< 2 Kings 23 >
1 And they brought the king word again what she had said. And he sent: and all the ancients of Juda and Jerusalem were assembled to him.
Tada kralj posla da se saberu kod njega sve judejske i jeruzalemske starješine.
2 And the king went up to the temple of the Lord, and all the men of Juda, and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem with him, the priests and the prophets, and all the people both little and great: and in the hearing of them all he read all the words of the book of the covenant, which was found in the house of the Lord.
Kralj potom uzađe u Dom Jahvin s Judejcima, Jeruzalemcima, svećenicima i prorocima i sa svim narodom, od najmanjega do najvećega. I pročita im sve riječi Knjige Saveza koja je nađena u Domu Jahvinu.
3 And the king stood upon the step: and made a covenant with the Lord, to walk after the Lord, and to keep his commandments, and his testimonies and his ceremonies, with all their heart, and with all their soul, and to perform the words of this covenant, which were written in that book: and the people agreed to the covenant.
Kralj, stojeći na svome mjestu, obnovi pred Jahvom Savez da će slijediti Jahvu i držati se njegovih zapovijedi, pouka i uredaba svim srcem i svom dušom da bi ispunio sve stavke toga Saveza zapisane u ovoj knjizi. Sav je narod stupio u Savez.
4 And the king commanded Helcias the high priest, and the priests of the second order, and the doorkeepers, to cast out of the temple of the Lord all the vessels that had been made for Baal, and for the grove, and for all the host of heaven: and he burnt them without Jerusalem in the valley of Cedron, and he carried the ashes of them to Bethel.
Kralj je zapovjedio velikom svećeniku Hilkiji, svećenicima drugog reda i čuvarima hramskog praga da iz Svetišta Jahvina iznesu sve bogoslužne predmete što bijahu načinjeni za Baala, za Ašeru i za svu nebesku vojsku. Odredio je da sve to spale izvan Jeruzalema u poljima kidronskim, a pepeo je odnio u Betel.
5 And he destroyed the soothsayers, whom the kings of Juda had appointed to sacrifice in the high places in the cities of Juda, and round about Jerusalem: them also that burnt incense to Baal, and to the sun, and to the moon, and to the twelve signs, and to all the host of heaven.
Uklonio je lažne svećenike koje su judejski kraljevi postavili da pale kad na uzvišicama, u gradovima judejskim i u okolici Jeruzalema; i one koji su palili kad Baalu, suncu, mjesecu, zvijezdama i svoj vojsci nebeskoj.
6 And he caused the grove to be carried out from the house of the Lord without Jerusalem to the valley of Cedron, and he burnt it there, and reduced it to dust, and cast the dust upon the graves of the common people.
Izvan Jeruzalema iznio je iz Doma Jahvina, u dolinu kidronsku, Ašeru i spalio ju je u dolini kidronskoj, satro u prah, a prah bacio na groblje sinova pučkih.
7 He destroyed also the pavilions of the effeminate, which were in the house of the Lord, for which the women wove as it were little dwellings for the grove.
Razorio je stanove posvećenih bludnica koji su bili u Domu Jahvinu i u kojima su žene tkale haljine Ašeri.
8 And he gathered together all the priests out of the cities of Juda: and he defiled the high places, where the priests offered sacrifice, from Gabaa to Bersabee: and he broke down the altars of the gates that were in the entering in of the gate of Josue governor of tile city, which was on the left hand of the gate of the city.
Iz svih judejskih gradova doveo je svećenike i oskvrnuo je uzvišice gdje su ti svećenici prinosili kad, od Gebe do Beer Šebe. Zatim je srušio uzvišice pred vratima, one koje su bile na ulazu vrata Jošue, upravitelja grada, nalijevo kad se prilazi gradskim vratima.
9 However the priests of the high places came not up to the altar of the Lord in Jerusalem: but only ate of the unleavened bread among their brethren.
Isto tako svećenici uzvišica nisu mogli uzlaziti žrtveniku Jahvinu u Jeruzalemu, ali su jeli kruhove bez kvasa među svojom braćom.
10 And he defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the son of Ennom: that no man should consecrate there his son or his daughter through fire to Moloch.
Oskvrnio je Tofet u dolini Ben Hinom, kako nitko ne bi svoga sina ili kćerku provodio kroz oganj u čast Moleku.
11 And he took away the horses which the kings of Juda had given to the sun, at the entering in of the temple of the Lord, near the chamber of Nathanmelech the eunuch, who was in Pharurim: and he burnt the chariots of the sun with fire.
Razagnao je konje koje su judejski kraljevi prinijeli suncu na ulazu u Dom Jahvin, kraj sobe dvoranina Netan Meleka, koja se nalazila u blizini, i spalio je u ognju sunčana kola.
