< 2 Chronicles 23 >

1 And in the seventh year Joiada being encouraged, took the captains of hundreds, to wit, Azarias the son of Jeroham, and Ismahel the son of Johanan, and Azarias the son of Obed, and Maasias the son of Adaias, and Elisaphat the son of Zechri: and made a covenant with them.
No sétimo ano, Jehoiada se fortaleceu e levou os capitães de centenas-Azarias, filho de Jeroham, Ismael, filho de Jehohanan, Azarias, filho de Obede, Maaséias, filho de Adaías, e Elishaphat, filho de Zichri, para um pacto com ele.
2 And they went about Juda, and gathered together the Levites out of all the cities of Juda, and the chiefs of the families of Israel, and they came to Jerusalem.
Eles andaram por Judá e reuniram os levitas de todas as cidades de Judá, e os chefes de família dos pais de Israel, e vieram a Jerusalém.
3 And all the multitude made a covenant with the king in the house of God: and Joiada said to them: Behold the king’s son shall reign, as the Lord hath said of the sons of David.
Toda a assembléia fez um convênio com o rei na casa de Deus. Jeoiada lhes disse: “Eis que o filho do rei deve reinar, como Javé falou a respeito dos filhos de Davi”.
4 And this is the thing that you shall do:
Isto é o que vocês devem fazer: uma terceira parte de vocês, que entram no sábado, dos sacerdotes e dos levitas, serão porteiros dos umbrais.
5 A third part of you that come to the sabbath, of the priests, and of the Levites, and of the porters, shall be at the gates: and a third part at the king’s house: and a third at the gate that is called the Foundation: but let all the rest of the people be in the courts of the house of the Lord.
Uma terceira parte estará na casa do rei; e uma terceira parte no portão da fundação. Todo o povo estará nas cortes da casa de Yahweh.
6 And let no one come into the house of the Lord, but the priests, and they that minister of the Levites: let them only come in, because they are sanctified: and let all the rest of the people keep the watches of the Lord.
Mas que ninguém entre na casa de Iavé, exceto os sacerdotes e os que ministram os levitas. Eles entrarão, pois são santos, mas todo o povo seguirá as instruções de Yahweh.
7 And let the Levites be round about the king, every man with his arms; (and if any other come into the temple, let him be slain; ) and let them be with the king, both coming in, and going out.
Os levitas rodearão o rei, cada homem com suas armas na mão. Quem quer que entre na casa, deixe-o ser morto. Esteja com o rei quando ele entrar e quando ele sair”.
8 So the Levites, and all Juda did according to all that Joiada the high priest bad commanded: and they took every one his men that were under him, and that came in by the course of the sabbath, with those who had fulfilled the sabbath, and were to go out. For Joiada the high priest permitted not the companies to depart, which were accustomed to succeed one another every week.
Então os Levitas e todo Judá fizeram de acordo com tudo o que Jehoiada, o sacerdote, ordenou. Cada um levou seus homens, aqueles que deveriam entrar no sábado, com aqueles que deveriam sair no sábado, pois Jehoiada o padre não dispensou o turno.
9 And Joiada the priest gave to the captains the spears, and the shields, and targets of king David, which he had dedicated in the house of the Lord.
Jehoiada o sacerdote entregou aos capitães de centenas de lanças, baldes e escudos que tinham sido do rei Davi, que estavam na casa de Deus.
10 And he set all the people with swords in their hands from the right side of the temple, to the left side of the temple, before the altar, and the temple, round about the king.
Ele colocou todo o povo, cada homem com sua arma na mão, do lado direito da casa para o lado esquerdo da casa, perto do altar e da casa, ao redor do rei.
11 And they brought out the king’s son, and put the crown upon him, and the testimony, and gave him the law to hold in his hand, and they made him king: and Joiada the high priest and his sons anointed him: and they prayed for him, and said: God save the king.
Depois trouxeram o filho do rei, colocaram a coroa sobre ele, deram-lhe o pacto e o fizeram rei. Jehoiada e seus filhos o ungiram, e disseram: “Viva o rei”!
12 Now when Athalia heard the noise of the people running and praising the king, she came in to the people, into the temple of the Lord.
Quando Athaliah ouviu o barulho do povo correndo e elogiando o rei, ela veio até o povo na casa de Yahweh.
13 And when she saw the king standing upon the step in the entrance, and the princes, and the companies about him, and all the people of the land rejoicing, and sounding with trumpets, and playing on instruments of divers kinds, and the voice of those that praised, she rent her garments, and said: Treason, treason.
Então ela olhou, e eis que o rei estava ao lado de seu pilar na entrada, com os capitães e os trombeteiros do rei. Todo o povo da terra se regozijou e tocou trombetas. Os cantores também tocaram instrumentos musicais, e lideraram o canto de louvor. Então Athaliah rasgou suas roupas, e disse: “Traição! traição”.
14 And Joiada the high priest going out to the captains, and the chiefs of the army, said to them: Take her forth without the precinct of the temple, and when she is without let her be killed with the sword. For the priest commanded that she should not be killed in the house of the Lord.
Jehoiada o padre trouxe os capitães de centenas que estavam sobre o exército, e disse-lhes: “Tragam-na para fora entre as fileiras; e quem a seguir, que seja morto com a espada”. Pois o padre disse: “Não a matem na casa de Yahweh”.
15 And they laid hold on her by the neck: and when she was come within the horse gate of the palace, they killed her there.
Então eles abriram caminho para ela. Ela foi para a entrada do portão dos cavalos da casa do rei; e eles a mataram lá.
16 And Joiada made a covenant between himself and all the people, and the king, that they should be the people of the Lord.
Jehoiada fez um pacto entre ele mesmo, todo o povo e o rei, de que deveriam ser o povo de Yahweh.
17 And all the people went into the house of Baal, and destroyed it: and they broke down his altars and his idols: and they slew Mathan the priest of Baal before the altars.
Todo o povo foi à casa de Baal, quebrou-a, quebrou seus altares e suas imagens em pedaços, e matou Mattan, o sacerdote de Baal, antes dos altares.
18 And Joiada appointed overseers in the house of the Lord, under the hands of the priests, and the Levites, whom David had distributed in the house of the Lord: to offer holocausts to the Lord, as it is written in the law of Moses, with joy and singing, according to the disposition of David.
Jehoiada nomeou os oficiais da casa de Iavé sob a mão dos sacerdotes levíticos, que David distribuiu na casa de Iavé, para oferecer os holocaustos de Iavé, como está escrito na lei de Moisés, com alegria e com cânticos, como David havia ordenado.
19 He appointed also porters in the gates of the house of the Lord, that none who was unclean in any thing should enter in.
Ele colocou os porteiros às portas da casa de Iavé, para que ninguém que estivesse impuro em nada entrasse.
20 And he took the captains of hundreds, and the most valiant men, and the chiefs of the people, and all the people of the land, and they brought down the king from the house of the Lord, and brought him through the upper gate into the king’s house, and set him on the royal throne.
Ele tomou os capitães de centenas, os nobres, os governadores do povo e todo o povo da terra, e trouxe o rei da casa de Iavé. Eles vieram pelo portão superior da casa do rei, e colocaram o rei no trono do reino.
21 And all the people of the land rejoiced, and the city was quiet: but Athalia was slain with the sword.
Assim, todo o povo da terra se alegrou e a cidade ficou quieta. Eles tinham matado Athaliah com a espada.

< 2 Chronicles 23 >