< 2 Samuel 8 >

1 And it came to pass after this that David defeated the Philistines, and brought them down, and David took the bridle of tribute out of the hand of the Philistines.
Stalo se potom, že porazil David Filistinské, a zemdlil je; i vzal David Meteg Amma z ruky Filistinských.
2 And he defeated Moab, and measured them with a line, casting them down to the earth: and he measured with two lines, one to put to death, and one to save alive: and Moab was made to serve David under tribute.
Porazil také Moábské a změřil je provazcem, na zemi je rozprostíraje; a odměřil jich dva provazce k zbití a celý provazec k živení. I učiněni jsou Moábští Davidovi služebníci, a dávali jemu plat.
3 David defeated also Adarezer the son of Rohob king of Soba, when he went to extend his dominion over the river Euphrates.
Porazil též David Hadadezera syna Rohobova, krále Soba, když byl vytáhl, aby rozšířil končiny své až k řece Eufraten.
4 And David took from him a thousand and seven hundred horsemen, and twenty thousand footmen, and houghed all the chariot horses: and only reserved of them for one hundred chariots.
A pobral mu David tisíc vozů a sedm set jezdců, a dvadceti tisíc mužů pěších, a zpodřezoval David žily všechněm koňům vozníkům; toliko zanechal z nich ke stu vozům.
5 And the Syrians of Damascus came to succour Adarezer the king of Soba: and David slew of the Syrians two and twenty thousand men.
Přitáhli pak byli Syrští od Damašku na pomoc Hadadezerovi králi Soba, ale David porazil z Syrských dvamecítma tisíc mužů.
6 And David put garrisons in Syria of Damascus: and Syria served David under tribute: and the Lord preserved David in all his enterprises, whithersoever he went.
Tedy osadil David stráží Syrii Damašskou, a byli Syrští služebníci Davidovi, dávajíce plat; nebo zachovával Hospodin Davida, kamžkoli se obrátil.
7 And David took the arms of gold, which the servants of Adarezer wore, and brought them to Jerusalem.
Pobral také David štíty zlaté, kteréž měli služebníci Hadadezerovi, a přinesl je do Jeruzaléma.
8 And out of Bete, and out of Beroth, cities of Adarezer, king David took an exceeding great quantity of brass.
Z Betach též a z Berot, měst Hadadezerových, nabral král David velmi mnoho mědi.
9 And Thou the king of Emath heard that David had defeated all the forces of Adarezer.
A když uslyšel Tohi král Emat, že porazil David všecko vojsko Hadadezerovo,
10 And Thou sent Joram his son to king David, to salute him, and to congratulate with him, and to return him thanks: because he had fought against Adarezer, and had defeated him. For Thou was an enemy to Adarezer, and in his hand were vessels of gold, and vessels of silver, and vessels of brass:
Poslal Tohi Jorama syna svého k králi Davidovi, aby ho pozdravil přátelsky, a spolu s ním se radoval z toho, že šťastně bojoval s Hadadezerem, a porazil ho; (nebo Hadadezer vedl válku proti Tohi). Kterýžto přinesl s sebou nádoby stříbrné, též nádoby zlaté a nádoby měděné.
11 And king David dedicated them to the Lord, together with the silver and gold that he had dedicated of all the nations, which he had subdued:
Ty také obětoval král David Hospodinu s stříbrem a zlatem posvěceným ze všech národů, kteréž podmanil,
12 Of Syria, and of Moab, and of the children of Ammon, and of the Philistines, and of Amalec, and of the spoils of Adarezer the son of Rohob king of Soba.
Totiž z Syrských a Moábských, též z synů Ammon a z Filistinských, i z Amalechitských a z kořistí Hadadezera syna Rohobova, krále Soba.
13 David also made himself a name, when he returned after taking Syria in the valley of the saltpits, killing eighteen thousand:
Zvelebil také David své jméno, když se navracoval od pobití osmnácti tisíců Syrských v údolí solnatém.
14 And he put guards in Edom, and placed there a garrison: and all Edom was made to serve David: and the Lord preserved David in all enterprises he went about.
Protož i nad Idumejskými stráž postavil, všecku krajinu Idumejskou stráží osadiv. I učiněni jsou všickni Idumejští služebníci Davidovi; nebo zachovával Hospodin Davida, kamž se koli obrátil.
15 And David reigned over all Israel: and David did judgment and justice to all his people.
I kraloval David nade vším Izraelem, a činil David soud a spravedlnost všemu lidu svému.
16 And Joab the son of Sarvia was over the army: and Josaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder:
Joáb pak syn Sarvie byl nad vojskem, a Jozafat syn Achiludův kancléřem;
17 And Sadoc the son of Achitob, and Achimelech the son of Abiathar, were the priests: and Saraias was the scribe:
Sádoch také syn Achitobův a Achimelech syn Abiatarův kněžími, a Saraiáš písařem.
18 And Banaias the son of Joiada was over the Cerethi and Phelethi: and the sons of David were the princes.
Benaiáš pak syn Joiadův byl nad Cheretejskými a Peletejskými, a synové Davidovi knížaty.

< 2 Samuel 8 >