12 And the altars that were upon the top of the upper chamber of Achaz, which the kings of Juda had made, and the altars which Manasses had made in the two courts of the temple of the Lord, the king broke down: and he ran from thence, and cast the ashes of them into the torrent Cedron.
Žrtvenike na krovu koje bijahu sagradili judejski kraljevi i one koje je sagradio Manaše u oba predvorja Hrama Jahvina, kralj je srušio, uklonio ih odatle i bacio njihov prah u dolinu kidronsku.
13 The high places also that were at Jerusalem on the right side of the Mount of Offence, O which Solomon king of Israel had built to Astaroth the idol of the Sidonians, and to Chamos the scandal of Moab, and to Melchom the abomination of the children of Ammon, the king defiled.
Uzvišice koje su bile sučelice Jeruzalemu, na južnom dijelu Maslinske gore, i koje je izraelski kralj Salomon bio sagradio Aštarti, sramoti sidonskoj, Kemošu, sramoti moapskoj, i Milkomu, nakazi amonskoj - sve ih je kralj oskvrnio.
14 And he broke in pieces the statues, and cut down the groves: and he filled their places with the bones of dead men.
Razbio je stupove, iskorijenio ašere i njihova je mjesta ispunio ljudskim kostima.
15 Moreover the altar also that was at Bethel, and the high place, which Jeroboam the son of Nabat, who made Israel to sin, had made: both the altar, and the high place he broke down and burnt, and reduced to powder, and burnt the grove.
Isto tako i žrtvenik u Betelu, uzvišicu koju je sagradio Jeroboam, sin Nebatov, koji je naveo Izraela na grijeh, kralj je srušio, oborio žrtvenik i tu uzvišicu, satro kamenje u prah, spalio ašere.
16 And as Josias turned himself, he saw there the sepulchres that were in the mount: and he sent and took the bones out of the sepulchres, and burnt them upon the altar, and defiled it according to the word of the Lord, which the man of God spoke, who had foretold these things.
A kad se Jošija okrenuo i vidio grobove koji bijahu ondje na gori, posla da se sakupe kosti iz onih grobova i spali ih na žrtveniku. Tako ga je oskvrnuo, izvršavajući riječ Jahvinu, koju je objavio čovjek Božji (dok je Jeroboam bio na žrtveniku za vrijeme svečanosti). Okrenuvši se, Jošija baci oči na grob čovjeka Božjeg koji je objavio sve to
17 And he said: What is that monument which I see? And the men of that city answered: It is the sepulchre of the man of God, who came from Juda, and foretold these things which thou hast done upon the altar of Bethel.
i upita: “Kakav je ono spomenik što ga vidim?” Ljudi iz grada odgovoriše mu: “To je grob čovjeka Božjeg koji je došao iz Judeje i koji je prorekao sve ovo što si ti učinio s betelskim žrtvenikom.”
18 And he said: Let him alone, let no man move his bones. So his bones were left untouched with the bones of the prophet that came out of Samaria.
“Pustite ga na miru”, reče kralj, “i neka nitko ne dira njegove kosti.” Tako su ostale njegove kosti netaknute s kostima proroka koji je došao iz Samarije.
19 Moreover all the temples of the high places, which were in the cities of Samaria, which the kings of Israel had made to provoke the Lord, Josias took away: and he did to them according to all the acts that he had done in Bethel.
Jošija je jednako razorio sve hramove uzvišica koje su izraelski kraljevi sagradili po gradovima Samarije da bi srdili Jahvu i učinio je s njima kao što je učinio u Betelu.
20 And he slew all the priests of the high places, that were there, upon the altars: and he burnt men’s bones upon them: and returned to Jerusalem.
Sve svećenike uzvišica poklao je na žrtvenicima; na njima je spalio i ljudske kosti. Potom se vratio u Jeruzalem.
21 And he commanded all the people, saying: Keep the phase to the Lord your God, according as it is written in the book of this covenant.
Kralj naredi svemu narodu: “Svetkujte Pashu u čast Jahve, Boga svoga, po običaju koji je zapisan u ovoj Knjizi Saveza.”
22 Now there was no such a phase kept from the days of the judges, who judged Israel, nor in all the days of the kings of Israel, and of the kings of Juda,
Takva se Pasha nije svetkovala od vremena sudaca koji su sudili Izraelu i za sve vrijeme kraljeva izraelskih i judejskih.
23 As was this phase that was kept to the Lord in Jerusalem, in the eighteenth year of king Josias.
Samo je osamnaeste godine kraljevanja Jošijina svetkovana takva Pasha u čast Jahve, u Jeruzalemu.
24 Moreover the diviners by spirits, and soothsayers, and the figures of idols, and the uncleannesses, and the abominations, that had been in the land of Juda, and Jerusalem, Josias took away: that he might perform the words of the law, that were written in the book which Helcias the priest had found in the temple of the Lord.
