki mwatumilwe kulwa injuno yani.”
30 And Cornelius said: Four days ago, unto this hour, I was praying in my house, at the ninth hour, and behold a man stood before me in white apparel, and said:
Kornelio naika,”naku enna jinu jatulileo, mu mwanya kuti gunu naliga ninsabhwa mu mwanya gwa saa mwenda mu mwisi nili mu nyumba yani; nindola imbele yani omunu emeleguyu ali nebhifwalo bhyelu,
31 Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and thy alms are had in remembrance in the sight of God.
Nambhwila, Kornelio lisabhwa lyao lyonguywe na Nyamuanga, ne migemu jao ku bhataka one bhwabhee bhwichukisho imbhele ya Nyamuanga.
32 Send therefore to Joppe, and call hither Simon, who is surnamed Peter: he lodgeth in the house of Simon a tanner, by the sea side.
Kulwejo nutume omunu aje Yafa ajo omubhilikila munu umwi unu kabhilikilwa Simoni aje kwawe, ne lindi katogwa Petro. Unu ekae ku munu unu kayasha Jinjai unu katogwa Simoni unu inyumba yae ili kumbali ya Inyanja.
33 Immediately therefore I sent to thee: and thou hast done well in coming. Now therefore all we are present in thy sight, to hear all things whatsoever are commanded thee by the Lord.
komelesha: olugobho lunu,”mwenene akaja kaika nemwe”, lutalimo mu maandiko ga kala.
34 And Peter opening his mouth, said: In very deed I perceive, that God is not a respecter of persons.
Mbe Petro natanya omunwa gwae no kwaika,” Nchimali nekilisha ati Nyamuanga atakutula kubha na solole.
35 But in every nation, he that feareth him, and worketh justice, is acceptable to him.
Kwibhyo ejibhonekana ati, bhuli Eyanga munu wona wona unu kamulamya no kukola ebhikolwa bhye kisi kekilisibhwa kumwene.
36 God sent the word to the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all.)
Umenyele emisango jinu asosishe ku bhanu bha Israel, aliga nalasha emisango jo bhwana ejo mulembe gunu ogulabha ku Yesu Masiya unu ali Latabugenyi wa bona.
37 You know the word which hath been published through all Judea: for it began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached,
Emwe abhene-la mumenyele, linu lyabhonekene mu Yudea yona na lyambhie Galilaya, bhejile bhamala obhubhatijo bhunu Yohana alasishe.
38 Jesus of Nazareth: how God anointed him with the Holy Ghost, and with power, who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him.
okulubhana ne misango ja Masiya Yesu lwa kutyo Nyamuanga amuteleyeko mafuta ga Mwoyo Mwelu kwa managa. Agendele nakola ebhye kisi no kwiulisha bhona bhanu bhaga nibhanyasibwa na shetani, kulwo kubha Nyamuanga aliga ali amwi nage.
39 And we are witnesses of all things that he did in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem, whom they killed, hanging him upon a tree.
Eswe chili bhabhambhasi bha ganu gone ago akolele mu muchalo cha bhuyaudi na mu Yerusalemu - ati unu niwe Yesu unu bhetile no kumusunga kwiti.
40 Him God raised up the third day, and gave him to be made manifest,
Omunu unu Nyamuanga amusuluye ku lusiku lwa kasatu no kumuyana okumenyekana,
41 Not to all the people, but to witnesses preordained by God, even to us, who did eat and drink with him after he arose again from the dead;
Atali ku bhanu bhona, nawe ni kubhabhambhasi bhanu bhasolelwe ku bhwambhilo na Nyamuanga - Eswe bhona, bhanu chalie nage no kunywa nage anu aliga achali kusuka okusoka mu bhafuye.
42 And he commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is he who was appointed by God, to be judge of the living and of the dead.
Achilagilie okusimulila abhanu no kubhabhambalila ati unu niwe unu Nyamuanga amusolele kubha mulamusi wa bhaanga na bhafue.
43 To him all the prophets give testimony, that by his name all receive remission of sins, who believe in him.
mu mwene abhalagi bhona bhamubhambhalie, ati koleleki buli unu kekilisha mu mwene kabhona okwiswalililwa ebhibhibhi kwo kulabha mwisina lyae.”
44 While Peter was yet speaking these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them that heard the word.
Mu mwanya ogwo Petro nagendelela okwaika ganu, Mwoyo Mwelu nabhejusha bhona bhanu bhaliga nibhategelesha emisango jae.
45 And the faithful of the circumcision, who came with Peter, were astonished, for that the grace of the Holy Ghost was poured out upon the Gentiles also.
Okulubhana no bhwafu bhwa bhanu bhalya abhekilisha bhanu bhasalilwe- bhona bhanu bhejile na Petro -nibhatang'anga'la kulwa insonga ye chiyanwa cha Mwoyo mwelu chinu chetiliywe ku bhanu bha Maanga.
46 For they heard them speaking with tongues, and magnifying God.
Kwo kubha bhonguywe abha Maanga nibhaika mu ndimi jindi no kumulamya Nyamuanga. Petro nasubhya,
47 Then Peter answered: Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, who have received the Holy Ghost, as well as we?
“Alio omunu wona wona unu katula okuganya amanji koleleki abhanu bhasige kubhatibhwa, abhanu bhanu bhamulamiye Mwoyo Mwelu lweswe?”
48 And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Then they desired him to tarry with them some days.
Mbe niwo nabhalagilila bhabhatijibhwe Mwisina lya Yesu masiya. Okumala nibhamusabhwa enyanje nabho nsiku nyafuo.

< Acts 10 >