Osim toga, sve bajače i sve vračare, sve kućne bogove i idole i sve sramote koje se mogu vidjeti u zemlji judejskoj i Jeruzalemu - sve je to Jošija uklonio da izvrši riječi Zakona, zapisane u knjizi koju je našao Hilkija, svećenik Doma Jahvina.
25 There was no king before him like unto him, that returned to the Lord with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with ail his strength, according to all the law of Moses: neither after him did there arise any like him.
Nije bilo prije njega takva kralja koji se obratio Jahvi svim srcem svojim, svom dušom svojom i svom snagom svojom, u svemu vjeran Zakonu Mojsijevu, a ni poslije njega nije mu bilo ravna.
26 But yet the Lord turned not away from the wrath of his great indignation, wherewith his anger was kindled against Juda: because of the provocations, wherewith Manasses had provoked him.
Ipak Jahve nije odustao od plamena svoga velikoga gnjeva kojim je uskipio protiv Judejaca zbog svih izazova kojima ga je Manaše ljutio.
27 And the Lord said: I will remove Juda also from before my face, as I have removed Israel: and I will cast off this city Jerusalem, which I chose, and the house, of which I said: My name shall be there.
Jahve je odlučio: “Maknut ću Judejce ispred sebe kao što sam maknuo Izraela; odbacit ću ovaj grad koji sam izabrao, Jeruzalem, i Dom o kojem rekoh: 'Tu će biti Ime moje.'”
28 Now the rest of the acts of Josias, and all that he did, are they not written in the book of the words of the days of the kings of Juda?
Ostala povijest Jošijina i sve što je učinio, zar sve to nije zapisano u knjizi Ljetopisa judejskih kraljeva?
29 In his days Pharao Nechao king of Egypt went up against the king of Assyria to the river Euphrates: and king Josias went to meet him: and was slain at Mageddo, when he had seen him.
U njegvo je vrijeme faraon Neko, egipatski kralj, krenuo protiv asirskoga kralja na rijeci Eufratu. Kralj Jošija pošao je preda nj, ali ga on ubi u Megidu, pri prvom susretu.
30 And his servants carried him dead from Mageddo: and they brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in Iris own sepulchre. And the people of the land took Joachaz the son of Josias: and they anointed him, and made him king in his father’s stead.
Sluge njegove prenesoše mu tijelo kolima iz Megida, odvezoše ga u Jeruzalem i sahraniše u njegovoj grobnici. Sav narod zemlje primi Joahaza, sina Jošijina; pomazaše ga i proglasiše kraljem namjesto njegova oca.
31 Joachaz was three and twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem: the name of his mother was Amital, the daughter of Jeremias of Lobna.
Joahazu bijahu dvadeset i tri godine kad se zakraljio. Kraljevao je tri mjeseca u Jeruzalemu. Njegova se majka zvala Hamitah, kći Jeremije, i bila je iz Libne.
32 And he did evil before the Lord, according to all that his fathers had done.
On je činio što je zlo u očima Jahvinim, sve kao što su činili oci njegovi.
33 And Pharao Nechao bound him at Rebla, which is in the land of Emath, that he should not reign in Jerusalem: and he set a fine upon the land, of a hundred talents of silver, and a talent of gold.
Faraon Neko bacio ga je u okove u Ribli, na području Hamata, da ne vlada u Jeruzalemu i udario je na zemlju danak od stotinu talenata srebra i deset talenata zlata.
34 And Pharao Nechao made Eliacim the son of Josias king in the room of Josias his father: and turned his name to Joakim. And he took Joachaz away and carried him into Egypt, and he died there.
Faraon Neko postavio je za kralja Elijakima, sina Jošijina, na mjesto njegova oca Jošije. I ime mu je promijenio u Jojakim. A Joahaza je uzeo i odveo u Egipat te on umrije ondje.
35 And Joakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharao, after he had taxed the land for every man, to contribute according to the commandment of Pharao: and he exacted both the silver and the gold of the people of the land, of every man according to his ability: to give to Pharao Nechao.
Jojakim je dao faraonu srebro i zlato, ali je nametnuo zemlji porez da bi smogao svotu koju je faraon zahtijevao. Svakome je nametnuo prema njegovu stanju, uzimao srebro i zlato koje je morao davati faraonu Neku.
36 Joakim was five and twenty years old when he began to reign: and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem: the name of his mother was Zebida the daughter of Phadaia of Ruma.
Jojakimu je bilo dvadeset i pet godina kad je postao kraljem i kraljevao je jedanaest godina u Jeruzalemu. Materi mu je bilo ime Zebida, kći Pedajina, i bila je iz Rume.
37 And he did evil before the Lord according to all that his fathers had done.
On je činio što je zlo u očima Jahvinim, sve kao što su činili i oci njegovi.